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Everything posted by nakachalet

  1. :haha: pls do allow him/her to post the location of this wiz first.... i can hardly wait for something so new.... so economical and so very comical.... it would save me several hundred dollars a month, dispatching esig, tradestation, ninja and thinkorswim et al.... :doh:
  2. and you appear to be ready to be scammed again.... soon.... is he related to you in some way....? post his location, if you are serious....? i must be getting even more senile to even respond to this sort of nonsensical come on.... GEEEEZ POST HIS LOCATION, if you dare....
  3. what are you offering? much better if you would just spell it out clearly on the outset? you do not chat like a trader. you sound more like a merchandizer of some product. like to know what you are attempting to sell....?
  4. the article is just too general, too vague and too inconclusive.... to become a guiding module for those who truly wish to join the trading profession.... imho.... :crap:
  5. thx much for explaining, much appreciated really. i just do not wish to see trading comrades losing their acct way too quickly.... if i could help to stretch the losing percentage to cover nine months.... that trader will more likely than not learn the trading patterns to just survive and to just preserve the initial investment or what is left.... just a few months longer.... in the hope that by then.... after a solid year trading live.... he will learn enough to just sit tight and just sit and sit and sit.... until his recognized trading pattern develops on screen in front of him.... yes, at that moment.... your heart beat would race close to 180, your throat would dryup, your hand would shake and your finger would tremble uncontrollably.... but at that precise moment you would remember what your personal stats and personal trading plan tell you.... it is time.... boy.... go and get it.... :rofl:
  6. i did not read the entire thread.... did you or did you not quit your job as yet....? trading for a living is a very tough, very very tough career.... pls do not quit your regular job as yet, ok? in order to be partially successful and minimally breakeven.... it will take up to a year or more of sitting up day in and day out, rain or shine or snow, it does not matter one bit.... sitting quietly all by yourself in front of one, two, three, four or more monitors.... are you gamed for such rigid regimentation all on your own and all on your own impetus....? if you answer affirmatively to the above, then perhaps, there is a very slim chance that you could learn to trade.... just on sim.... before graduating to live signal and another three to six months of accumulating stats of your own, on the time-frame of your own, and on the risk/reward stats of your own.... even if you pass these stages already with flying colors and all.... the deal-makers and specialists at any trading pits will be more than happy to oblige you.... and take your money away as fast as you can place them.... yes, of course, i am speaking from personal experiences.... have been there and done that and kicked myself for being so dumb to assume that i could be smarter than them.... many of those in the pits whom i know, they trade with 3 or 4 tics stoploss.... and earn high six figure each month.... i am not saying all successful and profitable traders trade with such unusually tight stoploss.... however they are exactly some of those whom we trade against each and every session.... my own stoploss looms 100% larger than their.... the very best i could do is.... 9 tics.... L O L ....:missy: for whatever it is worth.... :crap:
  7. may i pls ask a few questions in reference to your post....? 1--Now, let's say you are a momentum trader and you are up $250 on a $1,000 account (like I was today) excuse me, would you be kind enough to explain just which trader or trading group that would trade on a 1k $ acct....? and if the trader is fortunate enough to see his trading acct increased by 250$ or 25% in just one session.... would not immediately protect that profit....? i hope you are not selling dreams.... to dreamers.... here, are you....? 2--Now, let's say you are a momentum trader and you are up $250 on a $1,000 account (like I was today) and you have a total of around $500 at risk. again, it annoys me excruciatingly to hear and see supposedly experienced traders coming out in print stating irresponsible statements such as what you just claimed here that.... you have a total of around 500$ at risk.... which traders in their right frame of mind.... would risk 500$ out of their trading acct of 1,000$.... in any one single trade.... excuse me, my friendly trader.... there is no experienced trader who would trade in any market or in any commodity and/or under any circumstances.... and would put out 50% (500 out of 1k) of his entire capital at risk in any one single trading session.... i do hope that there were some typo errors some where.... 3-Many successful traders just trade the open and morning session. I also do better with morning session. Trading late in day has many pitfalls, namely, limited time to recover and more fakeouts. there is just no statistical evidence to support your assumption here either that morning session is more productive or whatever.... it is all heresy to say the least.... it is however true that most seasoned and profitable traders would avoid the opening and closing minutes.... because either or both of those sessions are very erratic and abnormal in the eyes of many experienced traders.... just for your information.... the specialists at the pits will be willing to take your orders and fill them up just as expeditiously regardless of the trading hours.... try it.... pls kindly do not regard this as a personal attack, ok? it is just my poor reaction to something that is contrary to profitable trading assumptions and practices.... that's all.... ok? wishing you and everyone another profitable trading session.... :helloooo:
  8. First, let me start by stating that I'm a *very* successful trader. I am already more successful by measurable means then most. I honestly, think, it would be difficult to trade the ES for a living with even 100k. Most everything has told me one needs around 300k to trade for a living a trader who claims that he/she is a successful trader need to, imho, already know answers to those two above questions/statements.... shouldn't he/she....? in terms of reality, if you think that you are already a very successful trader.... great, congrats, more power to you.... mind you, there are miles and miles of significant differences between posting on c2 and trading live....; similarly there are also significant differences between backtesting and trading live signal.... they are altogether mutually exclusive.... if and when you already learn the ins and outs of trading real time and live.... you surely do not need 300k nor even 100k.... in your trading acct to trade profitably.... for those who are just learning how to trade.... not necessarily learning how to trade profitably and consistently yet.... these two concepts and practices are also significantly different.... as well.... another misconception about what a trader should receive in return at the end of the trading session, some say they expect 200 usd per day, some prefer 300 usd per day, some 500 usd per session.... so on and so forth.... of course, most of these questions are raised by not yet experienced traders.... for an experienced trader, he/she would take whatever the market would give for that particular session.... no more and no less. another factor directly relates to the amount that one can expect as profit at the end of a trading session is.... what the trader puts at risk when he/she trades.... if you only trade one contract at a time, it is very difficult but not entirely impossible to take home 500 usd profit.... at the end of the trading session.... :missy: if you have time, pls take a look at the attachment and see.... if the trader is successful or not.... he insists that he is still learning how to trade more proficiently.... :o
  9. profit target should depend entirely on capital at risk. if a a trader invests 5k usd in a trading acct, would it be reasonable to expect a 10% return each trading session (500 usd).... would it or won't it be a reasonable expectation? for those new to trading, it would be utterly illogical and impractical to expect such a high return. however, in the hand of an experienced trader, the answer would be much more inconclusive. it is much more likely that the experienced trader could accomplish such feat, perhaps not consistently, but it is not entirely impossible. on the flip side, for new traders to lose more than 2% per session is almost catastrophic in terms of recovery. everyone knows less than 10% of those trading are profitable. so if you are not sure yet, go slow and go very slowly.... nowadays there are many brokerage companies who offer free trial, some with live signal, for those new to trading to practise.... for what it is worth..... if you are not already experienced in trading.... stay completely away from trading currencies.... in spite of many ads enticing many to seek the quick profit.... do not even go near it.... it will eat you up alive.... in taking profit, a trader should only follow his/her own trading plan.... if your sound and well thought out trading plan dictates whatever amount.... that is the only way that you should trade.... if any portion of your trading does not work out after several sessions.... modify your plans to accommodate your new discovery.... however, never change your trading plan in the middle of your trade.... more succinctly.... never allow your elusive emotions to interfere with your trading.... K? wishing everyone another profitable session today.... :applaud:
  10. geeweeezzzzzzz


    are you guys lonely or something?


    you ought to know, it is rather lonely at the top. but i am not at all lonely. i surround myself with feathered and winged friends who always are more than delighted to see me more than thrice a day.


    during the day in the east, i am overwhelmed with family corporate oriented chores


    :missy::o:obut in the evening, i got to play with my friends in the pits, trying to come up on top each and every time.... lol :missy:

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