My take on this follows: (FWIW)
I believe that forums and the internet in general is a microcosm of life, people, and the way they interact in society. This is actually useful information because it leads to understanding human nature. I am one of those people that believes a chart is a reflection of human behavior and/or psychology.
If someone gives you a rude answer, there are a couple of possible reasons. One, maybe you just are so stupid you need a verbal beating? Or two - and I believe more likely, it reflects upon their need to feel superior. That need is a reflection of their lack of self-esteem. They are probably losing loads of money in the markets. Also....
You have to think that if they cannot control themselves, and feel the need to be like that - wonder how they react when the market is "out to get them"? Just a thought.
We all have bad days, but you will find over time their are some people that are worth listening to, and the other's are too worried about impressing you with how big their pee-pee is. I love these jacked-up type A people - they hand me money every week.
I let them brag, I just collect.
Best of luck in your trading.
PS - I am new to this forum, and if that rant was a little off.....sorry. I am sure there's a lesson in their somewhere though.