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Everything posted by bigarrow

  1. Geez Bannor, there you go with the if you don't have enough money bit. I'm daytrading futures now and my account has enough in it to daytrade stocks. And I was looking to learn more about daytrading stocks. I own a construction company and I am learning/practicing trading. Do I need to show you some bank statements? The $97 I paid is not a big deal, money wise anyway. This is about honesty, this is not about money. I'm not happy because I feel I was conned, the ad said no questions asked money back guarantee and they didn't honor their guarantee. That is the issue not the $97 dollars. I was gullible when I really should of known better, another lesson learned. I know how a warranty/guarantee should be handled, I deal with that all the time in my business. You take care of the customer, period. You do what you say you'll do. If the customer isn't happy you fix it, at least that is how I handle business and have for 20 years. Now hopefully I'll save someone else the aggravation and $140. I'm not selling anything, I have nothing to gain, but hopefully this will help someone make a better informed decision. Again you get much more and in much more detail from sgomez858 free videos on youtube. I'm not sgomez858 nor do I know him, I've just watched his videos is all. Peace out and good luck in your trading Bannor.
  2. You sound just like the ad, I wonder why? Thats an old salesman hard sell trick telling the prospect he can't afford a product to trick him to buying out of pride, old trick. Here is the scoop. The no questions asked money back guarantee is not true. I don't care if it's $15, if you don't get what is advertised then you should get your money back. But you will not get your money back from the harvey site. The youtube site he has will not accept any negative reviews. I tried posting the review below, and it was rejected: "Enjoy the (sim?) trading videos but avoid the course. Poor quality, nothing more than is on the videos. And the "no questions asked" money back guarantee, isn't accurate. Watch sgomez858 videos, his free info is way better than Harveys paid stuff." Oh the new stuff on the site is nothing you haven't seen before, it's just a con to get your money. Send it to him if you want but I'll bet you'll be sorry like I was. Watch sgomez858 on youtube, his videos show much much more for free than old harvey's do. Good luck.
  3. I agree. I (sucker for the day) hate to admit it but I bought the course, if you can call it that. I can honestly say I didn't learn one thing from his course. It was a total waste of time. I kept reading and reading and there is literally nothing useful there LOL I couldn't believe it. At least two of the ebooks are taken from another website and you can download them for free there. I don't know if Harvey borrowed these or he is the other person or what, but the fact is your paying for free information. I will be writing a full detailed review of his product soon with links to that website. Spend your money if you want, I'm sure the alias "Harvey Walsh" will put your cash to good use, but I'll bet you'll end up like me, feeling the fool for falling for his spill. I was real mad at first when I read his ebooks & realized I'd been taken, but I realize the only person I should be mad at is me. In my gut I didn't think his trades were real but he sold me, dadgumit. Hopefully I'll help some other gullible sap save his money and do my good deed for the day. I have the one copy I own that I could give away, but it isn't worth the time to email it to someone and you'd just be waisting your time reading it.
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