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Everything posted by SILVER

  1. I build my book around EOD data,so in your case I would concentrate on the times of your London market,however,IMO the key basically is to keep recording a series,so it should as well be possible to work with a 24hrs market,given open and close are derived from the same market.Once chosen you have to continue with that time-frame.
  2. E, thanks again for explaining your method.I keep a book and pretty much use his 3day method,and speaking of what if one had a chance talking to him in person,yes,there would be some questions to ask..... @Gann Taylor´s book was the most difficult book to read for me-ever,though I am not a native speaker I am used to quality textbooks from Pearsons et al,well Taylor had me write down every single thought of his to work through the book.And just as a hint for the beginning,when there is "." and he continues in small letters I believe it should be a "," that helped me a lot reading it faster.However,this book needs multiple reads and each will thrive understanding a bit further IMO
  3. Yes I was adressing you,sorry if that was unclear....thanks,as I understand, you are not into objectives a la Taylor or you call it differently. As far as I understand Taylor,he does leave it open whether the BD Objective is penetrated or not,you just buy a higher bottom then in his words.
  4. When you say buy point day,is this then the BD-Objective? I am on a different count,today I have SD but already got a BDV
  5. Great thread! Thanks a lot for keeping alive.....I
  6. The initial text gives an interesting reading.Maybe if it was written in lay-men jargon one would find more bits and pieces interesting.What I find difficult to understand is the part that describes "reality" as indivitual reality,that sounds somewhat like when measuring in science the observed phenomenon is changed by that very measuring process itself and can therefore not be measured neutrally. If this was used as a guideline we still had no idea about things going on around us.On another note,I dont see fear as much as a negative as I do with hesitation.Fear to me is a sign that I am on the wrong side of the market as is hope.
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