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Everything posted by Joao-D

  1. Hello I have 3 questions. 1- If i want modify my topics ? . Who Do I Ask? 2- Can I put links on forum? Example: http://www.marketwatch.com/ 3- If I want delete one post. Who Do I Ask? Thank you.
  2. The ETF Timing 2x says to Buy SDS (ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 ETF) and QID (ProShares UltraShort QQQ ETF).
  3. I'll close positions QLD SSO UCO AGQ and open positions SCO ZSL GLL
  4. I'll start today: Buy SSO QLD UCO AGQ Amount: $ 10,000 USD
  5. Hello, I tried to create two new threads and could not. I sent an email to support@traderslaboratory.com. Please answer me.


    Thank you,


  6. I'm from Portugal, my english is not very good but I hope improve. The ETF Timing 2x is a market timing trading system in which I utilize my proprietary technical indicators applied to 2x leveraged ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) (Market Timing - strategy of making buy or sell decisions attempting to predict future market price movements – when to hold ‘em when to fold ‘em, as Livermore’s friend and Palm Beach Casino owner Ed Bradley used to say.) The system have five high-risk portfolios each with $12500 USD Generally, low-risk investments have a higher level of security for investor but, tend to have a lower return. High-risk investments, on the other hand, can bring a higher return, but with a much higher degree of uncertainty, which may cause heavy losses to investors. Portfolios S&P 500 Timing uses SSO (ProShares Ultra S&P 500 ETF) and SDS (ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 ETF). Nasdaq Timing uses QLD (ProShares Ultra QQQ ETF) and QID (ProShares UltraShort QQQ ETF). OIL Timing uses UCO (ProShares Ultra DJ-AIG CRUDE OIL ETF) and SCO (ProShares UltraShort DJ-AIG CRUDE OIL ETF). Silver Timing uses AGQ (ProShares Ultra Silver ETF) and ZSL (ProShares UltraShort Silver ETF). Gold Timing uses UGL (ProShares Ultra Gold ETF) and GLL (ProShares UltraShort Gold ETF). The trading commissions are $ 7.50 USD. Rule: All entries and exits must be written first in forum and are limited to the next opening, so every business can be seen before materialize. In practice, this rule makes the results are seen always rounded by default, which endows them complete validity and realism. ---------------- Thank you for your attention.
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