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Everything posted by darthtrader

  1. you might want to check out GIMP instead of photoshop if you just want to do it more for a hobby. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program its basically a free version of photoshop. if you have never used photoshop before its fine, its a pain if you know photoshop from a UI perspective but its free. you might even want to start out learning basic html instead of an editor. it will take a little longer but once you know some you can just copy a site design you like.
  2. ahh, have to corner the market on Alexander Elder... "A man used to go on a battlefield with his sword and try to kill his opponent, who was trying to kill him at the same time. The winner took the loser's weapons, his chattels, and his wife, sold his children into slavery. Now we trade on the exchanges instead of doing battle in an open field. When you take money away from a man, is it not that different from drawing his blood. He may lose his house, his chattels, his wife and his children may suffer. " "There are plenty of dumb sheep waiting to be fleeced or slaughtered. The sheep are easy-but if you want a piece of their meat, you've got to fight some very dangerous competitors." My favorite one by Elder was something like: "The man who risks more than 1-3% of his account on a single trade is like the fool who runs off to hollywood with a dream of becoming an actor and ends up working as a waiter." "Newsletters are good entertainment. Your subscription rents you a penpal who sends amusing and interesting letters and never asks you to write back, except for a check at renewal time."
  3. ahh wow im surprised Jack's TA book wasnt more advanced. From what I have read about his fundy book it sounds pretty unique. Basically, about using regression analysis on commodity fundys. I love the Intelligent Investor but never got much into Security Analysis. If you ever want a mind blowing valuation book check out Damodaran's Investment Valuation. He has all the models on his website as excel sheets and even has full video of his NYU valuation classes. Damodaran Online: Home Page for Aswath Damodaran
  4. how would you setup your first index futures account/strategy/risk management/position size/profit target? i just closed out my last swing trade today so should be getting setup in the next few weeks. i'm looking to open a $5k tradestation account. trade YM, 1 contract. i have been thinking a 10 point stop, 20 point daily profit target. do those sound reasonable? I would like to then add in another 5k to the account once i'm consistent to be able to scale with 2 contracts. any general mistakes anyone made they would like to share that might be able to avoid? also, did anyone not blow up their first account? I realize that may be a given on this account.
  5. this is not really new but I found this document the other day that lifted most of James Altucher "Trade Like a Hedge Fund:20 Successful Uncorrelated Strategies & Techniques to Winning Profits" explained and wrote up as c++ for free http://www.smartquant.com/introduction/openquant_strategy.pdf the slow turtle is in there.
  6. i took notes the other day on that CBOT video with KLAC MXIM NVLS AMAT. playing GAPS- KLAC MXIM NVLS AMAT pre market less than 30k 90% probability gap will fill 30-80k 80% probability gap will fill. 90% probability half the gap will fill Take half off when half gap fills 80k+ 30% probability gap will fill, use breakway gap signal 10k on ES, 2k on YM tuesday wed thurs, better odds than mon/friday i did not quite understand why to look at these 4 stocks but it sounded like an interesting idea.
  7. Soultrader, is that Schwager's fundamental or TA on futures book? His fundamental book was next on my list until i found mind over markets on here. great setups guys, i just ordered a second 19" inch widescreen so 2 19" wide screens should be enough starting out i hope.
  8. I got this book yesterday and read it cover to cover, as said above, just couldnt put it down. Great fun read. I especially liked at the dinner when Tudor Jones flew in on the helicopter. Someone needs to write a whole book on PTJ.
  9. thanks guys. i guess what i'm still confused about is what is the 3rd party data used for that the tradestation market profile indicator is lacking? is the data something that is input into the TS MP? I'm a bit early with this question as i still have to read mind over markets and actually move to tradestation yet.
  10. Soultrader, nice vid. one thing i dont understand is what makes you pick between using your pivots or going for a fib retracement?
  11. i'm totally confused now. i found this board from searching for alternatives to MarketDelta - See Inside the Chart â„¢ the easylang MP stuff i found on the TS boards and here made me think i was on the cheap but... then in one of soultraders videos he mentioned 3rd party data above the tradestation market profile stuff? question...whats the cheapest per month 3rd party wise you can have proper market profile data to trade YM/ES on using tradestation? i'm still a novice with MP, have never traded YM/ES but i can't see trading YM/ES without it already.
  12. "You will either love this book or hate it" that pretty much sums it up but i would first recommend Practical Speculation over this book. I think if you get anything from that book the probability you will like this book increases exponentially. If you have any bent towards value investing the thing to watch is this book on amazon used, i got a hard copy from a library for 99 cents . I love Niederhoffer and dailyspeculations so i cant rate this book without bias, hes my original hero. soultrader do you have any knowledge of how Vic actually trades? I assume he stat arbs options? that i soppose is the best thing about Vic's books, nothing could be farther from "how to make money" as he basically tells you nothing in that area.
  13. ahh thanks domanaperth, i got it to work now. something was weird with the program associated with opening the file. how about the 03 NYMEX symposium? could never get this to work either. NYMEX Symposium 2003
  14. ahh someone actually got these to work. i still dont get it. even setup to play in real player it just gives me an error. when these work real play should just pop up?
  15. Soultrader, can you give any hints as to how you even got this concept of $TICK hooks? Did you come up with that or is that 3rd party? Its so beautifull.
  16. i think you would be nuts to try to live off trading after a few months. Ive read everything i could get my hands on for the past 2 years. Hell, 2 days ago the videos on this site blew my mind even with that background. My goal is full time trader 7-10 years from now and i have actually done really well trading real money these 2 years. Anything less than that is poor risk mangement for me. The biggest thing ive learned in those 2 years was that there are some things you can't possibly learn without seeing it on the chart/tape and its those things that kill you.
  17. The Three Skills of Top Trading looks interesting. Anyone read Way of the Turtle yet? That and Taleb's Black Swan are next on my list. The last new trader book i got was Evidence-Based Technical Analysis. I didn't even finish it, it seemed more a book about how "TA is nonsense" than what the title seems to suggest. Has some interesting primers on stats but that was about it.
  18. hey everyone, I'm a stock trader looking to get into trading YM/ES and found this board trying to find an alternative to market delta because i dont have to capital to pay the fees for that software...cha ching Ordered Mind over Markets immediately when I found the review on here. I've probly watched half the videos already too, fantastic stuff. I especially loved the $TICK stuff, I follow Brett Steenbarger's blog close but didnt quite get $TICK until those videos. thanks already for this wonderfull amount of information. nate
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