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Tell Me What I Am A snake and a rabbit were racing along a pair of intersecting forest pathways one day, when they collided at the intersection. They immediately began to argue with one another as to who was at fault for the mishap. When the snake remarked that he had been blind since birth, and thus should be given additional leeway, the rabbit said that he, too, had been blind since birth. The two animals then forgot about the collision and began commiserating concerning the problems of being blind. The snake said that his greatest regret was the loss of his identity. He had never been able to see his reflection in the water, and for that reason did not know exactly what he looked like, or even what he was. The rabbit declared that he had the same problem. Seeing a way that they could help each other, the rabbit proposed that one feel the other from head to toe, and then try to describe what the other animal was. The snake agreed, and started by winding himself around the rabbit. After a few moments, he announced, "You've got very soft, fuzzy fur, long ears, big rear feet, and a little fuzzy ball for a tail. I think that you must be a bunny rabbit!" The rabbit was much relieved to find his identity, and proceeded to return the favor to the snake. After feeling about the snake's body for a few minutes, he asserted, "Well, you're scaly, you're slimy, you've got beady little eyes, you squirm and slither all the time, and you've got a forked tongue. I think you're a lawyer!" ------ :haha: Hahahahaha
this post is one of the good answer!
lol how did you know?
"It's tax time. I know this because I'm staring at documents that make no sense to me, no matter how many beers I drink." -- Dave Barry "The number of words dealing with income taxes in the Internal Revenue Code and IRS regulations rose nearly tenfold between 1955 and 2005, from 718,000 to more than 7 million How is a mugger different from the Internal Revenue Service? Both take your money, but the mugger doesn't make you fill out forms." --Jacob Sullum in Reason "More than ever before, Americans are suffering from back problems: back taxes, back rent, back auto payments." -- Robert Orben "To tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men." -- Edmund Burke, 18th Century Irish political philosopher and British statesman "Taxation with representation ain't so hot either." -- Gerald Barzan, humorist "Earlier today, the White House released President Bush's tax return. Not surprisingly, under dependents, the president listed Iraq." --Conan O'Brien "The IRS now says you can deduct weight loss plans off your taxes. You can write it off because the government has officially declared obesity a disease. And it's a disease, you can deduct medical expenses. That shows what a difference an administration can make. See under Bush, obesity is a disease. Under Clinton it was just sexy." "The term "tax humor" is no doubt an oxymoron to many people; to the more cynical, it is an apt description of the entire tax code." -- John F. Lekel "You must pay taxes. But there's no law that says you gotta leave a tip." -- Advertisement "It's income tax time again, Americans: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta." -- Dave Barry "If a person is an economic being and figures out the odds, then there is a very high incentive to cheat. That is, of course, putting aside honor, duty and patriotism." -- Jerome Kurtz, former Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service "The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling." -- Comedian Called in for an audit, Mr. Briggs was confronted by a surly IRS agent. "It says here, Mr. Briggs, that you are a bachelor; yet you claim a dependent son. Surely this must be a mistake." Looking him straight in the eye, Mr. Briggs replied, "Yup, it surely was." "A fool and his money are soon parted. It takes creative tax laws for the rest." -- C Bob Thaves "The question is: What can we, as citizens, do to reform our tax system? As you know, under our three-branch system of government, the tax laws are created by: Satan. But he works through the Congress, so that's where we must focus our efforts." -- Dave Barry "Worried about an IRS audit? Avoid what's called a red flag. That's something the IRS always looks for. For example, say you have some money left in your bank account after paying taxes. That's a red flag." -- Jay Leno "If you are truly serious about preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract - teach him to deduct." -- Fran Lebowitz "Day in and day out, your tax accountant can make or lose you more money than any single person in your life, with the possible exception of your kids." -- Harvey Mackay " In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other." -- Voltaire "Our party has been accused of fooling the public by calling tax increases 'revenue enhancement'. Not so. No one was fooled." -- J. Danforth Quayle V.P. The more you earn, the less you keep, And now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to take, If the tax collector hasn't got it before I wake. -- Ogden Nash This guy walks into the tax auditor's office, the auditor looks at him and says, "Please Mr. Johnson, take a seat. We already own a piece of yours."
The Dog's Diary: 8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing! 9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing! 9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing! 10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing! 12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing! 1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing! 3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing! 5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing! 7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing! 8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing! 11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing! ------------------------------------------ The Cat's Diary: Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Jerks! There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now
there is nothing to worry. I know KIWI will come back in this forum because he will miss all of you.
yeah, there is always a forex:crap:
Just read this article from http://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2011/03/07/inflation-expectations-our-take/ MARCH 7, 2011, 12:12 PM ET Inflation Expectations: Our Take. Not to beat a dead horse, but here’s a longer-term look at 10-year breakevens. As MarketBeat regulars know, breakevens are the yield gap between the interest on regular Treasurys and their TIPS versions. And they’re one of several inflation indicators followed by the Fed. Here we’ve got the 10-year breakeven. You can see it nosedive during the financial crisis amid worries that the U.S. was about to slip into a Great Depression style deflationary contraction. They’ve clearly moved higher, but to me this doesn’t look like panic about inflation, rather it seems to reflect the return of something a bit more like a regular economy. But as we often say, the markets are Rorschach tests, and people see what they want in the meanderings of these markets.
I'm still reading articles on Money Management, and as a good start for today, I have found some keys to be wise on money management. These could help us to control our finances and learn how to budget. 1. Set a Proper Goal Set a practical goal to be sure that money being managed is in clear sight. Always start with small with objectives like paying off a credit card within a specified number of months or saving by the end of the year. Your money management goal should be projected towards a comfortable retirement. --Setting up a goal is really really important to be able to get ourselves prepared and motivated. This is a very important part for me,too. 2. Take a Stock of Your Money Keep a track on the stock of your money to know how much means you have actually have. Include all the cash in your pocket or purse, piggy bank cash, bank balances, available credit from credit cards etc. count down your assets also as they a type of your money. Short term assets can be turned into cash whereas Long-term assets would enable you to save money and increase your wealth. --Yes! I think this could also be a part and a real key to money management! Every single bit could be a help! You should also know every single detail of how much money you have. 3. Track Your Income and Spending By keeping a track on your income and expenses you will know where your money goes and it will let you to be prepared to set up a realistic budget for future spending. By knowing how much you have to spend and spending within limits or within that is allotted puts your finances under your control. After you are known about the whole money you have and what income you can expect to get, take some time to find out where your money goes. Make it a practice to note down your spendings for each month and every month. --You should have to prepare a journal notebook and record where your money goes. Lol. This could also work! 4. Record Keeping Keep a record of everything which includes the cash you spent, your bill payments, check, debit, and credit card expenditure, how much amount you paid and where, date of purchase. --like what I have said, you should provide a notebook for yourself to record your expenses and earnings. **Following those simple steps could help you on Money Management Reference (for the Numbered items): http://www.articlesbase.com/personal-finance-articles/some-keys-to-wise-money-management-1946278.html
Sorry for that Sir! I was just trying to relate in trading. For an instance, a trader like me bought a stock which I know would not profitable, lol. And, how would I able to solve this kind of situation. Maybe I just misused some words or not appropriate. Should I delete the thread? Again, I apologize for that.
Should I worry if I am spending anything here and there? Please share me your experiences in this situation: You tend to buy anything but you really don't need it. I really can't help but to spend my money on buying things which are not that necessary.Coz, it's really irresistible. That's why, saving money could not be easy :crap: How were you able to solve this problem? =D
I really do love reading articles, and at this moment, I've been reading articles about Money Management. And when I read this article, these caught my eyes. And for me, this lessons really could serve as basis on managing money the right way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. No one is going to manage your money for you I don’t think that I ever really thought about money management until it was absolutely necessary. While I did pay the bills and learn some practical life skills in college, it wasn’t until I got my first professional job that I was actually in charge of my own finances. No one (read: my parents) was looking over my shoulder telling me what I could and couldn’t afford. I was in control of my financial destiny – for better or for worse. 2. Money doesn’t grow on trees Obviously, I knew that money didn’t literally grow on trees, but I also didn’t understand the value of a dollar. Growing up, whenever I needed money, I simply asked my parents for it. So I knew how to spend money, but didn’t understand what it took to earn it. I’m now a big proponent of parents teaching their children about money management, even at an early age. 3. Education is essential when it comes to money It’s unfortunate that financial management is not taught as a course in high school because it could really benefit a lot of young people. Many money mistakes are made early in life, including piling on credit card debt. Then, in your twenties, you have to figure out how to pay off your debt. It’s never too late to educate yourself about money, so look to financial experts such as Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey to learn how to manage what you’ve got. 4. Budgets are key Though I finally had autonomy over my own finances, I still lacked control. What I needed was a management system in order to know what was coming in and what was going out, as well as a way to make sure that I was not overspending. I created my own budget with the 5S System, and it has worked very well for me. Although there are ways to manage your money without using a budget, this system works well for many people. 5. It is possible to not use credit Although it is not always convenient or desirable, it’s possible to live without using credit cards. And when you figure out how to do it, a burden will be lifted off your shoulders and you’ll gain financial freedom. You will also develop important life skills such as patience, hard work, and perseverance as you save up for what you need and want. 6. You must make the effort to shop around I really dislike shopping, whether it is for clothes, groceries, or for gifts. I have a tendency to buy the first thing I see that fits my needs. “Get in, get out” was my shopping philosophy until I learned that shopping around and utilizing discount coupons can really save me money. It takes time and effort, but pays off by helping me stick to my budget and not have to use credit. 7. Expect the unexpected Life can be full of surprises, and I’m more at peace when I’m prepared for them. Over the years I have built up a good-sized emergency fund for when the unexpected comes. But the unexpected is not always a bad thing. Sometimes the unexpected comes as a bonus check, a raise at work, or even a forgotten $20 bill in a winter coat. In those instances, I either put the surprise to good use or simply enjoy extra money that I did not have budgeted! 8. Money doesn’t solve problems Every once in a while, I find myself thinking, “If only we had a little more money, then life wouldn’t be so challenging.” But challenges can actually be a good thing. We as humans are designed to work and solve complex problems. We would be unfulfilled if we didn’t have to work hard to earn life’s rewards. I’m not saying that having more money won’t sometimes help a bad situation, but problems never just disappear because of money. 9. It’s better to give There’s a certain sense of satisfaction that goes along with leading a life of stewardship by giving of our time, talent, and treasure. I find that when I am less selfish, I am more at peace. Giving goes beyond just the monetary level, and you don’t always need to do big things to make a big impact. Mother Teresa once said, “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.”
I just want to have an additional information regarding market profile, here it goes: A Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J.Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), ca 1959-1985. Steidlmayer was seeking to evaluate market value as it developed in the day time frame. Steidlmayer's charts displayed a bell shape, fatter at the middle prices, with activity trailing off at the higher and lower prices. In this structure he recognized the 'Normal', gaussian distribution he had met with in college statistics, (3). The Market Profile graphic was introduced to the public in 1985 as a part of a CBOT product, the CBOT Market Profile (CBOTMP1) (2). CBOTMP1 included the new Liquidity Data Bank (LDB) data; end-of-day clearings, identified by the class of trader in the pits ( (1) local, (2) commercial, (3) members filling for other members and (4) members filling orders for the public). The Profile was proposed as a trading methodology for using these new data. CBOTMP1 advertised the Profile/LDB as the way to 'Improve Performance'. It is described as "the only variable-cost ticker service in the commodities industry." Objective and Subjective Elements in a Market Profile The objective part of a Market Profile is the profile display. This comes directly from the data itself, creating TPO's (either from LDB or tick data (11)). A key element is the Initial Balance, the range and price location of the first hour of trading. Subjectively, Steidlmayer recognized a few behavior patterns or 'Day Types' in the early part of the day (tied to the Initial Balance), defining 3 types (CBOTMPG1, Pg 12) and later, 4 (CBOTMP2, PG 4, 12). Each type developed certain characteristics, telling which sort of trader is in control (short term traders, longer traders, etc.). Mind Over Markets lists 9 day types (9). See reference 10 for a discussion of this point. Day types, of course is chart reading and forecasting. The well known problem with interpreting charts is the multitude of potential interpretations for most any chart. Mastery theory offers some hope for traders who are willing to spend the time and effort in understanding the auction market environment. But that path can well take 10,000 hours of training. A large part of CBOTMPG1 and more particularly, CBOTMPG2, is devoted to 'reading' the profile as it develops throughout the day. CBOTMPG1 suggests that it will take six months to a year to learn the Market Profile methodology. I just hope this'll help for the people who don't know what MP is.
Thanks for the information. I know time and performance really matters in financial activities, too. Every single event matters. We could rely to the time and performance to see if our work or investments would be appropriate. Why are some investors waste their time, what do you think??
Thank you for the information! I would like to know if there are methods to follow to be able to have a good financial investment?? What could be a good way and options when to invest or not?? Thank you!! i am new in here, and i don't have the proficiency yet, hope someone could help.
Hi there! I would like to know when will I be able to post automatically? I mean, my posts are all under moderation. When would my post be also visible forever? Thanks! Hope to hear from you!
Hi there! I would like to know when will I be able to post automatically? I mean, my posts are all under moderation. When would my post be also visible forever?
Thanks! Hope to hear from you!
All what you have listed are all good! For me, my wish list for the year 2011, I hope that this year would be a good start for me in trading. I just hope that everything in stocks would be in good condition;. I just hope that TL would have many active members too!! ) Each and everyone should provide helpful information on trading.
Hi everybody! Thanks for the information you have given! I would like to know if what could be the best and effective way in the market that could give many contribution to all? Some markets could be new and hot, but some are not reliable or proficient. Of course, every trader would like to know of what could be entrusted. Thanks =D
Sad Day Today - I Put My Dog to Rest
ALexLutiera replied to brownsfan019's topic in General Discussion
That's very sad for you. And me, too. I also experienced saying goodbye to my pet, which is a pup, her name is Yuki. She was 3 months old when she died. I really missed her so much! I miss the way she wakes me up every morning, and the times when I am chasing her. She is a very naughty puppy, but I love her. It is really sad to say goodbye especially to the one's who became very attached to us. T.T -
It is goos to know first, if our money would be safe in the bank. Some banks may get corrupt, and even bankrupt. I know it is really hard working for money, so we should also be wise enough on where to place our money. There could be many reliable banks out there. You should choose which is mostly used and entrusted by people.
Eating is one of people's hobbies. But, I just hope, that when they eat, they also think of the nutrition they intake. Eating a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruits are very healthy!! Even, chicken's meat is much healthy than pork. People has to avoid processed food because it is not good for our health. We should love our body and health to avoid future diseases. =D
I have a lot of hobbies. While I am at home, I do cooking, baking, and doing a lot house chores. I love surfing the net and interacting with other people. Outside, I love hanging out with my colleagues and with my family. I attend church, too.
HI!!! Happy New Year! Lol It's already 2011