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Posts posted by Fractals

  1. If you built a dominant one, you now need an equal non-dom. If that doesn't happen, and the move continues dominant. What is that first container called now? What happens to it? If you built a dom tape, and a non-dom tape doesn't happen, you can't be at pt3 of a traverse. You still need to build a non-dom tape. This applies to all your levels.



    Thanks. This is where I run into problems. I see a volume sequence then I don't know if the next thing is equal to that or a part of that.


    When you say "if that doesnt happen" do you mean that I need to see the next thing to know what the last thing was? If that is so, how do I tell when the 3rd part of something is done?


    If I stepped on any toes with my question I didn't mean to, I was basing my drawings on a picture from Spydertrader near the first of the thread showing multiple layers of the volume cycle. If this is fractal wouldn't each piece of each piece have the volume cycle?


    I guess I'm just one of the ones it won't click for.

  2. Interesting, what is your previous username in this forum before the recycle to Fractals?


    I'm not sure if I should feel insulted or take that as a compliment. When i said a while, I meant since a bit before Christmas if that maters. I never found the need for a user name before now as the thread seemed pretty well dead.


    I know I addressed my question to jbarnby, but would be happy for your input as well. I see you have been here since 2011, I could surely use some of your experience.

  3. For date 01/02/14 the entire move to 1425 was a faster fractal, building the R2R of the fastest fractal we monitor.


    I have been trying to wrap my head around this method for a while and this is something that just wont click for me.


    I see what you mean where that time period is r2r, but how that r2r is built confuses me. If you would be so kind, when you say it is 3 equal things which 3 are you referring to?


    In other words, which of these images would match the gaussians of one fractal lower than the r2r?


    Option A is 3 equal things with the third one "repeating".


    Option B doesn't really appear to be 3 equal things (to my mind at least) but maybe that's what im missing.


    Or is there an option C?





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