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Everything posted by joshdance

  1. My primary charts are constant volume charts. I have tried PFs and don't like them very much.. but either way, that's secondary to the structure and methodology, which I am more concerned with. No charts attached to your post Ronnie...?
  2. Covered rest at 64.50, wanted 62.50 but not enough time right now so I'm flat.
  3. Got a short just now at 70.00 even, looks good so far but we will see. Will explain it later.
  4. Hey man -- I did not reverse and have been flat since then. The fake below 62.25 and subsequent push back to 62 caused me to question the long, and with all of the wishy-washy, I decided to just watch. Today so far has been, in MP terms, a "normal" day (not common, just the name of the type of day) -- large IB, price contained within that so far, and no directional conviction from OTF type activity since the IB was put in. Great environment for getting totally chopped up if one is not careful. I had enough chop and decided to be an onlooker instead of a participant
  5. Again, very strange day... I have shorted 63.50 just below yesterday's low.. the marke tis having a difficult time resuming its move up... my target is an optimistic 54/55. I will give it one point to work, as it really should break 62.25 soon or rotation back up to 67 is likely. EDIT: I closed this, 1 point loss, and will probably reverse to long. Won't post any more distracting updates!
  6. Out 66.25, 2 ticks shy of target. Ok, I'll stop the live trading feed now and let the silence resume :rofl:
  7. Interesting behavior right now -- stop is at 63.25, as I could easily see a smack down and want to get something out of the 2nd half... but it sure is trying to get above 65. Order is at 66.75, or will stop out for a 2 point gain at 63.25
  8. Well, I scaled 1/2 at 63.75, Friday's low. Will let it ride to 67 if it will go, and holding the stop at 62. VWAP at 67, VPOC as well, makes for a reasonable target IMO.
  9. Despite the last long not working out, this has the look of a good rotation approaching IMO. I have bought 61.75, and will only give it 3 ticks to work, but targeting the balance of 67. High risk so not quite a full position, and small stop here.
  10. Morning all -- quite bearish so far, but the delta is curving up here towards the bottom around 65/66, with increasing overall volume, and given the location, near Friday's close, it may be a good buying opportunity. We will have to wait and see. I have taken a small position long here at 66.50 but remains to be seen whether this will pan out now or not. EDIT: left and came back to a stopout just below Friday's close at 65 ... market very risk off so far
  11. Ronnie, LVN's over what period of time? I certainly look forward to your analysis, as your style sounds similar to mine and I'm always looking to improve. Over in the "Day Trading the Emini Futures" thread, TheNegotiator usually posts a premarket profiling perspective, and throughout the day others of us also comment on market structure. You are welcome on that thread as well if you wish, to share your perspective. Best, Josh
  12. Skip, your post is 100% correct in every way. You seem to understand how orders work in the forex interbank market, versus an exchange, which is to say that you are more knowledgeable than 90% of your forex peers. Your broker's price that he quotes you is THE price. Another broker may quote another price, or a data feed may reflect a different set of prices, but that does not matter. In the forex world, you get what you are quoted, and in forex there is no real price.
  13. Excellent post MM, beautifully said. I was alluding to a similar concept here on another thread when I said this: You said it better than I could, but the intent is, I think, the same.
  14. C'mon gosu, I hope you know I would never have that intent. At the time it was going up, and in the spirit of camaraderie I wished a fellow trader good luck, despite the fact that I had an opposite position. I never recommend anyone to do anything; I would not want the burden of a potential loss on my conscience. Me saying "looking good, good luck" is in no way meant to be a recommendation to do anything, it's just like wishing a fellow ball player well before or after a game. I would especially never do anything malicious towards someone here; we have a nice group of people here and I like all of you and consider you friends, as much as online friendship goes anyway. Tom sets a good example in this respect; if we have an opposite position, he will often say something to the effect of, 'well, at least one of us will benefit here' -- I think it's a great attitude, and one I try to cultivate as well.
  15. Wow, look at that little shakeout push into the close ... I will predict, betting nothing but being wrong, that we will see a gap up on Sunday open.
  16. Not that I'm going to buy, but I don't see enough downside urgency here, I may still short but it will have to be at better value than here. edit: 3:49 -- there's your downside urgency ;-)
  17. Did not get my add, one tick shy of it, so I have to all out here ahead of LOD, 69.50
  18. The shape of the profile looks a bit to the short side given the way it's responding to it now at 72.50 .. I am short 72.50 with an add short at 74.25
  19. Kiwi, you said that you loaded your sierra and trading stuff onto a ram drive. I tried loading IRT on a ramdrive, but strangely saw no noticeable improvement in speed on the load of the program at startup, as well as execution. It takes about 60 seconds to start my platform and load all my charts. Starting from a RAM drive it was about the same. N, I did some memory benchmarks and have attached the screen shot. What do you think? The program is free from: MaxxPI² - Download (MaxxMEM² - PreView)
  20. indeed! That's one reason I'm kind of against visual historical "back testing" -- A 5 year old could pick a great place to buy or sell given more information to the right than what is available in a live situation. The hard part is taking the risk, at the time, and managing the risk through the trade, and exiting, at the time.
  21. OK, so my Win7 performance score is 5.9 -- processor, ram, graphics all in the 7.4 range; HD is 5.9 .. I have a core i5 750 quad 2.67GHz, 8GB RAM, radeon 5700 which has I'm guessing 128MB ram. Basically, my computer is reasonably speedy, but I'm a sucker for fast hardware. I am only using about 120GB in my current HD, and am considering either an Intel 520 or Samsung 830 SSD, at 256GB. I know this is a blanket, non-technical question, but: generally, will my "experience" be rewarded by upgrading to a SSD, and if so, can you ballpark a "percentage increase" I might be looking at for "overall speed"? Very vague I know, but I'm just looking for a general idea of whether this will be a very low return on investment given the cost, or whether it will be easily noticeable?
  22. Nice call - I reversed my short for a 1.25 point loss, and 74 was my target, just above vwap and high vol today. I initially was going to try to scale one at 74, and see if I could hold the other for LVN at 76, but the way it struggled breaking out of 72, I had to scale half at 73, so I'm flat again. Hindsight (the best trading tool of all) makes it clear that my premise for a long was correct, except that there was excess to 69, instead of 70 holding. But, 69 seems to be a "poor low." BB with speech at 1pm, and it looks to feature commentary on monetary policy, perhaps recent views on it, so it may be a speech worth tuning in to listen to.
  23. Indeed--I'm monitoring my mental state and it's all good. I got a good 5 points earlier on a full position, plus another scalp, and a small loss here, so if I lose small again on a small position it's not a great mental blow. It's losing when I'm loaded up, or losing big in general, that creates that poor mental state that is tough to rebound from.
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