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Everything posted by Joaaquinn

  1. ok, yes always will be theoretically possibility . But taking into account what I've said: do not old overnight, always trade and close all position without leaving my computer. Has anyone has witnessed a case like this? I do not feel confortable with the possibility of losing the hole contract value but what I understand is that this is a remote possibility (something that is nor very real) if I trade in the conditions that I've said. I'm not sure if SP e-mini would be a good option to start day trading. What are other possibilities? Thanks very much. Joaquin
  2. Understood, my concern was that if after some time of trading futures I decided that they were not for me and I have to pay the full contract value that is something about 65000. So if I day trade, not hold overnight, put stop loss always and never leave any open position without being at the computer. Is not a way to loose the full value of the contract? Correct? Even if s&p drop to 0. (very unlikely) Thanks. Joaquin
  3. Hi, I want to start day trading e mini sp. What would be a good on line broker for that? I should be able to withdraw money to a non us bank account. Other question, I don't know If I understand correctly the thing about margin account. I do not want to risk the value of an entire contract. Let's supposed that I loose and my account goes below the margin requirement. Can I just closed the account without any debt with my broker? I do not plan to hold overnight. Thanks.
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