I'm trying my darnedest to learn EL and apply it to the OEC trader platform. I'm at the point where I understand a lot of this Klingon dialect but I can't quite speak it yet.
This simple code works well and posts the proper Delta text value at the close of each bar. It also posts the text, only on the most recent 6 bars.
Delta(Upticks-DownTicks ), {Holds Delta values}
DeltaTxt(0); {Holds Text Values}
If Delta <> 0 Then DeltaTxt = Text_New( D, time[1], (h+1.25), NumToStr( Delta, 0 ) );
{Above expression puts text 5 ticks above Hi of each bar}
Text_Delete(DeltaTxT[6]); {Gets rid of all DeltaTxt objects beyond the 6th barback}
Here's my delema. I wish to update the text intrabar so I have a running tally while building the last bar on the chart. If I enable "Tick by Tick update", I get new text objects piling up on each other so it quickly becomes unreadable.(See Image) Is there some code or coding technique that gets rid of the old text object as the new one is generated until the bar closes? I have played for several hours trying to get Text_Delete () to work but have received no joy. Any help,code or explanation greatly appreciated.