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Everything posted by metalmaiden55

  1. My name is Elizabeth and I am from Miami,FL. I am a beginner in the stock market and an intermediate in real estate investments. I am very happy to meet you all and this seems like a very friendly community. I currently own a mutual fund and I own 4 properties (that I currently have rented) under tax only agreement.Nice to meet you all!
  2. I have a venture Idea that I have been thowing around back and fourth that I am almost certain it will prosper in my area, Only thing is the start up is pricey. That has been the only thing stopping me from opening it up. Does anyone know any place that I can share that Idea with potential investors?
  3. Costa Rica is a good place to invest in at the moment. DO NOT invest in South Florida at the moment. Things are higher than ever. You need to wait for that falling point that starts to happen when people sell their homes well under market value. its gonna be a while before that happens around here.( I live in miami,FL)
  4. One of my bosses was explaining to me that you can somehow sell a stock that you do not own. I can't even begin to grasp that explanation. Is it true what he tells me? or was he just pulling my leg somehow to make the stock market seem harder than it is? This matter has had me thinking for the last few days and researching.
  5. Anybody know any good penny stocks? Better yet does anybody know if penny stocks many any profit at all? I heard that the odds of getting a penny stock that actually earns you money and doesnt fall through is one in thousands. Has enyone ever invested in penny stocks? what was your outcome?
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