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binthere started following Volume Bias, Best Automated Trading Platform, Stop Trading Counter and and 5 others
Hi Robbin I have been autotrading the trading signals of a SPY etf system that has been very good, - RuleTradingSystems they also have a day trading software for sale that i have been considering to buy, it trades on s^p futures, spy etf and goldman sachs hope this helps cheers, binthere
hi TheRumpledOne i'm looking to be able to have this pivots up in radar screen but being a newbie in easy language is very difficult could you help me out? thank you very much, regards, binthere here's the code: [LegacyColorValue = true]; {4/28/05. DeanVan @ TS} {Thanks to eKam for use of roundInst and other pivot types I got from ChiasmLevels} {based on intraday data (is sometimes a little different than daily data, so won't match exact)} {idea is that it will change each day @ "NewDayTM", to reflect the next days numbers.} {..check the open/close values to verify the day it's showing. It seems to work} {always posting 1 bar behind, since must be NO on "update value intra-bar"} input: PivotType(0), BarsBack(60), ShowClose(1), ShowOpen(1), ShowHalfPivots(1), ShowLevel(0), DaysBack(1), NewDayTM(1510), RoundLevels(false), DecPlaces(2), SupResType(0); var: theday(0); var: Maxcnt(11); array: TL[12](-1),Val[12](-1), Color[12](6),Label[12]("L"),FTextID[12](-1), TLabel[12](" "); var: cnt(0),sdate(0),stime(0),fPivot(0),twOpen(0),theRange(0); if lastbaronchart then begin if time >= NewDayTM then theday = 0 else theday = 1; theday = theday + DaysBack-1; if theday <= 0 then begin theday = 0; twOpen = 0; end else twopen = theday-1; {make sure this weeks open isn't <0} {store weekly Open and Close that we care about} Val[10] = CloseD(theday); if PivotType >0 and PivotType <4 then Val[11] = OpenD(twopen) else Val[11] = OpenD(theday); {calculate central pivot based on pivot type}{not sure how usefull some of these might be} if PivotType = 1 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11]) /3 else if PivotType = 2 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 3 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 4 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10]) /3; {default standard Pivot} if SupResType = 1 then begin {seems like there is always a little different way to do these} theRange = (HighD(theday) - LowD(theday))/2; VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + theRange; {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot - theRange; {S1} VAl[4] = VAl[2] + theRange; {R2} VAl[5] = VAl[3] - theRange; {S2} VAl[6] = VAl[4] + theRange; {R3} VAl[7] = VAl[5] - theRange; {S3} VAl[8] = VAl[6] + theRange; {R4} VAl[9] = VAl[7] - theRange; {S4} end else begin VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + fPivot - LowD(theday); {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot + fPivot - HighD(theday); {S1} VAl[4] = fPivot + VAl[2] - VAl[3]; {R2} VAl[5] = fPivot - VAl[2] + VAl[3]; {S2} VAl[6] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[3]; {R3} VAl[7] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[3]; {S3} VAl[8] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[5]; {R4} VAl[9] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[5]; {S4} end; if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 11 begin val[cnt] = roundInst(val[cnt]); end; end; Color[1] = LightGray; Color[2] = Darkred; Color[3] = Darkgreen; Color[4] = Darkred; Color[5] = Darkgreen; Color[6] = Darkred; Color[7] = Darkgreen; Color[8] = Darkred; Color[9] = Darkgreen; Color[10] = Yellow; Color[11] = DarkBrown; TLabel[1] = "Pivot - "; TLabel[2] = "R1 - "; TLabel[3] = "S1 - "; TLabel[4] = "R2 - "; TLabel[5] = "S2 - "; TLabel[6] = "R3 - "; TLabel[7] = "S3 - "; TLabel[8] = "R4 - "; TLabel[9] = "S4 - "; TLabel[10] = "Close - "; TLabel[11] = "Open - "; sdate = Date[barsBack]; stime = Time[barsBack]; for cnt= 1 to Maxcnt begin if cnt < 10 or (ShowClose <> 0 and cnt = 10) or (ShowOpen <> 0 and cnt = 11) then begin if TL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} TL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, Val[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetColor (TL[cnt], Color[cnt]); if cnt >= 10 then TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed) else TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed); end; if TL_Exist(TL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (TL[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (TL[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); {reset TL} end; {do text stuff} if FTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} FTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, Val[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(FTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(FTextID[cnt], Color[cnt]); end; if FTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(FTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); Text_SetString(FTextID[cnt],TLabel[cnt] + NumToStr(Val[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {count < 6, etc.} end; {cnt} Array: HalfTL[9](-1),HalfVal[9](0),HTextID[9](-1); if ShowHalfPivots <> 0 then begin HalfVal[1] = ((Val[4] - Val[2])/2) + Val[2]; HalfVal[2] = ((Val[2] - Val[1])/2) + Val[1]; HalfVal[3] = ((Val[1] - Val[3])/2) + Val[3]; HalfVal[4] = ((Val[3] - Val[5])/2) + Val[5]; {s1-s2} HalfVal[5] = ((Val[4] - Val[6])/2) + Val[6]; HalfVal[6] = ((Val[5] - Val[7])/2) + Val[7]; {s2-s3} HalfVal[7] = ((Val[6] - Val[8])/2) + Val[8]; HalfVal[8] = ((Val[7] - Val[9])/2) + Val[9]; {s3-s4} if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 8 begin HalfVal[cnt] = roundInst(HalfVal[cnt]); end; end; for cnt= 1 to 8 begin if HalfTL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} HalfTL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetColor (HalfTL[cnt], DarkGray); TL_SetStyle (HalfTL[cnt], Tool_Dashed); end; if TL_Exist(HalfTL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (HalfTL[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (HalfTL[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); {reset TL} end; {do text stuff} if HTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} HTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(HTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(HTextID[cnt], DarkGray); end; if HTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(HTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {cnt} end; {ShowHalfPivots} end; {last bar} if ShowLevel > 0 and ShowLevel <= 4 then begin noplot(2); noplot(3); if ShowLevel = 1 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[2] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[3] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 2 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[4] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[5] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 3 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[6] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[7] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 4 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[8] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[9] - .5,"l"); end; end;
Randall, this is exactly what i needed for my strat thank you for helping out the strugling newbies !!! :applaud: regards, binthere
Randall, this is HUGE!!!! thanks for your help!, i've been strugling for over a week to get to the code i had posted earlier... and to get to the code you did it would have taken me a gazillion years in a very frustrating journey. i can't thank you enough for your help cheers,, keep it spinning! binthere
Randall well this is the first time i actually code a strategy and have no prior developing experience, i've been strugling to make this hapen if you could help me out coding it would greatly appreciate it!! every word i've used in the above code has taken me for ever to understand it and try to implement it cheers!!, binthere
thank's for the response, i'm trying to do this baby steps, first making the strategy stop trading when a specific number of winners or loosers is hit but it seems it's not working could someone look at the code and help me out to understand what i'm doing wrong? thanks, binthere
hi guys, using tradestation 8.8 I'm looking for a way to have my strategy stop trading for "x" amount of minutes after "y" number of winning trades or "z" number of loosing trades thanks for your help!! binthere
MMS your set up sound good!!, i'll end up doing something similar mantaining TS and moving the bulk of volume elsewhere, thank you for sharing! spoke today with the TS guys.... in short if we want to use the TS platform the only BD to which they route trades is to rjobrien thanks, binthere
tks for the info, i'll findout details and post in the forum regards, binthere
hi guys does anyone know if there is a whay to use tradestation and the platform clear thru infinity futures or other broker? i'm getting excellent pricing for emini's with infinity but want to keep my tradestation platform and strategies any ideas? thank you, binthere
in my experience the grail is the best for optimizing, tradestation for forward testing The Grail regards, binthere ps:the grail was recently acquired by tradestation and they will incorporate it in version 9
MadMarket Scientist, i'm a newbie, sorry for the missing info im using tradestation 8.8 (6037) thank you!
hi guys when running a strategy i've been strugling to find a way to display the day (not accrued) closed profit/loss & open profit/loss in real time and not having to go to the trade manager does anyone know how to do this? thank you!!!! binthere
Hi guys i found a code in a forum that plots vertical lines @ reversal periods (10, 10:30, 11, 1pm, 2:30 &3 also vertical red lines @ 3:45, 3:50, 3:55 &$ indicating that market is closing soon) well hope it helps, you can change the hours in which the lines ar eploted modifying the script in easy language regards, binther Inputs: iTimeOffSet ( 0000 ), // HHMM offset hours from NY time iStyleTimeLine ( tool_dotted ); Vars: TLSize ( 0 ), TL_Text_HVal ( 0 ) , TL_Text_VVal ( 2 ) ; vars: sFirstPass ( true ), sTimePlot ( false ), TL_TextTime ( 0 ) , aLoop ( 0 ), count ( 0 ), tlCount ( 0 ), tlStart ( 0 ), MaxFutureDisplayTime( 0 ) ; // added this variable array: xKeyTimes[10] ( 0 ), tKeyTimes[10] ( "" ), cKeyTimesColor[10] ( lightgray ), xTextKeyTimes[10] ( 0 ); // Inititialize - Could Use Once Begin for First Time Through // if sFirstPass = true then begin // sFirstPass = false; if CurrentBar = 1 then begin xKeyTimes[000] = 0955 ; xKeyTimes[001] = 1025 ; xKeyTimes[002] = 1055 ; xKeyTimes[003] = 1255 ; xKeyTimes[004] = 1355 ; xKeyTimes[005] = 1425 ; xKeyTimes[006] = 1455 ; xKeyTimes[007] = 1545 ; xKeyTimes[008] = 1550 ; xKeyTimes[009] = 1555 ; tKeyTimes[000] = "" ; tKeyTimes[001] = "" ; tKeyTimes[002] = "" ; tKeyTimes[003] = "" ; tKeyTimes[004] = "" ; tKeyTimes[005] = "" ; tKeyTimes[006] = "" ; tKeyTimes[007] = "" ; tKeyTimes[008] = "" ; tKeyTimes[009] = "" ; cKeyTimesColor[000] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[001] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[002] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[003] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[004] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[005] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[006] = lightgray ; cKeyTimesColor[007] = darkred ; cKeyTimesColor[008] = darkred ; cKeyTimesColor[009] = darkred ; for count = 0 to 9 begin xKeyTimes[count] = CalcTime( xKeyTimes[count], - iTimeOffSet ) ; // changed to use CalcTime for proper calculation if tKeyTimes[count] = "" then tKeyTimes[count] = numtostr(xKeyTimes[count] , 0 ) + " Reversal" ; end; // for count = ... end; {if sFirstPass} { PROCESSING } TL_TextTime = CalcTime(Time, 3 * BarInterval); // use to right adjust text // Added this section of code to calculate the far right (future time) bar for display for real-time ticks. // If we are on historical bars then the value is simply the current Time. if LastBarOnChart and GetAppInfo ( aiRealtimeCalc ) = 1 then MaxFutureDisplayTime = CalcTime( LastCalcTime, GetAppInfo ( aiSpaceToRight ) * BarInterval ) else MaxFutureDisplayTime = Time ; value1 = HighD(0) - Close ; value2 = Close - LowD(0) ; if value1 > value2 then value3 = value1/2 + close else value3 = value2/2 + close ; sTimePlot = false ; for count = 0 to 9 begin // Added the condition to only plot on the closing bar tick, and to check if the xKeyTimes is bounded between // the prior bar MaxFutureDisplayTime and the current bar MaxFutureDisplayTime. If so, then plot the vertical line. if BarStatus(1) = 2 and xKeyTimes[count] > MaxFutureDisplayTime[1] and xKeyTimes[count] <= MaxFutureDisplayTime and sTimePlot = false then begin sTimePlot = true ; tlStart = tl_new( date , xKeyTimes[count] , high + 0.0001, date , xKeyTimes[count], low - 0.0001 ); tl_SetExtRight(tlStart,true); tl_SetExtLeft(tlStart,true); tl_SetColor(tlStart, cKeyTimesColor[count] ); tl_SetStyle(tlStart, iStyleTimeLine ); { Delete or Draw Text } if xTextKeyTimes[count] > 0 then value9 = Text_Delete( xTextKeyTimes[count] ) ; xTextKeyTimes[count]= Text_New(date, xKeyTimes[count], value3, tKeyTimes[count]) ; Text_SetColor( xTextKeyTimes[count] , cKeyTimesColor[count] ) ; Text_SetStyle( xTextKeyTimes[count], TL_Text_HVal , TL_Text_VVal ) ; // HVal: 0=left, 1=right, 2=centered, / VVal: 0=Top, 1=Bottom, 2=Centered Text_SetLocation(xTextKeyTimes[count] , date , TL_TextTime , value3 ); end; // if time < xKeyTimes[count] end; // for count = ...
hi guys, i'm a newbie with TS, and would like to be able to automatically have my charts with a vertical line marking reversal periods 10, 10:30, 11, 1pm, 2, 2:30 & 3pm does anyne know how can i ahve this done? thank you!! binthere