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  1. great, that was the info i was looking for. thanks
  2. ... Great, which means I can have my programming-engine accept EasyLanguage (script) and execute orders based on parameters specified by an (EasyLanguage) script? At the moment, I am weighing my options between EasyLanguage and F#... do you think F# would be a difficult language for traders to learn?
  3. I stand corrected... you are absolutely correct...
  4. Exactly what I was afraid of... a lawsuit for my company... so.. are there any alternatives to EasyLanguage - that is also accepted/ used by many traders for programming trade? ... such as TSolution's MultiChart (which uses PowerLanguage) - but this is also proprietary... I'm looking for something not-proprietary... in a sense, very much like how the FIX Protocol works... .. anyone?
  5. Trading Technologies... owners of EasyLanguage and the product a TradeStation
  6. Hi all, I am new on to this forum - so first, my apologies if i'm breaking any forum-rules and what-not... and no, I have not tried search function on this forum to look for posts related to my question... so here goes... I am primarily a software engineer, but with particular interest in finance. Currently, I am working on a project which requires the development of an OMS as well as an Algo-Engine, and also a Programming Trade Language (ie. EasyLanguage) However, to my understanding, EasyLanguage is a proprietary scripting language of TT. Does anyone know of any alternatives to EasyLanguage, such as open-source scripting language - that are publicly supported; however with the same level of public acceptance. Clearly, I will eventually have my trading-engine support EasyLanguage, but for the time being - I am not sure if, by using EasyLanguage as a base-language, will I be violating any rules specified by TT. Furthermore, I understand many people already use TT's EL, so it would be advantageous for me to simply implement this language. I am simply searching for alternatives and weighing the options prior to committing resources towards this end. Thanks in advance, Kel
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