It's been a while since I updated this log, so I thought I might continue where i left off . In the past year my trading has gone in circles, I've thought I have found a profitable approach many times, only to be disappointed later. I traded chart patterns in the ES, CL, NG. I traded Support and Resistance levels across numerous markets. I took a short foray into forex. All in all, I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't.
I spent my summer reading, testing, and trading a little. Ive came across a very interesting blog of prop traders, who espouse many of the things that I've found to be useful . These traders essentially fade pivots taken from a volume profile, they use a combo of order flow, market internals, and other things to find trades. I find this approach of trading very appealing, as it resembles some of the characteristics i have noticed in markets but have not found a way to exploit. I have always seen the power of pivots(S/R), but never found a solid way to trade these levels. This blog of helpful traders, may provide me with some more ideas so i may continue to learn and eventually make some money. I have been studying this approach, and hope to implement in my own way.
(Moderator: URL removed - promotion)