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Posts posted by nosast

  1. Abe,


    the short you took was right at the support line at 13490 so it was very risky... Its almost better to wait for a signal than to anticipate it. You could have taken the short at the same level but after the support was penetrated about 10 minutes later with much higher odds of winning. But i know how hard it is to wait for your signals and getting into the market when you could have got in a few points ago... Made the same mistakes over and over again when i began trading futures... :cry:

  2. You are right notoch... 13500 was a round level in line with the daily R1, 13547 was the gap close level from yesterday and the big gap a few days ago in line with the daily pivot. I am looking for such important levels where more than one support or resist is near the other. James calls them "Clusterzone". Trades initiated at this lines have high odds... Also i am not taking these levels "blind" - i will wait for a small reject when fading or a pullback when trading the breakout.

  3. I also vote for the campfire re-open!

    The tradingroom.com-software is very nice and has a lot of features but you have to install this software to your pc, in my opinion it is too much just for chatting. Want to keep my computer very clean...


    Everytime in the last days i logged into the tradingroom - nobody was online.. so i think the majority wants to chat via campfire and it would be great to re-open it. Trading could be so boring when the market is flat and i find it nice to talk to other traders which are trading similar markets...

  4. Very interesting point, torero. In my opinion rewarding yourself is very important to grow as a trader. Having money on the account is nothing but figures. You need to reward yourself and spent some money from the gains to train your brain that when you are doing things the right way - you can fulfil a great wish. This is described as a positive reinforcement by pavlov (Operant conditioning) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


    I'm lightyears away from buying a country farm from trading gains like JC mentioned, i am aiming for these very expensive things in 10 years or so, but still have them in my trading plan as a far end goal with a lot of minor little goals before the big one.


    Currently i am rewarding myself with spending a great weekend with my girlfriend in a wellness hotel, going out for dinner, buying some clothes or doing a short weekend trip in a city i like to see.


    It is helping me a lot because i can say that e.g. this weekend was completely "sponsored" by my trading wins and it supports me in doing the right things in the future to have this great feeling again.


    nice weekend


  5. Hi Soultrader,


    i will do so as well....

    just sending the 5000 USD to Tradestation Securities and using them as my backup broker. Doing 10 RT a month is also no problem and the comissions are the same then with IB (only CME is 2 cents higher ;-))


    It would have been nice to use only one platform for brokerage and data, maybe they are working on faster execution speed in the future....



  6. Hi dalby,


    the plattform is free when 10 trades a month are made - the 50 USD is approx for the data services i will subsribe (CBotmini, CMEmini, Eurex...).


    "personally, i prefer IB as a broker, but i want access to TS' datafeed, and to be able to use the tickdelta indicators."


    Same reasons for me. Using the TS with the good internals indicators. I am very pleased with IB and my acutal data service, but i miss these features...


    Making 10 Trades with TS gives me a monthly cost advantage of approx 100 USD and the backup broker for free :cool: So i think i go for it...


    You made no trades through TS yet?

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