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Rande Howell

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Everything posted by Rande Howell

  1. Due to lack of self knowledge, most traders actually lose before they make the trade. Why? Because they trade from fear (or self-doubt, grandiosity, or impulsivity -- even confusion). Because our brain is so organized around the avoidance of fear (which easily overwhelms our thinging, we rarely confront our fears head on and learn from them. And, for most, this pattern of avoidance (though a highly ineffective adaptation) can be maintained without too much challenge. Trading cuts through the elaborately constructed alibis of avoidance like a knife. In trading there is no wiggle room. The trader either wins or loses, whereas in other endeavors there is greater gray area for "fish stories" -- self deception. The connection between methodology and mind set creates performance. Any state of mind outside of a calm, impartial sense of authority is a poor psychological set up for trading. What I like about trading is that it forces you to "know thyself" or you will not be a profitable trader. It's a great personal development path. Rande Howell
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