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I and several others seem to have fallen into a trap that I have recently become aware of. I had been told that the method had changed considerably between the ET threads and this one, but I thought that was just in terms of concepts like “lateral movement” and “faster fractal traverse.” The reality is that the fractal concept is used in a drastically different way in the ET threads and is fundamentally incompatible with what is presented on TL. Trying to apply concepts from the ET threads to a TL conceptual foundation has been sadly counterproductive for me. Spyder has explained several times that when he started futures, he was able to trade mostly intuitively without being fully aware of his thought processes. I believe that as the threads went on, he became more consciously aware of what he was doing subconsciously and refined his understanding of the price/volume relationship. Going back over the ET threads, I can see how Spyder’s explanations gradually shifted more towards what is presented on TL, with one of the largest pieces being a shift from defining traverses as having a visible retrace, meaning that a lower fractal level is visible, to being a distinct and consistent fractal level made up of containers that are one level smaller. Glancing back over this thread, I see that gucci also saw what I am seeing now. Learning to view the price/volume relationship as presented here on TL is comprehensive and complete. It is not lacking anything that you will find in the ET threads. If one wishes to learn from the ET threads, I believe the best way to do that is to set aside the concepts of consistent and distinct fractal levels and follow those threads exactly as instructed, possibly preceding this by trading equities for a few years, as Spyder did. Given that I believe what is laid out in this thread to be the pinnacle of Spyder’s understanding of markets, I have decided that starting from here and moving forward is the best path for me to follow. Anything that happened before 2009 is not something I will spend time on. I will follow exactly what is laid out early in this thread, looking at charts for similarities and differences that signal continuation or change on different levels of sentiment. I believe that the ten cases are the metaphorical letters. I also note that Spyder has emphasized differentiating between them over annotating a chart. This process does not require perfectly annotated charts to begin. I hope this helps others to decide exactly what course of action they want to take in order to reach their goals.
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Does anyone happen to have charts for the "channel drill" from June 13 2009 to August 5 2009? edit: For anyone wondering, I did find the answer to my earlier question. The accelerated RTL is used for RTL break test and pt2 confirmation of a new container.
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So, another general question about maintaining fractal integrity. Let's say I have a traverse, and it accelerates. I get a new point 3 and I redraw the RTL. What are the requirements now for establishing a new traverse in the opposite direction? Does point 2 need to occur outside the accelerated RTL, or the original RTL? I would think that a pace acceleration would reshape the container in such a way that the new RTL becomes the meaningful RTL for maintaining fractal integrity, though the original RTL may still be relevant as a bookmark. Spyder did state early on in the journals that the original RTL was mandatory and the accelerated was optional, but I don't think there was the same emphasis on fractal differentiation back then. Examples early in this thread lead me to think that this is not something to go by. Has anyone had good results maintaining fractal integrity while requiring original RTLs to be broken after a pace acceleration greatly steepens a container?
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No noise. Changed some fractal levels from yesterday. Something about VEs that I need to look into. Tried a new convention for doing sub-skinny volume lines. I think I like it.
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I was expecting to see a down traverse followed by up traverse today. I guess I got something like that. Pretty sure I'm not off by a fractal level, but if anyone has something different, I would like to see it. One goal I had for today was to see volume with no noise and annotate every peak and trough. Every volume peak is a point 1, 2, or FTT, while every volume trough is an X2X or point 3. 15:30 I did not see a complete sequence for. I expect this is because pace increased after the initial R2R and dropped the second trough out of visibility.
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Today's chart. Low volume with FBOs was tricky in real time. I can't attach the spreadsheet I made for pace so I took a screenshot of the output. Volatility data is only the last 14 days but volume data goes back 20 days. Current as of EOD today.
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Early day clarity on yesterday's puzzle, and some perspective
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It is interesting to me that we have ended up at about the same place. I started my current annotations from a clean slate a few days ago, so I've been wondering if my largest container would be off. I seem to have aligned with correctly drawing an up channel, but I did notice mine had a little bit different slope than yours. I believe yours was correct, and by annotating as consistently as I could, today brought me to the same place in that regard. End of day gives us a tricky thing. The lateral we have there, I expect it to be a non-dom inside the tape, and here is why. Volume trough does occur on volume, but it occurs on the first bar of the lateral, with volume increasing steeply afterwards. In other words, no volume trough to correspond with the two actual down bars. On top of that, the lateral bar touches LTL, which in several examples does not end the tape until the lateral ends. However it is end of day, where we expect volume and volatility to be increasing, and there is a volume trough.
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Today was difficult in real time, especially in the early day. I did draw an up traverse that did not break RTL of a down traverse that had VE'd steeply and did not create a new point 3. Ultimately I decided that it makes sense on volume, so I'm doing it. I think I got on track and feel pretty good about 11:10 on.
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Haven't found myself upside down yet. Feeling good about that. Bookmark at 1402 today for down channel and watched two bars come up to 1401.75 before reversing. That was a little perplexing, but it worked out. Now I have an RTL that moves one tick down for every 82 price bars.
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The current up channel, as I see it. Possible end at 15:10 today
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The explanation I remember probably came from Jack but might have come from Spyder. It was that the character of the market after hours is different than the character of the market during RTH. Different players playing for different reasons in different ways. Same instrument, but the difference in participants creates two very different environments. Similar comments about the last 15 minutes of the day as that is a transitional period between the two. As I understand it though, your trading style includes elements of JHM, with the rest not being anything I am familiar with. That being the case, the intraday gap may be relevant to you where it is not for others. I wouldn't know.
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Not much commentary for this one. Lot of FBO. I feel like the first one could have been better anticipated in real time because the RTL from the previous container fell right across that movement.
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Taking a stab at how I think pace lines may be used in differentiating fractals. The fundamental concept: volume must reach a certain magnitude in order to define points of a container on a certain fractal level. Going to use PST times so that people don't have to convert when looking at my chart. Excitement begins on my 7:05 bar. RTL break on high volume, a pace level is set for the new fractal. Decreasing volume for several bars, until 7:25. We know that this inc red vol is 2r of a lower fractal because pace is much lower. Pace returns to complete traverse level R2R at 7:50. Until that bar, we knew we were still waiting for point 2. Point 3 follows and a return to dominance is confirmed by volume pace returning to the level set by point 1 and 2. A clear reversal follows. I am not sure what pace level to use as a starting point for the new traverse. We are looking for rising black to show us our point 2. We get rising volume that breaks into the pace level I feel good about at 9:10, but it is a down bar. Two bars later, high volume pace gives us point 2. 9:50 is not point 3 even though price wants you to think it is. Black volume drops another pace level. A sub-tape fractal is visibly building. I get a little fuzzy after 10:25 bar. PRV is initially strong and suggests it will break into the pace level I'm watching and give us point 3, but it falls short. I do not know if I should expect it to reach the same pace level, or an adjacent pace level, or what. I'm still making guesses as to how this actually works, but I think I'm on the right track. Could the relevant pace tier have dropped for this fractal? It seems quite evident after bar 11 that we have our point 3. Bookmark for the non-dom down thing is broken. Volume isn't strong, but suggests up dominance. I am pretty sure that in an up trend, point 3 cannot be higher than point 2, but that may not be a tenent. RTL break on increasing volume looks convincingly like a new down traverse. I'm going to presume that fractals can shift pace levels and that I will have to look for signs of that happening. Decreasing red volume, trough is below a pace line, increasing red volume back to the same pace, I annotate R2R. 12:05 bar breaks into a higher pace level. I do not know if this is significant. I also do not know if my pace lines are exactly accurate, though. Looking for volume to break 18000 to confirm point 3 since 12:05 bar broke into the higher pace level. 12:35 bar gives that to me resoundingly. From there, ride to close.
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Fantastic. Suddenly it makes so much more sense why people made a big deal out of that graphic. Also, from Jack's document that Corey pulled up: That's good! Price containers are also not a continuum. I have a big write-up for end of day attempts at understanding pace. If you like words, you won't want to miss it.
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Very much so. If I remember right, the TN toolset recalculates the pace lines based on the last 20 days, but I never learned the algorithm. I am pretty sure that the original pace lines were calculated off a statistical breakdown of bar volatility by volume and separated into categories, but I doubt that Trade Navigator is doing that on the fly. Still, it can't be as simple as moving averages with a modifier, unless the modifier is very complex, otherwise they would maintain proportional spacing. If anyone can provide some insight into how pace levels are determined, that would be fantastic.
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If a literal interpretation of volume was the solution, this would be easy. "Pace" I understand, as a word. I do not understand how to work with it in the context of this method. I have seen Spyder point out the trend lines and tell people to look at the behavior of price and volume that occur at different pace levels. This doesn't tell me what to look for very well. At first, I thought it was a way to anticipate intrabar movement when combined with PRV. I saw the breakdown of bars by volatility and pace level and figured that was it. People are using pace to anticipate bar volatility when combined with PRV. Like a finer level tool. Sounds nice, but not very important. It is clear to me now that pace is a critical part of fractal differentiation, but I have a tremendously vague idea of how it might fit into things. TL thankfully has a "Search this thread" function. One of the largest problems I've noticed with teaching or learning this method is that useful information gets scattered across thousands of posts in dozens of threads over several years. I'm going to work towards compiling information on the use of pace. Please do contribute, if you would like. I have guesstimated current pace lines, from Vienna's most recent chart: 46000 37000 29000 18150 8250 1200 One of my first thoughts about pace lines is that they can't be very accurate if they don't adjust downwards during the midday and upwards towards the ends, but perhaps that is not so. I will see what I see tomorrow with those in place. I lost it in a flurry of new tabs, but somewhere I had a reference to someone, possibly cnms2, saying that they look for similar levels of volume to form components of a given fractal. This gives me one of my first clues towards how to use pace. I have glanced over a few charts and so far it looks like a good idea. It is hard to describe succinctly, I may have to learn to draw notes on charts. edit and followup: I just started re-annotating my chart for tomorrow since I got a modified volume indicator that works on a black background (thanks FilterTip). Picked a point to begin annotating from, and had a sudden "oh my god" experience when I realized how perfectly it works with the pace lines. I have a good feeling I will have a lot to say about this tomorrow.
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Yesterday I accidentally deleted my volume pane about a half hour before close. I rushed a little to replace my volume annotations. Today I realized I was using my older habits for line thickness and got myself very confused. The early day up traverse is a puzzle in many ways. For one thing, I only actually show two bars of convincing volume dominance through the whole thing. Anyone else care to let me know if their data feed showed 10:05 bar as higher or lower volume than 10:10? Had a lot of help with this chart, so I can't really claim it as my own doing. Posting it anyway. I am starting to notice problems with my bar coloration logic. Unfortunately I could not change the volume bar colors on the volume indicator FilterTip linked, and I cannot go back to a light colored chart background due to iritis.
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I'm not clear either! I assumed that at some point I would have spent enough time with Ninjatrader to find that and tweak it. At this point I'm thinking it is done by writing it in Ninjacode or whatever and adding it to my charts as an indicator. I will probably do it eventually. Right now I have a lot on my plate. Re: your other post, good points, and I am glad you took the time to make them. I propose a refinement to that thinking, though. Somewhere not too far back in this thread, someone - I forget who - says that "rules will get you into trouble" with these methods. In just the last few pages, I've been told a few times not to be too rigid. Also however, Spydertrader puts heavy emphasis in being consistent with how you annotate. I do not believe that this is a contradiction, but it is worth a closer look. For a few months I was in a place where I knew my annotations were not perfect, but they were usually correct, and I did some trading that way. I had some nice wins, but I took some losses that made me very uncomfortable. My fractals never seemed to hold together for very long before I ran into something that invalidated what I had been doing and started over. Mentally I knew that I was right much more often than I was wrong, but emotionally I was becoming more and more skittish. I was being consistent, but I wasn't improving as I had hoped I would, and I clearly wasn't being consistent about the right things. Over the last two weeks I have probably improved more than I have in the few months before it. My mindset has drastically shifted, and I have found many things I was being rigid about that were causing me problems. Accurate fractal differentiation is vitally important to me. It has been my biggest obstacle and is my primary focus right now. There are many things I am learning not to be rigid about, but to me, the entire point of learning not to be too rigid is to be accurate in differentiating my fractals. Everything else in the methodology depends on that. That being said, your charts have been enormously helpful to me in that regard. I spent a lot of time looking at older charts from this thread, but without having first attempted to annotate the chart myself, it wasn't too productive. It was like getting a handful of answers to questions I hadn't yet thought of. When I annotate a fresh chart with no input, I develop a lot of questions. Upon being given the answers after developing the questions, I very quickly learn where I was compared to where I should have been, and thus, where I need to be in the future. Re: laterals, I'm afraid I have a poor understanding at this point of the meaningfulness of a lateral price annotation. I believe I see what you are saying, I'm just not sure what it means to end the lateral annotation earlier than I did.
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I have a hard time with big laterals. Spied on FilterTip's chart to see if I was crazy for putting two traverses in a lateral formation. At this time, I believe I am mostly not crazy. With that resolved, other things became clear. I think I may be off track somewhere, though. One thing that comes to mind: the last 3 bars of Friday and the first 4 bars of today I have annotated as a down traverse. If it is a traverse, the down channel we had yesterday completed and we started a new up channel today on bar 4. If it is a tape, then it means Friday's down move was all a traverse with the FTT falling on bar 4 of today. Volume isn't clear end of day because it always comes out the same shape. edit: Come to think of it, I justified the traverse annotation by how many things it would break if it was just a tape. All the volume annotations around it going well into Friday would have to be rethought and reworked. Down traverse was what must come next, and what must have happened, given what happened before and what happened after.
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I've done very little with it myself, but this may be useful. Here's the picture that was posted along with Spydertrader's introduction of the tick chart in the first futures journal. The picture shows more bars on the dominant side of a 2 pair, though I would guess that time and also volume would be parts of the puzzle as well.
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Hope you closed out your longs near the top of the 16:00 bar. Thanks a bunch for the play by play, by the way. I changed some of my annotation habits, or maybe I shifted fractal levels, I'm not sure. Painfully low volume day. I don't feel good trading these conditions, but I watched FilterTip's play by play intently. Gave me a lot of insight to my own emotional and mental state at the points he was calling. My hunch is that up channel ended at 13:15 EST on the doji that pokes out of the lateral, and we had down traverse from there moving from p1 to p2 of the channel. I am indecisive about 14:40 on. I followed it as a continuation of the down traverse and annotated red dom starting at 15:30, but I'm questioning that. Looks like we will have to look at Monday to provide clarity.
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2/23 lines on a chart Also including some of yesterday to show how much clearer volume was after straightening myself out. Price pane looks like a nightmare because I don't have a cleaner way to do carryover, but you can see that volume annotations are much improved over what I initially posted. Today, my volume annotations show point 3 of up traverse on 10:45 bar, while price is drawn using 12:10 bar as point 3. Container-wise I believe volume shows the correct sequence of events, price is simply drawn that way because of how the slopes of the containers turned out. If I have made an error though, I think it would be somewhere in this lateral. Laterals are definitely a weak point for me. I've reasoned that the lateral logic I have been lacking is that price can return to the lateral after two closes outside of it, and that's a signal to extend the lateral. Thanks to FilterTip's chart and getting my traverses straightened out, I now have channel level containers. Today's early morning low broke yesterday's FTT bookmark, so the down channel was fanned slightly and the trend lines extended. As of the time of this writing, today's up traverse has broken the point 1 bookmark of the down channel by 1 tick, which tells me that we must be building a new up channel. Let's see how long I can keep my containers straight.
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I was about to post that I didn't see b2b on the appropriate volume fractal, but I think I just found it. I'm not sure about the FTT thing either, though.
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Thanks to both of you, this gives me a lot of insight. I'm at a place right now where I feel like a thing is right, but I cannot come up with an explanation for why it would be that way. So I annotate something else that fits what I can justify, and it works fairly well, but I keep running into problems. This is the third lateral for me in the last few days that didn't follow the ten cases as outlined at the beginning of the thread. One I annotated because it felt like a lateral even though bar 2 was one tic outside bar 1, two others I ended and was later told I could have extended. It makes sense, in a way, but I cannot come up with a justification for doing so that I can test for consistency. Is there something about extending laterals that I am missing?
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