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  1. geithner

    Would You Share?

    That is a tough question. I have been working for 3 years on an autotrade system for the YM. You turn the computer on enable the strategy and it does everything, entries/stops, it moves the stops when needed. It is producing about 2000.00 in profits every 90 days just trading one contract. You do the math- 10 contracts= 20k in trading profits. Will I sell it- not at this time. Yes- other traders could trade it and the market is liquid enough to handle the orders but if you reach a certain level and I do not know what the level is 50-100-200 traders, the system could develop some slippage. Do I want to be bothered being asked a bunch of questions as to how it works and prove it to me etc. No I don't. I am also concerned about large commercial traders trading against me to the point the singals do not work as well. If they know were you are placing your stops- they will run them. They have tons more momey than the retailer trader and can drive the market the other way temporarily just to run stops. I see it done all the time. I laugh about sytems which claim they can trade multiple markets- Just not true. My system was developed to trade just one market and I know everything that I can learn which affects the YM. My system is not for sale- Too much blood and sweat to develop it.
  2. geithner

    Stop Losses

    YM- Dow Emini Futures contract :crap::crap::crap:Exchange ECBOT I am hoping someone can clarify the answer to this question. Can other traders-mainly the big money movers like bank floor traders etc see you stops in this electronic market. The reason I ask is I have two separate brokerage accounts and I have been given two different answers to this question. IB tells me the stops rest on a closed server and no one else can see your stops. Mirus Futures tells me they can see your resting stops. You know the drill- it sure's seems like these bums can see your stops. I put a buy stop and the market moves up and triggers the stop and reverses right to the tick and I have egg in my face. I can't tell you how many times my stops are hit right at key turning points for the market. I think I should trade two accounts. Trade the one account with one contract where my stops are getting picked off and do exactly the opposite in the 2nd account with twice as many contracts- then I am sure to win a bundle of money. LOL
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