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Everything posted by stopnlimit

  1. Hi Everybody! My name's John, I'll save the bio for my profile (it's already up there if you want to read my life story), but I thought it polite to say "hi". I've been futures trading for around 4 years now but am not a consistent day trader, as I have a separate "day job" that keeps me busy. I have an assisted account with my broker that keeps me active in the market and allows me to make my own trades when I can. You'll probably see me the most over the weekends if I don't have additional work, though I'll also try to pop in during the week . BTW, thank you to everybody who contributes consistently here... I've been active in other communities like ET for years now, but after spending the last few months as a guest viewer here at TradersLab I decided I wanted to expand my sphere to this community of very knowledgeable individuals .
  2. I don't mean to break up the flow, and if I'm really not supposed then I hope a moderator will remove my post, but I wanted to say thanks for posting this consistently. Valuable insight is made 10x more valuable when you can count on it being there.
  3. It depends on the week, sometimes certain markets just "feel" better, and other times they really ARE better. Like the volatility in crude right now - "new lows new lows!" Currencies are an interesting instrument if you're looking for a challenge. What makes them so unique to me is that they really reflect the global world we live in. No matter what time of day it is there's a currency that's trading.
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