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Everything posted by daedalus

  1. Always wanted this for TS but only was able to find it for MT4. Thank you so much!
  2. I'm just trying to replicate the Ninjatrader version people have posted and are using. I see nothing in that code or platform that TS wouldn't be able to replicate?
  3. Has anyone tried coding this up for TS? I think it sounds like a very intriguing premise and one i'd like to look into further. I am just digging around in the dark here trying to code it myself and not making much progress thus far. I've been trying to take the number of ticks over a certain period of time and dividing them out to get a value. The higher the value, the higher the intensity? Is my logic correct or am I going about this the wrong way?
  4. Always wondered how it was done. Thanks for the great writeup Tams!
  5. Good work man! You got a lot further than I did. I spent the evening in the EOT free indicator class trying to look at splitter examples for clues... Didn't come up with much. Even with modifying the BA Pressure indicator to look for size it still leaves the fundamental question of how they are pulling this data historically and not just real time... and its one I don't have an answer to just yet.
  6. Couple things to note thus far... I can't find TradeVolume anywhere on google searches... it just references me back to this thread actually. It would be nice to know exactly what and how i'm calling things up. BUT Some things to consider... in the EOT videos they are able to show volume history on the indicator historically (ie it doesn't have to run in real time) which is somewhat odd because the TradeVolume function doesn't allow you to call up historical data. It throws an error if you try and use TradeVolume[1] to get the previous entry... so maybe they are doing it some other way?
  7. Well i started trying to code something like this up again today. But don't hold out hope folks... i'm about as useful with easylanguage as a blind person is at officiating a boxing match. TradeVolume does seem to mimic the T&S window - but does so sporadically... also I can't seem to be able to pull any of its data off and store it in a variable as yet... But i'll keep messing with it. Cheers!
  8. Mr. Black - are those tiny triangles just pivot highs/lows? Good trading today!
  9. The method outlined is a breakout method. I understand that the moves were counter trend which is why they failed. The point of it was that lots of people try and use trendlines and can never seem to figure out why some patterns that are advancing H, HH can snap and make a profitable trade, and others that appear to reverse in their face. I just wanted to show an easy way to qualify trendline trades, nothing more! Cheers!
  10. Interesting stuff! Lets hope they get liquid quick!
  11. ^^ Exactly! Thats the biggest thing I took away from it. When we enter the market as a retail trader we are relying on other traders to step in and push the market in our favor. I think most traders forget this fact and its important to remember.
  12. Easy trading so far today... I got out early at the profit target my management rules said to but you can see... easy, and effective. I'll post more trades from today and we progress! Happy Trading!
  13. Recently i've made somewhat of a paradigm shift in how I trade (and simplified things about 10x's over) but I wanted to share a small observation I have made concerning "trending" markets and ADX readings and how i'm trading. This example is on the Forex markets (as I made the original post for a FX site, but I use this to trade the e-mini's on a 1-5min and tick charts these days) First off, let me preface this by saying if you are a pure trend trader looking for MA cross overs or something into a bigger trend then this might not help you. For the rest of us going short and long based off S/R, trendlines, or Fibs then this will be relevant to you! Ok, so we are all told from various software vendors, trading forums, trading websites, educational vendors that the GOOD trades are in trending environments correct? We are told to wait for the ADX to be > 20 to take a trade? Because then we know the market is trending right? I'm here to argue that this SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE. In fact - its the opposite. I argue that the prime time to look for entries is in fact when the ADX < 20 and by definition the market is NOT in a trend. Think about it like this: If you are getting into a move when the ADX > 20 you are by definition jumping into a position after price has ALREADY MOVED A GOOD DISTANCE IN ONE DIRECTION. Thus, its probability of that trend stopping and a reversion to its mathematical mean is much much more likely which means a move against you is much much more likely as well. Now on the other hand, by getting into a trade when the ADX < 20 we are saying that we want to be in the move BEFORE ITS OCCURS and let us make profit while the ADX is increasing and the TREND is increasing. Here are some examples from Friday on the EURUSD 1 minute chart. The indicator on the chart shows nothing other than a GREEN BAR if the ADX < 20 and a RED BAR if the ADX > 20. i.e. we only are looking for positions when there are green bars. First thing to note - IF you trade like this it will be some of the easiest most carefree trading you've ever done. Why? Because ADX filters 70-90% of the price action on most days. And you sit and wait without a care in the world. I have the indicator set up to alert me when the ADX drops below 20 so I get a message saying pay attention and then we look for trades. This will DRASTICALLY reduce trade amounts, increase efficiency, reduce commissions, and eliminate the possibility of overtrading a market. Lets face it folks - most of us aren't good enough to be 100% on every swing 100% of the day. It gets us into trouble and we all know it. So why fight it? Especially if you can filter 70-90% of the day and only focus on tiny points on the chart where the probability for a trend developing is in your favor? I apologize for the size of these charts but nothing peeve's me more than someone posting a chart example thats too small to see. You should have no issues here. These examples will be nothing more than trendline breaks snapped to a Pivot High/Low reading on the charts. Entries on breaks of the trendlines with the ADX < 20. NOTHING ELSE. You decide the management and targets but it would be pretty hard to lose money here. You are jumping in at the momentum shift BEFORE THE TREND OCCURS. Now take a look at the entries where the ADX > 20 and the pundits would like to tell us its a GREAT TIME TO LOOK FOR TRADES. Almost everything loses. Coincidence? That's for you to decide. I don't think it is coincidence. In fact this is exactly how I trade from here. ADX and trendlines. Call it a day and make money. Only we can complicate the hell out of it "looking for the trend". The truth is the trend is relative, and thus WE DEFINE IT. And if that's the case, everyone else has a difference definition and no one can be right or wrong. So why bother? Swing your middle finger up at the "trend" and forget about chasing it. Its a fruitless effort and a lie, and one that hasn't made too many of us rich. Think its a fluke? Go look at it yourself. ADX and trendlines. The only tools you need to make yourself rich. Cheers!
  14. Suri that worked perfectly!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I just got done reading your book for a second time through yesterday! Great stuff the second time through as well!
  15. I got a little code that just colors a histogram green if the ADX < 20 and Red > 20 and plots a bar that color... Here is the code... //ADX Modified inputs: Length(14), ADXCriteria(20); variables: ADXValue(0), Flag(False); //Begin ADX Code ADXValue = ADX(Length); if ADXValue < ADXCriteria then Flag = true else Flag = false; if Flag = true then Plot1(1,"ADX",green) else Plot1(1,"ADX",red); //Alert criteria if OneAlert (condition11=true and condition11[1]=false) then Alert( "ADX Under 20" ); And it all works right dandy except i'd like to be able to look down at a given time and see what the ADXValue is... If its at 40 then I know I don't have to pay attention for awhile but if its at 21 then I should be looking for setups. But is there anyway to get just the value i've circled to show up without actually plotting the line and screwing up the scaling on the indicator as it is? If I plot ADXValue I get the value i'm looking for but I also have to plot a squiggly line I don't want to have to look at. Possible?
  16. I've tried to duplicate the EOT Volume splitter before but to no avail. I'm just not that good with easylanguage. Good luck to anyone who does get it because I truly think its a great idea and a valid concept (and the EOT guys are making a killing using it to confirm trades!).
  17. Thanks gents! I got it. I had to make another plot name for that specific bar.
  18. ^^ I just want that BLUE dot to be wider... not the entire series of dots. Thanks TAMS i'll give that a shot.
  19. I appreciate the help gents. I've tried both suggestions but I think it just must be getting overridden by something else earlier on in the code. Oh well... just wanted it more for easy backtesting that anything! Thanks again!
  20. I have a indicator that I am trying to modify to my own parameters and i've got everything coded correctly but now i'd just like the trigger plot (in blue) to be wider or something so it visually just shows up a bit better on the chart. I tried something like: with no luck... anyone? kinda hard to see the blue dot, but its there around 12:27
  21. feeling more confident than ever with my trading. had one loss today but my other par trades went greater than 50/per in the nq and 75/per in the ES, but failed to give exit signals so I just didn't get profits out of the swings and got caught with one loss in the NQ. No biggie. I'm still hitting an 87% win rate on the week so far.
  22. ^^ Agreed. And the fact that is was sponsored by Wizetrade made me cringe.
  23. http://www.4shared.com/file/96740657/227e2748/Mark_Douglas_-_Mind_Over_Market.html 53 minutes long and a great talk about trading psychology. Enjoy!
  24. Thats the right attitude HAL!
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