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Everything posted by AbeSmith

  1. Trade 12: -17. Trade 13: -16. I think I'm done for today.
  2. Yes Brownsfan. I'm still using Sierra chart. Why do you say they are not pure VBC's?
  3. Trade 10: -5. Got out before the pullback.
  4. Hello. Markets are down all over the world. Good luck.
  5. Hope all is well, and congratulations to your sister on her wedding. Let me know if I can be of any help if you visit Dallas.
  6. Thanks James. P.S. Did you ever make that trip to Dallas?
  7. My trading summary for today: 7 roundtrips. +9 points. Realized paper profit $15.18.
  8. So you would have waited for the move to confirm, i.e. a drop from the shoulder, and as soon as you saw the high volume drop you would have shorted it?
  9. Trade 7: -16. Error in placing stop. Original stop was to be 6 points but unintentionally typed the wrong number.
  10. Thanks Tin. It seemed like a high probability setup. But the stop was too wide. I think if I had waited for a better entry I could have placed a tighter stop. I'm looking forward to multiple contracts because it will allow me in a case like this to exit one contract and adjust my stop to break even for the remaining contract(s).
  11. Yes. Thanks for catching that. Trade 5 was a short.
  12. Thanks Brownsfan. I downloaded Open E Cry. They gave me a free paper trading account without any fuss. I'm still learning about it, but my first impression is that the chart is very clean. The platform looks good. They already had the YM in a list of other quotes and all I had to do was highlight it and click the chart button. I'm having some difficulty though. 1. The pivot points do not confirm with the pivots at http://www.tradesignals.com/pivots/ I had this problem with Sierra Charts as well and Paul alerted me that if I change the time frame from 24hrs to 8:30 to 3:15 it should fix that. Do you know how to fix this on OEC? 2. Is there a way to make the volume bars have the same color as the candle? Thanks again for telling me about Open E Cry. Looks like it is a good trading platform. I probably won't need to pay for the IE and Sierra Chart anymore.
  13. Thanks again Tin for critiquing my trades. You are right I was late to the party as Brownsfan would say.
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