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Everything posted by spareappeal

  1. i dont think that it is possible to know the direction of market .. you can only guess that in which way it will go according to the trend and its history ..
  2. hiii thanks for the videos. they came in real handy thanks a lot
  3. got no idea for ace trade . can u please tell me what it is all about
  4. well according to the history an obviously the data available it seems that investing in gold still a better option
  5. mean reversion is a theory suggesting that prices and returns eventually move back towards the mean or average. This mean or average can be the historical average of the price or return or another relevant average such as the growth in the economy or the average return of an industry. This theory has led to many investing strategies involving the purchase or sale of stocks or other securities whose recent performance has greatly differed from their historical averages. However, a change in returns could be a sign that the company no longer has the same prospects it once did, in which case it is less likely that mean reversion will occur. Percent returns and prices are not the only measures seen as mean reverting; interest rates or even the price-earnings ratio of a company can be subject to this phenomenon.
  6. hiii i would say that you should keep on trading even if the money goal is hit. being secure is good i would recommend to take risks in your life.
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