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Posts posted by Deusomega

  1. You must have migrated here from ET where negative and content free is the rule.


    Here at TL friendly/non personal, positive and content rule.


    Not all vendors are a joke, some offer value and worthwhile products and services, some don't - that's what makes a market.


    Here a little stealth marketing is tolerated because sometimes there is enough concept, content or stimulation enough to give it value. Without any of it, content here would be as bleak and meaningless as it is on ET and others like it.


    Here the members decide for themselves what is buschwa and what is not. The value here is that the content is richer and the tone more positive than any other board of similar ilk.


    You come here as a stranger, make 2 posts and both of them are content free, negative and bashing long term members about whom you know nothing.


    Bashers and one-liners don't add content or value- they drive it from the site.


    Instead -if you can, why don't you show us a piece of something that you authored or originated that is relevant to trading any market in any time frame and we will talk about that rather than your own personal, negative biases.


    If you have something/anything to say that is relevant to trading the financial markets - by all means, start a thread and share it with us.





    Yes I only have 2 posts one trashing a "robot" salesman who was posting totally unrelated content for sale about forex in a commodities thread. And this one hopefully giving some new people at least pause.


    I'll disagree with you on ET because there are some excellent posters and threads(mostly older) on there.


    About posting content well I'm not fully self sufficient from my trading income yet so I think any comments would be about as useless as the several thousands of other non fulltime traders. And I would not be bringing anything to the table that one couldn't find with search. Show me the content that steve or EL added. Oh wait I gotta pay first.


    And yes my total purpose was to DRIVE people away from all of the vendor's that have popped up into this thread.


    All of this is IMHO and thats free :0

  2. All the vendors are a joke. Couldn't trade themselves out of a wet bag. Anyone who buys into these guys are simply ignoring millions of years of evolution and common sense lol.


    On EL's website "Algo and Hybrid Trading Workshop - Beat the HFTs "


    "Learn To Create An Algo And Learn How To Trade With It"


    Really?!? In one workshop you are going to teach people who may or may not have any experience with markets how to create an algo and beat high frequency quants? Who have years of academic and practical experience.


    Such garbage. And btw no one trades in pits anymore think of a new internet marketing tagline.


    None of the posts from steve, EL, or Urma relate any usuable info rather all of it is basically vague generalities and trash.


    It's funny because what first started as shameless self promotion by one vendor has turned into a vendor party with a touch of vendor d#ck measuring contest.

  3. I would start with learning theory and then getting some forex robot to work with


    Yes... because a forex robot is incredibly useful in relation to trading commodities. Spam bot ftw?


    Also incredibly useful suggestion "start with learning theory"... could you possibly be anymore vague?

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