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Posts posted by Bfbusa

  1. Hello,


    I have been using andautomated strategy in Tradestation to placed orders when price hits the PSAR price either long of short. Trouble is that the platform does't always fire off a trade and I cant figure out why. I called TS tech support but they were no help.I posted to their message board and never received a response.


    I am using Tradestation Strategy Parabolic LE and Parabolic SE to get me in the trade. Then I manage it from there.


    Also every time I look on at the settings it seems that alerts always aren't checked off. I have to reset them every time.


    Any suggestions? Thank you.

  2. Hey Dude,


    I can understand your response given the way I put the question, but I'm way past the basics.


    I've been trading futures for a few years now and have a couple of setups that have worked




    I was attempting a"box" trade on this one with the rationale that the gap was appearing to fill from


    previous close.


    It didn't so now my plan will be to hold till I see signs of a reversal, sell the long and trail. If one doesn't come soon, I'll just close the position. Not the best strategy, I know but I already have a nice profit in the long side so I wont walk away empty handed.

  3. Hello,


    I kike yo get your opinion on how to best manage this situation. I went long the ES on Dec. 28 when they announced the fiscal cliff resolution was agreed upon. I took advantage of that sudden drop as a buying opportunity. When Dec 31 came around the market gaped up but fearing a retracement I shorted the ES in another account hoping the gap would fill, it didnt and now I have a long and a short on the ES locking in a 23 point gain.


    Should I close out for profit or wait for another extreme move, take profit in one and trail the other.


    Your thoughts please. Thank you.

  4. Hello Traders,


    It's been some time since I posted. After years of perseverance, I can finally say I am profitable. I have a trading plan, I use risk management to control my losses and although it is by small amount, I have been making money consistently since last October.


    As with all trading plans, I was expecting this to eventually happen I'm in a drawdown. My last three out of four trades have been stopped out.


    I would like to hear your input on how to manage it. Some say, just keep trading the same size and others say decrease lot size, until your trades start to make money again.


    Your thoughts would be appreciated.

  5. One of my biggest stumbling blocks in trading is getting scared out of a winning position. Sometimes just covering your P&L screen just isn't enough. Sometimes you have to put a trade on and walk away from the screen.


    Using the iPhone with the Logmein app, I was able to put on a position on the YM on infinity platform, move the remote screen to just the chart and then put the phone down and go take care of something else. I would only take a glimpse once in a while to look at the chart. When I see it pass my target or stop price, I know the trade is done. I made +10 on the day.


    Using the iPhone makes it difficult for you to jump in and out because the screen is so small. You also have to be a little careful or you could accidentally fire off a trade in the wrong direction. Make sure you are first acclimated with the Logmein app first. I know, some of you are saying "what" that's crazy, but I feel it is helpfull. Feel free to share your thoughts.

  6. Hi Suntrader,


    I agree with you, I saw that too when I drew the fibs for the $INDU. Thanks for the info with the fib distortion, that's good to know.


    I was just a child back then, but for some reason this bear market reminds me of the 73-74 bear market. Someone described that one as an agonizing sell off and like now, then was also due to, at least in part, from oil. Back then it was the oil embargo.


    Also, I noticed a pattern developing. If this sell off should reach the 2002 low, we may be seeing the completion of a head in a multiyear head and shoulders pattern. I hope I'm wrong, but what the heck, as a trader I really don't care which way the market goes, I just trade the setups.

  7. Thats the DOW mini from the 2003 lows that is. I drew that fib line a few months ago. The other fib line you see is the 127 fib extension from the previous rally attempt. I know, so what, but when I noticed it, I thought it was kind of interesting to see how far it fell. Does anyone have an opinion on this.

  8. Hello friends and fellow traders,


    I am just starting to study Elliott Wave Theory and so sounds interesting. I got this chart in my e-mail a while ago and I like to know what others think. You may have seen the same chart. It is portending that the DOW ( probably the S&P too ) have another wave up to new all time highs.


    I like to hear what experienced Elliott Wave trades ( non-Elliott wave traders are also welcome to respond ) think of this. I look at the chart and all I see is a left shoulder a head of a developing head and shoulder pattern.


    If someone already discussed this in another thread, Please post a link , thanks.

  9. Hi James, how've you been. Nice post you have here. I couldn't agree more. Without discipline, you are finished as a trader. It is one of the best pieces of advice I ever got. Let the trade come to you. One aspect of discipline is patience. Just like the spider in the web. Unfortunately, this all too often an acquired talent. A trait developed over time and over a rising pile of failed trades and lost money.

    May your pile not be as large as mine.

  10. Well, I my self sabotaging ways re-merged again today, but this time, I was taking notice. It comes from within. I find that when I see a setup develop, I manage to justify to my self why I should not take the trade only to watch, that it would have been profitable.


    I think I am very lucky to have found a setup that I find works in most market environments but very often let it go buy. I think I have left almost as much money on the table as lost in losing trades.


    After letting a few go by that would have worked you finally get into one and get stopped out.


    I am going to have to force myself to trade a smaller size and just take the setups as they come. That will be the hard paqrt.

  11. Well, this is pretty much what I will end up doing.


    This whole week I contemplated going large size to help me pick the only the best entries. Well, sitting there with a teen number of contracts on the launch pad with the mindset of really pulling the trigger certainly did make me wait for only the textbook setup. I decided that it was just too risky. I was also becoming " comfortable " with the possibility of taking a loss. I guess I thought about it too long, ( Part of my risk management, consider your losses before taking the trade), and that essentially put me back to square one, being too comfortable in taking a loss.


    This whole exercise did help me bring to focus on sharpening my rules. I will actually trade smaller size in certain situations and gradually increase my size in others.

  12. Good discussion here, even if it digressed a bit. ;)


    Hopefully any new traders reading this are realizing a couple things...


    1) You can't just take what you read in a book, message board, etc. and assume that way of trading will work for you. Here, in this thread, I've tried to explain that in order for me to execute my plan, I need to be in any and all trades that appear, regardless of time. Walter has shared that his way of trading best produces in the first hour of trading. No one is 'right' here as each of us operate differently and have different ideal conditions.


    2) Once you prove to yourself that particular setup(s) at particular time(s) work, trade it like there's no tomorrow. Again, you MUST be confident in your setups due to your hours and hours of work that prove your analysis is solid.


    3) In order to win the game, you must be a participant. You cannot win watching from the sidelines.


    And today was a great example... I had 3 setups today. The first two netted out a gain, but nothing to be exited about. Then the move of the day occurred and with a short around 11am, I literally rode 1/3 of my contracts till the close of the day. This is the kind of trade that I am talking about... First, you have to be in it to have a chance at catching this. Second, if you set a firm goal of $XXX/day, I would have exited this short LONG before it was even close to being done. That's some serious money left on the table.



    Well said Brownsfan.

  13. Nice responses everybody. I really appreciate the input. Keep it coming.


    I find that I agree with both points of view.


    Self sabotage I feel can and does come from not fulling having confidence in your system. That will only be corrected from back and forward testing.


    But I also agree with the other point of view that self sabotage can also come from a much deeper cause. Something in someone's psyche, what that is, I don't know.

  14. Wow guys, I really didn't expect to get so many responses. This is great. I appreciate all the insight.


    I have been thinking about this large size trade and I realize I need a different set of rules. One being, if I am stopped out, it would be equal to 5 days of stop loss limits. That alone will really make me really really cautious. I have to think this over. It won't blow me out even after two straight losses. After that this experiment is over.


    Also, for those who warned about blowing out. No worries. you see, I have a few futures trading accounts spread out over several brokers. I did this first to test out which broker I liked but also I can use one for swing trading, one for daytrading and a third to test out new trades, like longing a position I am short in another account.

    Another advantage is not having all my eggs in one basket so I don't buy too many lots that would do alot of damage.

  15. Once you get into the mindset of knowing what you are going to do when the market does what it does is where you want to be at. Once you are there, the money will follow.



    wsam29, that is one of the best statements I've read here or anywhere. This is what you call a " ah-ha" moment because it changes ones view of the market.

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