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Everything posted by kh_model

  1. I recently added new plots to an older pre-existing ninjascript that can be found here in post #3 (ElliotOscillator1.2.zip): http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/f...ead.php?t=2681 My modified version of the above indicator is attached here in this post for reference purposes. In the attached picture, one can identify the two new plots which I added by looking for the yellow colored lines in the subgraph. For testing purposes, I added an input which allows the user to enable or disable the new plots which I added. When the input called "OSC_strengthband_show" is set to false, the code always works and is identical to the older original version from the link above. When the input called "OSC_strengthband_show" is set to true, I have observed that the indicator only works on certain combinations of instrument, resolution, and session but not on others. I suspect that the code is throwing an exception due to a null value or a NaN or something similar which is being generated within the code changes which I added. My lack of deep experience with ninjascript programming should be noted. If anyone here can offer any ideas on how to fix the attached code, it would be greatly appreciated. ElliotOscBands.zip
  2. The EOT version of Shelly's Volume that handles 4 markets is stated to be not available for Tradestation according to the EOT website, but it is available on MultiCharts. I think that is because Tradestation cannot handle "data2, data3, etc." on tick or volume-based charts whereas MultiCharts can. I'd be surprised if the developers decided that running the code on minute-based charts in Tradestation was not worth implementing, but I'd rather assume that they did not want repeated misunderstandings to arise when Tradestation customers couldn't run the code on their favorite tick-based and volume-based charts. A different approach that would probably solve the previously mentioned problems would be to create a composite symbol based on the required markets using a program like MetaServer RT which I think may have the ability to do that via its built-in scripting language. Of course, one might also need to feed the result to GlobalServer in Tradestation 2000i first, then use the integrated GlobalServer data source in OwnData to get the results into Tradestation 8.x. Trouble is, OwnData does not currently support Tradestation 8.5 or 8.6 as far as I know, so one would need to use a legacy version of Tradestation such as 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4.
  3. Thank you, Tasuki for your comments and also for your part in making this thread one of the best I've seen yet. I have to say the same to everyone else here, too. I'm no expert. Didn't even do the trial yet. You probably have a clearer perspective. I did notice that Richard Todd has written that he only expects "large trader" activity to be visible when there is a sense of urgency, and no time to conceal the activity.
  4. From what Richard Todd has already written, I am guessing that maybe line thickness should be determined based on the ratio of large trader activity to all other activity for that particular market. For example, there might be some kind of average ratio between "total delta" and "large trader delta" for a given period (such as prior 3 cycles). From time to time, the "large trader delta" might be proportionally greater or smaller compared to all other activity. Just a thought.
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