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  1. You can try wealthdaily. You can subscribe to a free daily newsletter as well as find archives related to various commodities.
  2. The 12.5 million you calculated in your question is not a share amount, but is a dollar amount AZZ will payout in dividends for the year. So the amount paid out will not actually change the number of shares. The determination of the dividend amount is based upon management's forecast of inflation, earnings, the amount of cash available among other factors. One other thing to note is the actual dividend yield which is 1.6% can change with the market price of the stock. (.50/$31.64). If the market price changes with a constant dividend rate of 50cents then of course the yield will change. The number of shares used is the diluted amount of shares if the diluted amount is a material amount. If not then the basic amount is used. The amount the company pays out will come from the retained earnings in the Shareholders Equity part of the balance sheet.
  3. Hi Tamimi. The .50 you are looking at is the dividend rate. In other words the dividend is 50 cents/share. The 25.0 is the total common shares outstanding, the Treasury shares are shares reaquired by AZZ, and are held for resale. The basic Weighted shares reflects the Common shares outstanding, and the Diluted shares deal with all issuances of common shares which can include stock warrants and options. The company's calculation of the dividend is then based on a percentage of diluted weigted shares.
  4. Hello


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