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Everything posted by sm1929

  1. MMS, Ask your self what your method is and then create a checklist (if you can). Then no matter what number of charts you are looking at you'll have a criteria. This way if you move from Corn to Silver all you have to do is go through the checklist and see if the criteria to enter is there, if yes then enter, if no then skip and move on. If you have a different method for different products (grains, fx, metals, etal) create a checklist for each one. When you're looking at Corn use the Grains Checklist, when you're looking at Silver use the Metals Checklist etc. Also if I might add, if a trade is going against you it is OK to exit only if it is in your method to do so. Make sure you know what market conditions your method works in. If it only works in one market condition then only trade when that condition is present (no need to dump the whole method). For example, my method doesn't work in all market conditions, so I stay out until the market condition that is optimal for me is present. I hope this helps you. I wish you all the best of luck. Also, don't just consider day trading you can use 4hr or Daily charts. Remember that is where the trends are strongest. V.
  2. Ingot54 I hope you don't mind me making an addition to what you were saying. Making sure your trading style fits your schedule is key not just so you have time to look at your charts but also so you are not looking at your charts when your mind is cluttered/tired. I highly recommend to those who have a 9-5 job that you increase the time frame of your charts from less than 2hrs, to 4hrs or more. This will give you ample time to look and analyze your charts, focus on your job and have a life. Having a life is rather important otherwise (as I've learned the hard way) your mind gets too tired and your trading becomes sub-par. V.
  3. Traders can fail for any number of reasons. One of the main things we can do is encourage all traders and not say thing in a way that will psych them out. To any new traders, don't worry about failing, instead focus your energy on mastering a methodology, being disciplined and consistent. Sim trade it to make sure the method works in all market conditions and then apply. Start small and then flourish. Good Luck, V. P.S. Don't be in a hurry.
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