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Everything posted by SIUYA

  1. Rande in your experience with traders - do you find the 'Fear of missing out' on getting into a trade is similar to the 'Fear of leaving profits on the table'? Given it seems to be told/rumored/quoted (please dont quote me) that many retail traders actually enter trades at good levels - but cant run to the plan because of this fear of leaving profits on the table. Also - of these traders that get emotionally charged - how many do you think actually have well thought out plans that have been tested to reinforce the emotional control, as opposed to just trying to regulate the emotions based on what they think should happen - based on their entry. thanks. Re control - I downloaded a book about relinquishing control - "Losing Control - by Daniel Miller" - anyone read it, and or can recommend it? It cost 2.50GBP on kindle but i dont know if its worth the time to read. thanks
  2. Agree - you think that most broker seminars are there to entice you in - they are, but there are also some good ones out there. Interactive brokers has some good ones covering a lot of aspects - check out the industry sponsored tab http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/?f=%2Fen%2Fgeneral%2Feducation%2FpriorWebinars.php
  3. SIUYA

    Pyramid Positions

    I also ran many tests and variations on the turtle ideas a few years back.....our conclusion was that it worked really well for a period, and may work really well again at some other period in the future. Overall with variations it can be profitable as a portfolio, with a long enough time frame and providing an adequate return As for pyramiding we came to the conclusion that pyramiding 1-2 times extra was all that was required to get adequate value out of it, beyond that it just added to the PL volatility. Much as Eigergroup - discretion - unable to be backtested really well can help (or hinder ) the system. Others have made mention they believe the system works mainly as it gets on board the outlier moves. There is also the additional element of it being able to compound returns.
  4. So basically humans are inherently violent - or those that are are willing to use any force necessary/available regardless of the rules.... If so, then would it still not be better to reduce the number of options available to them - in an ideal world - all of them.....including governments..... OR does this only apply to a select few - ie; those in the USA. Extend this to the rest of the world. Extend this to those communities who feel they are being attacked - are they not also allowed to arm themselves to protect themselves from those who they percieve as aggressors OR are actively being attacked. Do you support their rights as humans as well? Or is this a leap too far -- the fantasy of one side Zdo - I and i think many others get your point. Ideally many of us will never experience much violence, or need to defend from it. If I needed to defend myself, I would rather firearms not be involved. If it becomes an arms race, then regardless of what many with weapons think - having the ability, having the balls, having the opportunity to really be able to defend them selves might be the fantasy of the other side. (I have killed plenty of animals on the farm - and have no compulsion to do it for fun, but have no problems doing it. Not many others can....and these are animals.) The other thing that i think MM and others also probably would prefer to keep in check, something that is clearly impossible the attitutudes of some that it is ok to resort to violence as a first resort.....we see some of these here. Too often these merely mask another sort of implementation of their own moral codes/ agendas on others, and as they too are only human would by the 'natural law of cabins in the woods' want to implement their ways on others through the use of force. Usually the reason for force - even if its ego driven. "By Far, the most effective way to reduce the “lethalness of criminals” is to increase the lethalness of their potential victims" ----- this might even the playing field a little, but this is the leap you make that many of us just dont agree with. This seems to have the assumption that every criminal will be intent on using lethal force - many are just opportunisitc. If they know their targets are armed - are they not more likely to use 'preemptive strikes' - they already break the laws, so whats another one? (This does not just apply to individual criminals ) ......... By the way, i enjoyed my trip to the US this time, never felt threatened or fearful. Only problem was the knee injury that was self inflicted (snowboarding and no tree involved) and the flu that was natural. (ps Zdo - one of your posts quotes a General or Major - i have seen that before and i think its incorrectly attributed. Plus even some of those premises can be disputed - I cant believe I am even engaging in this thread again :doh: - more out of curiosity than anything I imagine)
  5. Here in lies the great/confusing part of options. what is one persons advantage may be the others disadvantage. Add Advantages: Leverage - requires good risk controls Hedging Decaying asset - when you are short Zero sum - if you are constantly winning. various strategies can be used across months and strikes. can be used as part of a portfolio hedging strategy Unlimited upside - if long options, and you can run them (subject to expiry, and if put or call) Limited Downside - if long options Dividend and corporate strategy plays - dependent on local laws Disadvantages: Excessive leverage when risk controls are poor Hedging is often misunderstood and the hedge may in-fact merely change the risk profile but not actually act as a hedge Decaying asset - when you are long zero sum - if you are constantly loosing and have no way of offsetting this various strategies can be used across months and strikes -dangerous if you dont understand what you are doing You might not have enough capital/assets to effectively implement a portfolio type strategy Unlimited downside - if short options, (subject to expiry, and if put or call) Limited Downside - if short options Bascially - there is a lot options can offer, and there are a lot of advantages and disadvatanges and these differ greatly on if the options used are long, short, puts, calls, naked or covered.......you cannot be general with them.
  6. pissed of - no. not humble enough to cry uncle - no - i 'liked' others when they called for an answer, after that i forgot about it. So to make you feel better - 'uncle' to me the riddle is valueless - it wont change my life one little bit. There is no loss except to confirm you have certainly left no doubt that you are a control freak. you evil - who cares - you think you are one of the good smart guys and then proceeds to demands everyones attention because you have a riddle like you - irrelevant - I often like three year olds, sometimes i dont like them when they cry....they usually dont give a shit either.
  7. the new normal crisis - until we find another crisis. One thing about Gold that Faber makes that many forget - it too will likely massively decline, it just wont go to zero "“I’m prepared to make a bet, you keep your U.S. dollars and I’ll keep my gold, we’ll see which one goes to zero first.” Now if the SHTF - none of this is relevant - a can of baked beans and a squirrel for dinner might be more valuable than gold....... If the SHDoesNotHTF then diamonds are the way to go. Easier to transport, people with money and chicks love them I saw some folks saying guns and ammo will be worth a lot - yep - not much thought gone into that one - imagine scenario.... SHTF - Man A buys guns from Man B for the price of his daughter, 5 goats and a car . ...Man A shoots man B and takes said possession back. Its valuable not because you want to sell it, its valuable cause no one else has one :doh:
  8. yep - its just a classic story of too much leverage, too much risk and too much ego. Risk of ruin kills many and hindsight is a wonderful thing.....imagine how many client funds might have disappeared otherwise. Regardless of what anyone things of the Fed/govt being the lender of last resort - they do have enough deep pockets and patience if the trade is right, whereas us mere mortals have to take other things into consideration. I once had an argument with a banker from UBS who claimed that the only thing LTCM did was run out of money otherwise their trades were good too. :doh: Thats like saying i wouldn't have starved to death - its just that i ran out of food. (bringing in your fasting regime for good measure - i hope thats going well.)
  9. Good - you did nothing wrong. you stopped out. move on, its just another trade. If you cant move on for a valueless answer to a riddle then maybe you should not be trading ?? The answer is either so simple, stupid or debatable it wont make any difference to your life as it is probably not worth too much emotional effort to please some anonymous person on the internet stroking their own ego with their own game of control.....but what ever turns you on. Some people need shoes, whips and chains, others need people to cry uncle to them.....each to their own.
  10. as most traders do - cut and move on and dont get too emotionally attached to anything that has little value even if a control freak wants to drag you in...... so for another thinking puzzle..... ......................... You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. An old friend who once saved your life. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?
  11. just trying to put myself into the shoes of others....
  12. While trying not to miss read this..... if calling for peaceful solutions is mental masturbation..... We cant deal in propositions lets deal with reality - i am arguing because i think i am right....to prove i am right i should use violence. I was defending myself. Talk about twisting words.... :doh: If you are taking the attitude that the solution is violence That not trying peaceful solutions/propositions is worthwhile, and that violence is an option of last resort..... then there is no argument - its pointless. As for racism and deflections it works both ways Zdo.....you brought it up. I could not care either way, and I think the stats do show most serial killers and mass murders are white, we should just let them continue right? Racism is a massive issue everywhere in the world, but lets not talk about twisting words when you would claim it takes the disarm crowd to take being hit at home to really get going.......as i said, does the 'arm even more' crowd think its beyond such things? If you think that every gun owner is completely rational and not emotional then i guess all the gun murders are accidents. That would fix the statistics. Whats the joke - you know a liberal looses the argument when the racist card is brought up......works both ways. Both black and white and red brown yellow and green. Most people dont think they are racist - they might just be reacting when things do get close to home, and why wouldnt they? Isnt that what you guys are arguing - self defense. Here is a good one for word twisting - disarm - amazing how anyone who might call for more controls on weapons is immediately seen as attacking the 2nd amendment, or calling for complete gun confiscation is branded a liberal sheep and usually a faggot, muslim/atheist, un-American (I loathe the use of the word un-Australian so i figure its the same) Zdo - problem with any of these discussions is that the emotion is on both sides and if you deny that then you are living in a fantasy. As for peaceful situations - yes - sometimes there are no options left but if you actually believe that "In real life, “peaceful solution” is not necessarily the way to go in individual situations"......in which case it will become a self fulling prophecy of continual violence if that is thought of as the first resort. (We all know the government is more likely to use violence and force in protecting your rights even if you need protecting from yourself.) or am i just not asking the right questions?
  13. you cant choose the bowl by weight etc; you need to divide the marbles, then while blindfolded choose the bowl, eg; left or right. but a good guess and along the exact right lines. Ans: 1 white one in a bowl, 99 in the other bowl. Result: chance of choosing a white is 100% from one bowl or 49 from 99 from the second bowl. ie; 1+49/99 from 2 choices. Or close to 75% chance.
  15. You are a prisoner sentenced to death. The Emperor offers you a chance to live by playing a simple game. He gives you 50 black marbles, 50 white marbles and 2 empty bowls. He then says, 'Divide these 100 marbles into these 2 bowls. You can divide them any way you like as long as you use all the marbles. Then I will blindfold you and mix the bowls around. You then can choose one bowl and remove ONE marble. If the marble is WHITE you will live, but if the marble is BLACK... you will die.' How do you divide the marbles up so that you have the greatest probability of choosing a WHITE marble?
  16. then you have nothing to really worry about right? If someone thinks that there should be more peaceful solutions, disarming the world is a good idea (even if fanciful) and while thinking that in a practical sense they might have better regulations over things like weapons as they have over many other things (cars, drugs, airlines, the environment) then that does make them a lefty, USA hating sheep. (what about state and local as opposed to federal controls, gun clubs whereby they regularly check on people, train them and leave some of the controversial weapons safely locked away). Sometimes, there are watershed moments that societies reach - who knows what they may be - Rosa Parks springs to mind. Sometimes you need that emotional stirring to make people act either way. Just because you might not get involved until a certain event does not make you a racist any more than it makes you a criminal if prior to Sandy Hook you did not really care that criminals were killing each other. Plenty of people have always opted for more peaceful solutions People have also been calling for more controls on the pill popping mentality of the US for a while now and maybe this might bring that cause to the fore as well.....are you going to argue against that? Additionally folks like myself who really did not have a great deal of insight into the US mentality have learnt a lot and realise that if you are an American Indian or black you might feel like you have being living under a tyrannical state ever since Europeans stepped onto the USA. I did not see many gun lovers stepping up for their rights - so are they just as hypocritical? The comedy skit i posted earlier was partly scarily true as everyone was so busy protecting their guns they forgot about the rest of the constitution. Much like the post you gave of the lefty turned libertarian - maybe it will open up more debates and more people will remember if the house around you is being brought down but you are so focused on protecting the fridge you will forget it needs electricity to run. ( I am glad i threw some fuel on the fire - good for learning) So a lot of good can come from these debates, I for one had only ever seen the Alex Jones types and smmatrix sprouting off his diatribe and the NRA representing the responsible gun owners of America....no wonder people took a side. Responsible gun owners might be better denouncing these guys --- just an idea. I would always side on a peaceful solution if i could, and find that in such arguments its the radicals from any side that scare me most - those with one idea, those who would enforce their ideas by force, and fit everything to protecting an idea without compromise. Those who think the rest of the world is stupid and they have the answers. Which is why I have thought it more about many other things than just gun rights....seems you might too. It seems a surprise to many Americans when the rest of the world cant understand some of their actions.....they often put it down to jealousy...maybe its more pity that the experiment is getting derailed. Maybe its a realisation that the experiment requires constant renewal - so when/if the SHTF it is to be expected. So ..... if more people get on board the liberty train, even if they still call for more peaceful solutions wouldn't that be a good thing, even if it was caused by an emotional trigger?
  17. i had to.... Choose the response that best suits....no middle ground is allowed. Banning smoking will not lead to improved health? - what about those people who smoke all their life....huh, huh.....proved you wrong...remeber its not the gun that kills you, its the person. (I always thought it was the bullet unless the gun was used as a club) or lets ban animals, meat products and any chemicals - that way we live at one with the universe on a collective farm. Burning fossil fuels will not lead to a change in climate? Climate change is a liberal scam (even if climate change is happening did we cause it?).....huh, huh....double proved you wrong......plus you cant beleive everything you dont see on Fox or We must stop production of everything now, end the environmental destruction and force people to live at one with the universe Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction? What they did with them who the hell knows, but they had them, we know - We sold them to them so they could defend themselves from the bad guys. But now they must be stopped, cause we are the good guys. or We sold it to them, they used them, so whats the problem....leave them alone, dont make us the bad guys Israel is a poor victim? I direct you to post #24. As for the other guys, well they need to get a bigger gun. or what about the other victims? Everything Fox news says is true? Except the stuff that is part of liberal socialist agenda or does not fit my world view. or Except the stuff that is not on Fox or does not fit my world view. There is no such thing as propaganda? But i saw this on Fox. or But i saw this on Fox Hitler was just misunderstood? But I completely understand Obama and his liberal socialist agenda.... or I read a book once that and I quote as i kept it to solve all the worlds problems....."There are no bad people, only badly loved people. If Stalin, Hitler, or Osama Bin Laden experienced themselves as loved and loveable, what motivation would they have to kill? Feeling love circulating through you makes you want to celebrate and nuture life, not destroy it".....i stopped reading the book after that sentence, even though it seemed like a nice idea. ...... you forgot the topical one.... I have plenty of debt already, i am in a debt crisis already.....maybe i should borrow some more money to get myself out of trouble - that will work. ....................... and for the trading analogy - I have this system, that works 80% of the time, but its just not working. Lets use more leverage, double up trades and trade even more! Better yet, lets use this weapon of mass account destruction and give it to everyone to use - it will make the world a safer place. or Lets not trade its evil. .......... Problem is - while banning/restricting weapons will not fix the worlds problems owning a gun does not make you a responsible gun owner. There are plenty of responsible gun owners and while many who want to ban guns might live in denial, i find it scary that those with weapons believe that they dont suffer the same affliction. (but what would i know i am just an arrogant Brit :doh:)
  18. Patuca - maybe its the sunshine in Mexico that causes the gun mayhem... Snowless Chicago Winter Feeds Budget While Fueling Murder Rate - Bloomberg "Another measure is certain. The city’s murder rate spiked 66 percent in the first quarter of 2012, when temperatures were 30 percent above normal and snowfall was 30 percent below average. Unseasonably mild weather sends more people outdoors, helping to trigger more violence, Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said in an interview. “Nice weather will put more people on the street, which will create more opportunity for crime to occur,” McCarthy said, noting that murders were up 16 percent for the year. “The opportunity is limited when you have a foot of snow. There’s not a causal relationship with weather and crime. It’s merely an influencer.”" ...... you might also argue that Mexico has many crime related issues more as a result of the USA war on drugs as opposed to the gun controls of the Mexican government. Either way, gun controls dont necessarily mean banning guns - just making it harder for people to get their hands on certain weapons at at times they are not feeling emotionally at their best, and most people cant see the logic of how allowing more guns into a society that already has the most guns in the world already will help a situation. i thought this was a great little comedy skit and maybe there is a lot of truth in it. Bill Maher On Gun Rights vs. Privacy: Second Amendment Isn't Under Attack, Everything Else Is (VIDEO) maybe the energy is miss directed on all sides?
  19. Much the same as the other answers except I think the odds are 50/50....my maximum odds. For you to win, you need HTT, so to maximise my chances of winning I should piggy back you....and then switch for the last one and choose HTH Otherwise, if i choose a completely different sequence the odds are the same as yours.....slim, whereas by piggybacking you my odds go up to 50:50 for the last coin.
  20. You believe people are stupid and you want more of them to have firearms and to allow them to walk around with them. :doh: IMHO it is this thinking that is responsible for single handedly lowering the average intelligence of the total human gene pool, and turning people away from responsible gun owners ........................ .....and I think you just failed the test for being considered a responsible gun owner. ............ I support your rights to bear arms - there is a rationale for it - , and with rights comes responsibilities and consequences. Or do you conveniently forget that part? do you equally support everyone elses rights as well or are you selective and inconsistent in this? so you support a regulation on people having to do a 'stupid' test before getting a firearm? what would that involve? or are you simply allowing me to shoot you if i think you are stupid? Personally I think you give Americans, responsible gun owners, and Buddhists a bad name. (But of course as you are working for the other side, maybe that is your agenda )
  21. yes i was butting in - Is'nt that what PMs are for, and none of us mean to offend anyone do we?? Sorry. I am not only one of them but also one of us and one of the many and the few. Came across this quote once before and you have to think it can apply to anyone/them/us or the others we dare not mention..... "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire. I guess we can choose which absurdities to believe in. ............ I did think your suggestion for the new 3D printing of weapons was an interesting idea. As a technology that is f..n. amazing and potentially economy changing. I want to buy the ink producers - much the same as those supplying the shovels.
  22. and the others only see conspiracies in every thing. Are you one of them? Have a good weekend everyone, lock the doors, check the baked beans and ammo clips and prepare the stats for next weeks assaults by the enemy within us all. .............. The powers that be never should have allowed the internet to develop but thankgod it did - where would porn be without it. (and vice versa)
  23. MM you forgot to put everything IN LARGE LETTERS with MANY COLOURS and a picture.
  24. in the meantime..... 2 for fun... There is a potential liar - lets call him Lance.....he says he lied and cheated throughout his career and then denied it afterwards. Now he says he is coming clean, and revealing all with the revelations that no one could have done what he did in his career without lying and cheating..... Is he now lying about lying or is he coming clean .......... Socialists claim the wealthy steal from the workers, the wealthy claim those that dont work steal from them, anarchists claim the government steals from everyone, criminals claim they steal because they either need to feed a habit or they were abused growing up - the leaders claim they are merely facilitating the stealing for everyone as the markets need regulated theft as they are too efficient at doing it themselves. The question is - when someone breaks into your home, are they socialist, the wealthy, anarchists, the government or just plain criminals?
  25. I think the last sentence in the article is appropriate. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=34090&stc=1&d=1358424185
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