In my experience, price action is the only way to go for being constantly profitable in all the market conditions.
I personally switched from indicators to pure price action trading after I joined the DnB price action war room, where they offer an excellent course consisting of an actual trading protocol with all the details about the various price action setups, how to enter, where to put the stoploss as well as the target profit. Since I apply the DnB protocol (quite a few months now), I am constantly profitable in the market. The price action can be applied to all the market conditions, and this is the main difference between indicators and price action trading.
When I was trading using indicators, such as MACD, RSI, and/or Stocastic, I used to have several good weeks of constant profit, and then all of a sudden those profits got canceled by few weeks full of disasters. Obviously the market conditions changed, and my indicator based methods were not profitable anymore for some reason.
I do recommend the price action approach to whoever wants to succeed in the trading business, and I would love to hear also the opinions from other profitable traders that are using indicators instead of price action.