Robotic Trading must work right? We don't know how exactly it's done but we know it's out there. Supposedly all Banks have a Black Box of some kind and HFT trading businesses makes billions if not trillions each year.
I feel that when we are trading now, we're having to trade better than these Robots, which is possibly quite an impossible feat, so instead I hear that some people spot the moves made by the big companies/robots and hop onto the back of them.
I have a robot but it's nothing like an HFT, I use a combination of Statistics and Genetic algorithm , neural Networks to TRY achieve what I am looking for. So far, I personally feel that great success is out there. I try to emulate Price action trading and use arbitrary stats to leverage a higher percentage or have my bot calculate and place orders much more quickly than I ever hope to. So, there is some advantages of Robots, but it's finding what you are comfortable with to make it work. Just like everyone has their own trading style, successful or not, I believe that robots is just an extension of the traders mind. Question is now though, can the trader get the bot to trade as one would do when one is completely on game and focused?