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Everything posted by TheDude

  1. It is quite interesting what strategies ETF's can allow. Not a trade, but just something I'm following (since Feb this year) to get other ideas flowing is SPXU & BPO (buying both) SPXU is an ETF that is short the S&P components. In other words, if you buy this, you are short the S&P. Thats interesting to me because it seems to be targeted at those who have a bearish view of the S&P, but do not like the idea of going short; perhaps long only fund managers (I don't know if I'm joking there???!!), or retail traders who dont like the perceived risk or too traditional to take the margin account. BPO is simply the stock with the highest Beta that I could find, currently at 1.99 An interesting pairs trade which to my thinking in a bull market should pick up volatility returns of BPO, while taking out the returns of the stock market. I'm collecting beta. Like I said, this is just something I'm tinkering around with. I know it could be done better with options, or better product choice - the main purpose is to see how it behaves which in turn generate other ideas....
  2. I'm confused. Mind you, I'm not as clever as you clearly are, so please excuse me... ....but when you say 'we', who are you referring to? I thought all your secret buddies from GS who are members here, never post. That is what you stated earlier is it not? I liked your first few posts in this thread though. Especially when you describe how you put your PC's in a circle and call it a trading pit! LOL! I did chuckle. Along with the description of your hybrid company 'hedge fund/prop shop'. Your posted chart with stops on a scalping strategy made me smile too. Dear oh dear! You're good value UB. Do keep it up! Thanks, Duderino.
  3. Hi Ally, Please can you elaborate on the MP Measured Move you mention, or refer me to where I can find out more? Is it similar to Dalton's idea of range estimation based upon where the market opens in relation to the previous profile value area, and the acceptance/rejection of the value? Thanks,
  4. Thanks Browns Fan. How long have you been with OEC, and roughly how many trades a day on average? I'm sure they have what Im looking for - a simple DOM where I can enter and pull with a single click. Nothing fancy
  5. Thanks for all the replies so far everyone. Macdfx: This is probably because exchanges generally dont charge for data if you are trading on it, how ever they do if you are only viewing data in a charting app. Therefore, OEC have to pass the charge from the exchange. I had a really bad experience with Ameritrade back in 2000 when I used to trade stocks. This is why I'm perhaps cautious about retail orientated accounts. Currently my account is with a major FCM and OEC seems a bit cheaper. I assume funds are segregated for each account. Thanks,
  6. Hi, I'm thinking of moving my account to Open E-Cry. I'm looking for honest opinions, both positive and negative. I've read the OEC thread here, but most threads are to do with their charts, and I doubt I would use them for charting. I'm more interested in the reliability of the execution platform, data feed, support, and desk should I lose my connectivity. Would you say the platform is of professional standard like TT or CQG? Or, is it really for the hobby/retail trader who doesn't necessarily have to make a living from trading? It does seem geared to the hobby trader from what I have seen, but the rates do look attractive. Thanks,
  7. The High volume (nodes/balance) are areas of fair price. These are areas where most trade took place. Risk is viewed as symmetric as the prices in the balance area/hv node are fair to both buyer and seller. Now, if you are an institution, with a very large order to fill, where are you going to try and do it? Where there is liquidity of course so you will suffer less execution risk. Where do we know there is liquidity? This is why high volume areas may sometimes act as magnets. Their 'pole' however can change. Sometimes these areas will repel price if value is seen to have changed, or attract if not. The polarity can be determined by volume analysis at the extremes of the high volume area. This is how I understand it, but I'm not an expert.
  8. Hello All, Firstly, I'd just like to say as my first post, what a great resource of Market Profile information this forum is. Thanks to everyone who has contributed, esp Frank. I've been lurking for a while.... Reading Dalton, he often talks about inventory imbalance, and how key it is to anticipate possible trades. Understanding the various time frames inventory/position is simple enough, but how does a trader identify an imbalance (logical trade idea), and prepare for a potential inventory correction before it happens (timing)? I thought of the commitment of traders reports, but that data is only released once a week, and is too 'old'. I don't think average TA levels will suffice such as support/resistance - as I see those as trade signals, not really a need to rebalance inventory; such as that required when the margin clerk walks up to your desk and taps you on the shoulder! :crap: Thanks for any insights....
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