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  1. Blowfish, Sorry for the delay in reply. I did not use much of software... simply a charting software to observe the price action, volumes and other data... Till now I traded on a single instrument. I designed my own indicators. I used excel to apply these indicators on data. All the calculations runs in my mind. But the problem here is, I have to spend every minute observing the market clearly. This prevents me from looking on to other instruments and maintaining a portifolio. That's why I came for automation. Though the strategy is working fine currently, I came to know that optimising the strategy would give better results...Yes Im aware of overfitting problems and I want to take serious care of it. However, I dont want to be at the mercy of my computer...I'll surely have a look on whats going on. Thankyou soomuch for your advise...Im trying to work from the other end right now... previously Im dont know where to start and what to start...but now im a bit aware of whats going on and what to do...
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