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  1. Good advice obsidian. Lots of ways to lose money, very few ways to make it.
  2. Thanks for your time and advice everyone. I am going to have dinner with my uncle that trades futures this evening. I've talked with him before about what he does but never with a focus on getting into it myself. I hope to work something out with him. I hate getting something without working for it (capital to invest), but it does seem that might be a viable option for building a disposable account to invest with. Again thanks for the advice! I'll let you know how the dinner goes and what he and I work out.
  3. Thank you very much for your time and advice. I appreciate the ideas you have given me and I will practice them as time permits (unfortunately I have to make ends meet while trying to become proficient, but nothing worth doing comes easy ) I have one uncle that invests across several markets. He previously owned a few (I won't name the brand, because I'm not sure if it would break the rules of this forum) franchise tax businesses in several cities. He was also a CPA. I think he might be a "gold mine" of information. And I also have an uncle that trades futures (again I won't name the company). The second uncle that trades futures is something of an expert and trades a MASSIVE volume of commodities. I think I will sit down with them and take notes. Both would be more than happy to teach their trade. The reason I haven't is the psychological component of trading. A self defeating attitude more or less. Basically I work for my money and would hate to see it go up in a puff of smoke. One other question I have is how much money is needed to invest? I assume it comes down to the more you put in the more return you get (or lose). Also Jack Francisco you mention investing micro amounts ($200-$300) is this the smallest amount that can be invested? Thanks again for your time friends!
  4. I am a younger person and am interested in trading/investing. I have a basic knowledge as to how trading works, but that is about it. For the last six months or so I have been reading as much as I possibly can on the subject. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Learning from your mistakes is good, but learning from other peoples' mistakes is even better. I have very little money to invest, but an excellent credit rating. Will this help? I am willing to learn and unlike most people my age I do not believe that I know everything nor do I think of the market as a get rich quick scheme. I understand that many of you have years and years of experience (something that I am sorely lacking) and would like to hear any and all advice that you can give. Thank you very much for your time.
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