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Everything posted by kardisa

  1. I started trading in 2008 and moved to Asia in 2009. Since then, I've lived in 3 countries and have travelled to many more. My trading suffered quite a bit at the beginning, mostly due to a poor internet connection and a desire to explore my new environment instead of focusing on data and charts. The 14 hour time difference between NY and Taiwan also didn't help. It is possible to adapt though. Because I was travelling so much, I could no longer work with several monitors and a desktop. I ended up downgrading (upgrading?) to a Macbook Pro which I sometimes hook up to a 24" monitor. I also moved from day trading to swing trading. It's easier for me to make rational decisions when I don't have to stay up all night. Now I do the bulk of my research during the day while I'm at my other job and enter/exit positions during the first couple of hours of the US markets. I've also started taking advantage of other technology for trading on the go. For example, when I went to the Philippines last month and Thailand earlier in the year, I traded off my Samsung Galaxy 2. It's not ideal, but I can still do basic research and analysis even if I'm sitting on the beach. So yeah, it's definitely possible to travel and trade, but you have to change your strategy/expectations accordingly. I'm no longer pulling in the massive returns that I had when I was daytrading. However, I also don't have as many losses and am MUCH less stressed overall.
  2. Hi everyone. I've been trading on and off for about 3 years now, although I have only recently become serious about it. I started in options and had no trading rules (or knowledge) to speak of. I got very lucky at first and then had my fortunes quickly turn in the "Flash Crash" of May 2010. Since then, I've been focusing on learning about global markets, psychology, and basic trading strategies. My degree is in mathematics, so I'm also learning more about backtesting data and performing statistical analysis using R and Matlab. I look forward to participating in the community here.
  3. Hello all. I was hoping someone could help me to answer a question about R. I know how to calculate the EMA and SMA of a stock using the quantmod and TTR packages. However, I am having trouble figuring out how to create a trading rule that goes long when the SMA is above the EMA and short when the EMA is above the SMA. I should mention that this is just for coding practice, as I am a complete beginner when it comes to R. Thanks everyone, and I look forward to being a part of this forum.
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