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Everything posted by daedalus

  1. You can see hes still trading it because its all setup on this last video he put out... that being said.... watch when he enters the market... hes down 370 bucks per... lol... http://www.tradethemarkets.com/public/2561.cfm maybe i'm not interested after all! :crap:
  2. I get what you're saying, but i think we are speaking in cross references. I agree with you 110%. I don't trade different time frames, what i was speaking too was the suggestion that I should look at a longer term time chart to confirm my entries on a tick chart.
  3. Well, i can be flexible guys, so here are some more signals from today and last week on time charts. Is there anything more evident in them now? Thanks again for all the input gent's!
  4. I just mean that tick charts take X amount of ticks to close, it isn't a constant like a 2 minute bar, etc. So if the bar i'm waiting to close closes in 1:28 seconds and i'm waiting for the 2 minute bar to confirm, i could potentially "miss the entry". My system entries apply to both tick and time charts, I just prefer to trade tick charts personally.
  5. Yea, the winners run for the most part. In backtesting (manual of course) using strict entry/exit rules yields generally about a 1 risk : 2 reward setup most of the times. Stops are placed 2 ticks below the low of the previous candle. Your right on the tick chart stuff, time charts show volume much better but at this time i'm unable to see how I could incorporate the two into my method since I don't want to be waiting on a time chart to close and miss my ideal entry on the tick chart. Hypothetically though, shouldn't the same kind of rules still apply?
  6. I've been focused heavily on trying to improve my win rate in the system I trade. I think the key to a lot of this might be found in adding volume analysis to my entries. However, I have been unable to find a consistent way of using volume to filter a winning entry from a losing entry. The arrows are trade entry signals that I have taken. 2 Winners, 2 Losers. Is there anything you guys can see using VSA or any other Volume analysis that is apparent that might be able to filter the losers and retain the winners? Is there any key tell tale signs in the volume histogram as the swing is made before my entry off the retracement? Thanks for your help in advance!
  7. I'd want to know what time most of the pit-guys take lunch. Seriously... If they are taking a lunch break, i'd want to be taking a lunch break at that time as well.
  8. Or if you really wanted to do that you could, i don't know, go make your own thread about it rather than hijack mine and take it off topic?
  9. i get that clear as day... but i'm still interested in this one setup.
  10. ANd yet none of this has ANYTHING to do with the OP.
  11. Anyone know if it would be possible to trigger an Alert in TS when the VC hits a certain level like +6/-6? I tried mimicking it with horizontal lines and breakouts intra/interbar with no luck. At least the alert never fired. Any ideas? It would simplify my life 100x's.
  12. He probably just writes off the losses as a business expense! lol.
  13. maybe try using a value chart on a larger timeframe filter chart 2-3'xs bigger than your trade chart?
  14. ??? I didn't know i was posting a lot about TTM. Not trying to promote them, hell i think i've been doing quite the opposite. Heres a post in a separate discussion about their squeeze indicator i made just over the weekend... as you can see... i'm not exactly what you could call a fanboy. http://forums.babypips.com/62982-post18.html I am however, as the OP mentions curious about this new value chart/LRC setup because i trade off value charts as it is and always want to see how other people are interpreting that indicator. Cheers!
  15. Just curious if anyone who currently subscribes could let me in on what the general idea is behind HS's new 1 min GC contract setups are using the linear regression channel and the value chart? He kind of hints at it in the free videos but doesn't say it outright. If anyone is feeling generous i'd love to know! If not, i understand!
  16. you did draw great lines... now just imagine extending those lines out as trendlines... look at where they intersect in the future and you'll see they can be used to point turning points of long and short bias.
  17. I have a friend who has been looking into prop shops in canada heavily (he lives there). After talking with a lot of people and a lot of research it turns out that Bright Trading is really the only legit, and quality prop firm. They have a remote program as well. Hes met with them face to face and been to their offices and is going to join them next month sometime. Hes been really impressed with the type and amount of trading they do. But their trading style isn't traditional in the sense of what typical daytraders are use to. They do a lot of arbitraged positions between correlated equities, etc that are pretty complicated, that being said, they know what they are doing and make money. There is one other firm up in Vancouver that is really good as well. The owner is a guy by the screen name of se7en on elitetrader. He even thinks that bright trading is a quality firm. You might want to send him a PM or something. Only thing is with bright is that they require you take the series 7 prior to joining (you might already have it?). Hope this helps! Cheers!
  18. Heres a link to the thread: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/56/ttm-ddf-value-chart-3388-4.html
  19. I just graduated in may from the University of Nebraska with a triple major in Finance, Investments, and Banking... And not one thing i learned in any class related 1 iota to trading or becoming a successful trader. In fact every investment class I took I was frowned upon by my professors for my profession as if i was some kind of stantic devil worshiper. Believe me, the education that helps is found on the internet, and in your own backtesting and live market action participation.
  20. Try drawing session grids for fibonnaci retracements and extensions. They are just reliable as anything else at predicting potential turning points.
  21. The free one i think only works on a time chart of 5 or 15 minutes. Also make sure your applying it to the daily contract of the contract. Beyond that there is a modified version in the indicators section here that should work if that doesn't correct it.
  22. Oh god no... i'm not even getting close to that. I'm just gonna work myself up 1 contract at a time with a close eye on my equity curve, and account size risk/contract. I'm just curious what potential limitations may be there years down the road.
  23. Tradestation does (they clear through Gain and use gain for spread)
  24. I'm still only trading 1 lot in the NQ but i plan on adding some more size soon. I'm wondering what the max size you guys think (or know?) that market can handle? I've heard from traders that the ES can handle 500 contracts on a normal day without moving the market more than a tick, and 1000 contracts on higher volume days without major slippage. But what about the NQ? Its obviously a smaller market with less liquidity. I'm just wondering what you guys think that market could handle without big slippage. I have seen guys trade 20 lots in it without problems but i've heard that maybe 50 lots would be the upper cap on size? Anyone know any different?
  25. I would also have to know what the average risk is and the average loss is on both systems. How can we evaluate the advantages of a system with understanding the risk? In all of my systems that i created over the years (more methodologies than "systems") I only started getting successful after I started looking at the market from a viewpoint of where can i get into a move with the lease amount of risk. BE RISK AVERSE PRIMARILY, and PROFIT HUNGRY SECONDARY.
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