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Everything posted by SIUYA

  1. Its good to see you want to put the USAs priorities back into order.....take that occupation of Arghanistan and put it back into the school system. Its never made much sense to the rest of the world either why the US government wants to interact with the world as it does.....it might raise a few eyebrows when they start on their own folks domestically. Symmatrix - now your location is deep in our mothers bedroom (LOL) -Some mothers have loaded guns - be careful......we knew all along it was folks like you our mums needed to be protected from. A Buddhist with a gun who is not afraid to use it and will hide in our mothers bedrooms. There is comedy gold in that. re the videos - you sound like one of those liberal nuts - because remember those video games are played (probably) by far more people than own weapons, its legal and most of them dont go killing people in real life. All I can is I hope your fear does not send you to the dark side and that you are wrong in all your fears.
  2. but children don't have rights...... right??? I am more than happy for all the craziness to stop - an arms race just might not be the answer.
  3. Gun ban fact from the National Lamblaster BS 1975.... Washington DC crime rates soar because guns were banned. Previous gun owners turn to rising use of crack cocaine and increasing poverty all because they took away some guns (note - some guns where even sold by users to get high). Most crime took part in the areas of highest poverty. Those who really wanted a gun, crossed the border and probably bought one. The crack addicts who paid massive prices for illegal guns were forced to rob and steal. Joey Joe Joe jnr is quoted as saying "its the governments fault - if they didn't ban guns we would need to rob people to buy these high priced ones - the stress is driving me to use illegal cheap drugs cause i caint afford them high priced ones them rich folks have got. - i just wanna work in Mds for minimum wage" On another story, man throws baseball and causes riot in the streets of China, while in a reversal of fortunes a child ate a crocodile in Australia.
  4. i just read the NRA response....(I can only assume this is their full unedited response) NRA: full statement by Wayne LaPierre in response to Newtown shootings | World news | guardian.co.uk basically - lets put security in the schools. "we must give them the greatest level of protection possible and the security that is only available with a properly trained — armed — good guy." Great! - what then determines the good buy v the bad guy, what happens when the good guy becomes the bad guy, what do you think the bad guys will do if they want to go nuts - my guess is target the security guard first. (unless of course you dont identify them) (Remember Osama bin somebody - wasnt he one of the good guys they trained) an outsider might think that the NRA actually works for those liberals nuts - you know the ones who are trying to overthrow society, enslave you all..... - first we round up the kids and put them under armed guard to protect them from the bad guys. Then anyone who disagrees with us is one of the bad guys --- ie; the media - free press, entertainment (that we dont approve of because imagination is far worse than real life and we would rather ban pretend guns than the real ones) and this way we will protect you. uh huh - uh huh...........what next My guess is we go to the log book of Stalin, Mao and those other guys - this was pretty much what they did - right? especially when you have the final sentence.... "National School Shield Program and protect our children with the only line of positive defense that's tested and proven to work. where, when, and what about other countries that dont seem to have the same issue - how do they deal with the crazies? will the crazies then target another spot - maybe the old age retirment homes --- mind you it might help balance the medicare budget. :doh: problem solved - next you will have a national database for all Americans who have mental issues, seen a school counselor or posted on facebook they feel a little depressed........ first you need to pay more people and introduce more government people into the all ready underfunded schools.... zdo - you are right, i was wrong. The government has managed to get the NRA to do their work for them - brilliant, and we thought they couldn't even balance the books. Lets hope we evolve consciousness before its too late. Even they are calling to do something - too bad its what they are actually against.....what a mind f...k Until then - more wine, more wine! Its Friday the world has not ended and the world continues.
  5. always interesting to go back and re-read some things from the start and re-org thoughts. Some things change, some things dont - and much gets lost in the lack of context from randomly thrown together unedited words. Symmatrix i apologise i thought you were some crazed right wing conservative christian - you are merely some paranoid right wing conservative buddishit (typo i laughed at and so left - no offence intended) - and we really had no idea on your view point until this one.... for me this sums you up - and changes forever my view of buddists - well done.(plus Tams - buddists can be armed, be soldiers etc; but i am not sure about this though) Post #71 BECAUSE I'M ARMED TO THE HILT AND MOST EVERYONE KNOWS IT. Otherwise, I would be just another one of the sheeple awaiting to be victimized. given the previous talk of odds of shootings, attacks and other such, you do realise that the odds of you getting killed by your own gun are also pretty high..... ............ some more good useless 'supposed facts' and ideas that we can throw in for good measure..... about 250,000 rounds of ammunition have been used to kill each insurgent in Afghanistan. and you are worried about the government sending in their troops ..... :doh: ............... In Switzerland, a decade ago the government started providing legal centres where people could safely inject heroin – for free. Burglary rates fell by 60 percent, and street homelessness ended. A study by the Lancet – one of the most respected medical journals in the world – found that the rate of people becoming new heroin addicts fell by 82 percent. Why? Heroin addicts didn’t need to recruit new addicts to sell to in order to feed their habit. The pyramid scheme of heroin addiction was broken. Possible reason for why the Swiss crime rate is low? ............ The 1918 flu pandemic (the "Spanish flu") was an influenza pandemic. It was an unusually deadly and severe pandemic that spread across the world...... Most victims were healthy young adults, in contrast to most influenza outbreaks, which predominantly affect juvenile, elderly, or weakened patients. The pandemic lasted from January 1918 to December 1920,[3] spreading even to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands. Between 20 and 50 million died, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[1][4][5][6][7] Using the higher estimate of 50 million people, 3% of the world's population (which was 1.86 billion at the time[8]) died of the disease. Some 500 million, or 27%, were infected.[1] and you are worried by some 280lb gorilla in the bedroom when a simple thing like not washing hands which causes the spread of a microbe has killed more people. ........... 1688 English Bill of Rights which states "Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defense" ......... sorry if i just gave you something extra to worry about.
  6. zdo - dont you mean those who have stereo typed themselves? we all do, what else is there to do it is part of human biology/physiology - look for patterns extrapolation etc, evolution has not caught up yet. and until the world awakens from its insanity (according to some, these guys keep coming up over time dont they - we are at a turning point) - maybe its worth trying to disarm those who are just that little more insane than the others - or those whose egos really get the better of them selves......especially after the bushmaster gun adverts practically told Adam to do it....ironic right. :roll eyes::roll eyes: (given dinosaurs according to some were around for 140million years, we only about 1million we might have some ways to go) if only there was the red or blue pill ...........or maybe you are just another figment in my imagination and a remnant of my past consciousness - maybe we are mere fragments of some universal collective consciousness......great - until then i still need food, water and oxygen to survive and gravity remains a real bitch. Funny how those who reach enlightenment and forsake ego feel the need to tell the rest of us about it. :spam: Personally - i reckon we will have this same conversation again in about 10 billion years, after the universe has collapsed in on itself, refromed through creative destruction and things might repeat again. Until then.......:beer:
  7. one of the best comedians around IMHO - Milton Jones - oneliners In history this term my class is learning about Galileo. I already know that he was a poor boy, from a poor family. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' We live in an uncaring society. The other day, I watched an old man in the park feeding the birds. I thought to myself, "how long has he been dead?" '''''''''''''''''''''''''' When I was younger my Grandma used to rub lard into my Grandpa's back when he was ill. He went down hill fast after that. '''''''''''''''''''''''''' I was sitting in traffic the other day. Probably why I got run over. ''''''''''''''''''''''''' I dream of a world without plagiarism. Now you may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one. ''''''''''''''''''''''' Here's hoping I never get any splinters. Touch wood. ''''''''''''''''''''''' My grandad used to always go on about how, in the old days, people could leave their back doors open. Which is probably why his submarine sank.
  8. ahhh yes -- we are all doomed as is everything. such is life. I assume you are talking about this sort of thing ??? Bart Stewart -- Systemantics 0 - (no i have not studied it - but i have had first hand experience with a real life physcopath - if it was not for the finance industry he probably would be torturing and killing.) Humans are a particularly resilient bunch of dealing and adapting.......until we are not - such is life. If you think we are a spec of dust in the universe in time - what will it matter? we stumble around as best we can. Are you really an anarchist and going for the natural law state of things? ................... re guns why, how, what...... These things are never one simple thing, but whether it is a result of the culture of the USA being f...d up, the mental illness issues spiraling out of control or simply sociopaths are ruling the world - usually trying to restrict those things such as semi automatic or automatic weapons that are designed purely for killing people without their say sort of makes sense - until the other things can be dealt with......maybe they wont. This is an interesting take --- google guns and masculinity. Masculinity, mental illness and guns: A lethal equation? - CNN.com A few years ago in a bar down in Memphis i (naively) laughed at the guys in the pisser not wanting to user the middle urinal and there was a que - they had some strange mumblings of personal space, shame and embarrassment. When i skipped the que and had no shame no one said anything, but there were discussions after about guys wanting to put a cap in his ass because they dissed his manhood about how he handled a girl......fascinating stuff for an outsider. I think Symmatrix and others are generally pushing a different agenda - his is clearly his version of god and I guess a literal version of the bible......and as others have pointed out when they claim guns dont kill people and guns are not the problem......yes - this may be true, but we also have fact that these types of guns are part of the problem and it is the easy access to these that is part of the problem. So why not fix what you might be able to - seatbelts, speed limits and other safety devices are mandated....especially when a lot of the arguments for the guns and the types of guns simply dont wash. To claim your feedoms are taken away for certain things, and over certain other peoples (interesting segeway into the legal question you posed) that suit your agenda - to me is pure claptrap - you either support those freedoms for all, and the consequences and responsibilities with them or you dont. How can you say - guns are part of my natural right to bear arms and exercise freedoms from tyranny (even if the USA has a 'legal' right written down) and laws designed to impinge my freedoms, but at the same time - also think we should ban video games, childrens rights, a womans right to choose, certain illicit drugs, but not others etc; etc; etc;. If it fits with your agenda........:doh: yep - the question is - does it need a question? Any set of rules be they religious or legal pretty much does. Either from the individual to the good of society... or from to those who 'hold' some sort of property or claim to to those that dont. ........................ As mentioned before never (very rarely offended) and i did mention that i thought your comments might be misconstrued.....none the less I will be likely the first shot in any revolution either by the old guard because i wont comply - or the new guard because i wont comply.....i accept that i dont require guns to make me feel safe at night. my mother hated me always asking 'why' - probably explains a lot....and if this is all rambling a bit, it probably is - too many late night Christmas parties and Champagne, with three more to come....
  9. zdo - i am not offended - its usually the first person to bring up Nazis etc that is. ....and where does the questioning end.....there in lies one issue the conpiracy theorists have not got an answer to - everything is out to get you. But i certainly do question Symmatrix. I will answer your other questions tomorrow.
  10. All you need to do is advertise then. plus i thought it was the government out to get you.?.....not some lone crime victim, who is statistically speaking most likely someone you already know. You had best stop hanging out with people you know...... ................................ Erika Harrell, Ph.D. December 11, 2012 NCJ 239424 Presents findings on the rates and levels of violent victimization committed by offenders who were strangers to the victims, including homicide, rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. The report presents annual trends and compares changes across three 6-year periods in the incidence and type of violence committed by strangers from 1993 through 2010. It describes the characteristics of victims and circumstances of the violent crime. The nonfatal violent victimization estimates were developed from the Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which collects information on nonfatal crimes, reported and not reported to the police, against persons age 12 or older from a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. The homicide data are from the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) for 1993 through 2008. Highlights: In 2010, strangers committed about 38% of nonfatal violent crimes, including rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. In 2005-10, about 10% of violent victimizations committed by strangers involved a firearm, compared to 5% committed by offenders known to the victim. From 1993 to 2008, among homicides reported to the FBI for which the victim-offender relationship was known, between 21% and 27% of homicides were committed by strangers and between 73% and 79% were committed by offenders known to the victims.
  11. i think this is what i would like the NRA and others to admit. There is a trade off for everything. If you want to protect yourself from the government - then its more likely that you have to protect yourself from some nutter with a gun......and the best they can come up with is arming people even more.......:crap: Plus symmatrix - when i was young, "On March 18, 1969, the United States began a four year long carpet-bombing campaign in the skies of Cambodia, devastating the countryside and causing socio-political upheaval that eventually led to the installation of the Pol Pot regime."....but thats just an example of a better world......:doh:
  12. 100% agree. I used to rent a place with some mates - that helped (some hinderance - but mostly good) Now I am in the UK, i dont feel like sharing with strangers or commuting with the great unwashed. So to ease the boredom, i have done numerous little projects, backtesting, trying to automate things, developed excedl programs for accounting, reconciliation, blah blah,I read a lot, record programs on TV and set up alerts, inest in a few other businesses that i help out with once a week etc. Its the thing about the job that I hate (especially when its dark at 8am and 4pm in London) and often think about doing something completely different and keep some more longer term trades which might only trigger once a week or so. This would also get the wife off the back when she says - what did you do today, and can you do x,y,z tomorrow for me - flutter eyelids.
  13. Symmatrix - i think the US has the highest rate even if the Swiss are up there. I also understand that China has the highest number of chopsticks per person, very few people die from chopstick use and therefore you can draw you own conclusions. Rattling off a bunch of stats to push a point without taking into consideration other issues probably does not help. Countries such as Rwanda did not have a bunch of guns when genocide occurred there - imagine if they did have the guns. Some of the most dangerous places in the world do not have many guns - what you are saying is that those places will become far less dangerous if every one there was armed. Why cant gun control in the USA mean restrictions of the types of guns v total elimination or guns from individual control? So are you a campaigner to disarm the government, the army and the government controlled militias? It seems that those who fought for individuals to the rights to bear arms did it to protect against the potential tyranny of the government. With a well armed government i would think you are looking to ensure that they being disarmed is part of the equation? Take it a step further - I hope that you are a fervent believer that any country that 'feels' it has been attacked by the US government is completely justified in fighting back with any means at its disposal......if not what are you supporting - the rights of some people but not others? plus - on seeing the heroin picture - yep - legalise it - I am sure you support that also. more fuel.
  14. this is your profile....underlying at 143 ?? DEC JAN Strike Call Put Call Put 142 -1 146 3 -6 8 147 which basically means another way of looking at it.... DEC JAN Strike Call Put Call Put 142 -1 146 -3 3 5 as the Dec 146 synthetic x 3 is like fully hedging the Jan Put making it a call. 147 If you are following this far.....and i have read your system right. Hence if the instrument falls - delta is net negative by 4 puts at the 146 strike, and one 146-142 put spread. This is effectively hedged by the long 3 synthetic, meaning you have 1 put, and one put spread if it falls. If it rallies, you have calls on the upside - assuming you dont close them out, and accept the underlying. SEE the point of there are many ways of looking at it...... ............ however getting back to the original post..... you are receiving time decay - ie; positive theta and positive gamma.....how/why? its becasue the time decay on the DEC is enough to be more than the time decay on the JANs, .....BUT the gamma does not kick in until it gets close to the 146 strike, in which case i can assure you the gamma will effectively be 0 or 1 along with the Delta on the Dec options near 146. Dont be deceived by the greeks - you need to understand where your risk is... Move the date forward to expiry in Jan.....move the price to 145.99 whats the position. then move the price to 146.01 whats the position. Again why options are a much missunderstood. Remeber also what happens after expiry - do you roll, do you take the underlying if below the strikes you are short, are they cash settled. If its cash settled - you will just be naked short 8 puts. (assuming i have read your summary correctly)
  15. Db- "the troubles" - i had to look that up as my family has been in Oz 6 generations, and they were originally from Scotland - the last trouble that had there was with the Romans who built a war to keep those crazy highlanders out. I agree its hard to understand a lot of this when you have not come from an area/era of hatred. I have a few Irish friends who left Belfast because they were sick of all that and just wanted to get away from the stubborn mindlessness of it all. ...back on gun control...................and stick with me hear as i get a bit wayward. Zdo - not sure how to respond or even to bother as i think you have strayed the discussion so far, and resorted to what are normally seen as last ditch attacks on the person with your insinuations of suggesting i would be a Nazi or Stalinist.... Your Questions..... "SUIYA, you are not a creator of collective maya at this point. But you need to question within – Are you a consumer of collective maya?" and..... "Btw, readers, if you think the present ‘worldwide’ democracy “best system” is working …ie that we should be trusting government … then, bluntly, I believe you would have also fallen for Stalin, or Hitler, or ________ " This is always the agenda of a poor argument Zdo.....attack the person/s.... While you may not have intended this, I believe that is the result. Re Nazis/Stalinists - Most do follow, most will and it will happen again and if you dont think the current US government is any better then what can we say. Which system of government is better? are any? none? ananarchist style of all freedoms with self regulating society...? You kind bring the old extreme tyrannical view in as the end result without offering some other suggestion.... ........................................ I do like your.... "The stupid founders of this stupid country were very suspicious of government and were quite in favor of tearing them down when they don’t work anymore. " They were probably also in favour of tearing down certain constitutional rights when they dont work any more, or are not needed or irrelevant......but i am not an expert on US constitution or laws...... From my understanding of it however, and my brief understanding of the US history, and the intentions of the founding fathers I might be more a supporter of their original intentions than many Americans. As mentioned this might just be all fueling the fire While I dont have a vested interest, I would side on gun control much for the reasons given by MM, and yet also understand the desires of personal freedoms. No body needs most of these weapons unless they want to use them to kill people....plus with less guns there is probably less likelihood of such incidents. Having a pop gun against the government who is out to get you is unlikely to make much difference.... I do struggle with what i see as the emotional knee jerk responses by the bleeding hearts, as much as i do with the rational thought processes of those who want freedom and will create tyranny and an armed populace in order to protect it. .....hence a middle ground needs to be determined...... I dont think the average USA citizen has much to fear from its government compared to many other places in the world, and in fact has more to fear from the corporatisation that is occuring....a whole other issue, which guns probably wont help. Personally I would like the pro gun lobby to come out and say - if we want to protect ourselves in our homes from intruders or the government then every now and again this even will occur. Regardless of mental health, social security, border patrols etc....This sort of trade off at least would be an honest summation. ................ Posting that the media loves gun killing sprees is ludicrous Zdo - the media is a business, they love news, and will print that Kim Kardashians dog licked its balls if it sold a news paper......putting up such drivel detracts from any rational discussion about the issue at hand IMHO. The media also works both sides of the fence and will have people both pushing gun control and also more liberal gun laws....so whats your point with this. Is this about gun control. If you dont believe both sides will use anything to push their own agenda then what can I say. IMHO- I hope those that push either agenda actually actively support the things that provide the checks and balances and the separations of controls and the systems to minimise corruption and tyranny first and foremost that make the systems in the US (while maybe not perfect) one of the better ones we have available. You should not need to defend it if you dont know what you are defending. all good fuel.
  16. apologies - i thought it a strange question - but nothing on the internet is that strange.... i would think your best bet if you dont need a charting package or anything would be to talk directly to a broker that might offer this service via their one cancels another order service. (OCO) I dont know of any that specifically has this but i use interactive brokers which are very good for a low cost if you dont require much trading. You might be able to use a OCO order whereby you will still have to put the order in every 2nd time- eg; a sell followed by a buy. Each cycle it gets reset. Otherwise - a charting package that is cheap might offer something whereby it checks what the open position is at the broker. If long, sell to buy, if square/flat then buy to sell. The package i use is inexpensive and you might be able to easily set up such a system on that - Sierra Charts.
  17. Zdo.....those articles you posted .... the way i read them.... it seems that the right to bear arms gun crowd seems to think that its ok to allow guns and make them readily accessible to those who have mental illnesses.....because in their own words guns dont kill - people kill, and that its mental illness that is the issue..... and the only reason the government wants to ban guns is so that they can de-arm their own populace in order to keep telling untruths - that they are already telling and has the general public already believing. Always seems strange when the best country in the word with the best system of government does not even back or trust its own government. Finally - that you are a hypocrite if you back the USA in drone killings but want to disarm your own society.......in order to stop killing. As for having an armed populace to stop other armed mentally ill people - who then protects us from the armed populace? The government.....or ourselves everytime I 'feel offended' Seems a strange argument to make.....but i dont have any vested interests either way so maybe i am missing the points and throwing fuel on the fire.
  18. thats interesting johnw as i have actually had subscriptions previously cancelled because they tried to run through a card that expired. (This was about 5 years ago) The new card had the same number, but when the 'magazine' needed to run through the details the expiry was old and they had to contact me. This was in Oz, so maybe there are varying differences in different countries and or banks.
  19. I think this article is full of half generalised information that does not add much. You may as well just have said, have some patience and look for a second break on the close of a support level to the upside before entering a long trade. There are multiple buying opportunities and equally so shorting opportunities with low risk in case it did turn around (market tops can look remarkably similar). there is no additional levels of where stops might be, where to take profits. so if resistance once broken becomes support, then support once broken becomes resistance...... there is no explanation for minor support which is clearly below resistance when the support is broken..... in other words, it would imply you should be bearish unless you show how you are calculating minor support. Basically the value is in understanding that these are zones......and that you should wait and look for confirmation.....but if you did not wait on the previous break you could have bought at 6.70 and watched it rally to 7.70. Now by waiting until you get to buy at 6.70....what now? So this could be a buy signal in the support zone. Plus if you are only buying off a close of the daily above the resistance line, then why look at the 60min bars unless you are looking for better low risk entries there. hindsight unless you have specific ways of dealing with wide range bars and reversals when they occur in a zone of support. a good tip...... ............... IMHO - too generalised and generic to be worth much except to reinforce patience sometimes works, and while Pristine might offer some sound advice sometimes (I dont know) this is not some of their best.
  20. IMHO - you are complicating it. confusing the spikes (which are unusal price action either due to an error of reporting, or some algo, or other reason for purchasing through multiple price levels), v the reasons for the underlying fundamental news Dont think that market participants know what others are doing, or that you can work out if someone is accumulating stocks, exiting longs, or shorts, adding to positions, reducuing, initiating a new position......generally we will never know. they might be new players, private equity, index huggers, and overseas buyer, option hedgers, a local fund, anyone with any number of reasons...... Plus dont forget that these are not futures. Stocks have a finite number of shares on issue, and so there are different factors involved, different players and you might need to look at the free float of a share. (Though with CFDs you could probably have more than the number of shares on issue traded out there..).... regardless - are you interested in the spikes? or are you interested in the recent news action? or are you interested in a longer term trade based on the fundamentals which have been changing? Plus - regardless of what Steve says (he effectively implied he had inside knowledge if his own research can show information (without guessing) prior to market releases of what a company will announce)) and even all this is merely speculation about what may happen and more importantly to you - what the market reaction may be. Remebering the market is often good at digesting information hence the rubbish about efficient markets..... Point is - are you trading or investing, or trying to analyse the market based on prices or fundamental action......they will confuse if you are not clear on what you are trying to get to - especially at 2.30am I do look forward to the helicopter chocolates falling from the sky.
  21. as you own the stock already - you should be able to transfer the stock across to the broker to enable the sale to be entered. This was it would not be considered a short sale. (Any short sales would require the right conditions depending on the market to be allowed (egl borrowed stock) but more importantly would require margin in the account to be able to just sell stock.....so much the same as a long) As for placing a buy order - without placing extra money in the account why would anyone let you buy a stock without paying for it. You will have to sell the stock first, and use that cash to buy the stock back - leaving the proceeds from the sale with the broker. It is just a matter of order precedent - Think about what would happen if you own X shares, and the buy order is hit first - you will then own 2xX shares, and a broker is might allow you to leverage the original shares on margin, but this is dangerous and you will still need extra cash to cover losses.
  22. working on the basis of the gurus - if theta is positive then you are receiving money each day, and hence your gamma is negative.....just for clarity. ie you are short vol. Which means there is some confusion - you say you are positive theta and positive gamma....is this from a theoretical addition of the individual greeks? I would also say your vega and gamma mean very little to you unless you are trading the volatility either by actively continually hedging or looking for a move in volatility to unwind the position. Given this - a lot will depend on the ratio of long to short puts, and what the prices are now of each option (there might be a skew), how far you are from expiry and how far the underlying current price is from options, as well as how far apart the option strikes are from each other . Plus - are you basing your Greeks off the theoretical prices, or the mark to market prices? Basically you need a lot more information to assess this accurately, and maybe its just a matter of calculation iterations. you can put ratios on whereby they work pretty well up until the expiry month in which case either the negative gamma kills you, or the theta costs you too much (assuming you are hedging) ---- too many scenarios, you need more information.
  23. regardless of the rules - you are basically saying you want to be deliberately slower - or at least slow enough for a big spike. I think it makes sense expect that every now and again you will get caught in a big move that just keeps going. Maybe an alternative for less orders being sent by yourself is to give yourself a band of adjustments.... eg; bid 99-offer 100 you sit on the bid at 89, offer 110 until the market moves out of the range 96 to 104 OR sit at certain predetermined levels. (a friend of mine who is a deep deep value investor sits on some bids and offers way out of the market just waiting. (I dont know enough CME rules to worry about too many orders)
  24. so basically if the market is 100 bid and 101 offered you have orders at 99 and 102 hoping for someone to send in a market order. But if the market naturally goes 99 bid and 100 offered or 101 bid 102 offered you pull out and resend? You are live - you are not waiting for an order to suddenly plough through the bid or offer.?
  25. If you are short, and the roll is automatic, then you will be short the next month. If you dont roll yourself or close out then thats all they can do - this makes perfect sense for all involved. You keep the same exposure. Look up Contango and backwardation. You need to understand this - there was no market move (at least to the extent you think) Plus if you do the math (s) you say 'they' took 100 points and yet you only lost 13 points. I suggest you understand the rolling process and that way you wont think either you are stupid, OR that they ripped you off. Basically it looks like Jan contract you sold 10723 and AS PART OF THE ROLL bought back to close at 10733 Feb contract AS PART OF THE ROLL you sold to open at 10620 then closed out at 1623 your account reflect this. period. The only thing you might want to look at is the change in the spread between Jan and Feb over the last few days. Otherwise it looks nothing strange here, except that you thought you could close out or roll at a time the market was effectively closed.
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