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procol33 started following Today's Pivot, Trade ES with Tradesation, Stressed Out About Pulling Trigger and and 1 other
ninja trader professional version will let you trade multiple strategies on the same instrument in one account. Saw a webinar yesterday and that specific feature was mentioned .... Lg
Hello, Unfortunately everyone is a millionair in a demo account. The key ingredient missing is the mental aspect of trading...There is no fear when trading in a demo account. So.....it doesn't mean you can't or won't do well when you go " live" but you should be aware of the real differences. Trade small when you start with real money.Use stops and have a business plan and set rules that you follow all the time. Don't overtrade...The most successful traders are the traders who trade as little as possible. Find a couple of setups and trade them over and over and over, rather than jumping from market to market and never learning how an instrument really behaves....Learn for instance the nuances of gold...and study it for months and months, so you know inside and out how it reacts in all different markets...Trading might possibly be one of the most difficult proffesions in the world to master, but if you play it smart, and control your emotions, and learn what really works for the best traders, then you will have a fighting chance. Read some good books on mastering your emotions as well as trading methodoolgy. Understand that this is a serious business that takes time to learn, just like and other job. A doctor doesn't operate on a brain tumor his first day in medical school! Well trading is not different in that you must put in the time that is necessary for you to learn how to do it well. Find a good mentor if possible and watch them trade and study why they do well... Avoid the frauds who tell you success comes in a minute and they have the latest and greatest indicator that for only $9955 will make you a winner...they are fake! There is no holy grail ! Above all, avoid feeling bad if you have a losing trade as the winners will come, and always move on to the next trade with optimisim and skill. Keep your losses small and your winners big, Honor your stops, and follow your rules, and you will join a small select few who trade for a living! All the best, Lg
Just don't go right away to $ 100k....The rule is this...If you are too uncomfortable trading the size you want to trade...then decrease the szie until it hits your comfort zone...No harm in putting 30k in the account and letting it grow is there?? Putting all your chickens into 1 trading strategy is not adviseable anyway. Good luck. Lg
Hi, I have been a member of Tradethemarkets.com for many years. I have received many free webinars from them that have helped me tremendously in my trading. Next week, all members are getting a free gold trading webinar after hours from Hubert, who is an excellent gold trader....Over the years I have seen John and Hubert and some of their other moderators go above and beyond with their time helping people. I have also worked with Dr. Clayburg and I was not very sucessfull with the Universal system either. It just was too complicated for me and I was unable to be very profitsble with it. I leased it though instead of purhased it so, my loss for the product was signifigantly less than yours. However I have seen Dr. Clayburg issue refunds at times if things haven't worked out, and I personally received more than 1 over the years on software, which is unheard of in this industry, so I can personally attest to their honesty and attempts to help people with their trading. I never saw the ad you were talking about, but I agree with you 1000% it is a disgrace and embarrassing and I am surprised Hubert did it. He can barely read the copy! I would bet that he is sorry that he did something, that truthfully to me, seems out of character to the ways they have run their business over the years. I have no intention of being an apologist for tradethemarkets.com but other than the controversy over who wrote some of their indicators( people say they copied public domain ones and charged for them...they now claim they took the public domain ones and reworked them. It does seem that over the years they have moved from saying they did write them, to now saying they modified the public domain ones, but that all is definitely open to discussion). I have both the public domain ones and the commercial ones, and there is some differences between them, but it appears to be pretty minor from a cursory test at best from myself. Other than that controversy, my point to all of this, is that I have had very good experiences overall with them. I have been to many of their paid online webinars and have learned alot. I have been to a few that were pretty lousy as well, but most of them were excellent and worth the money Obviously the key to remember is they are a business and will sometimes be quite guilty of poor decisions regarding advertising and how they go about promoting themselves. I have seen John Carter often introduce something " new and exciting" just before a paid webinar to get people to sign up, but hey that's American capitalism!..And he can be sublte because he is very smart! . However, from my own experiences, I have been treated totally fairly and honestly by them, and any problem I have ever had with them, has been resolved fully and fairly, and always in my favor...so...I might discuss your problem with them if too much time hasn't passed. I would guess a solution might be possible that would leave you feling less angry? Good luck in your trading, Lg
Hello, Tradethemarkets.com has a rolling pivot indicator for sale....It keeps adjusting the daily pivots during the day I believe.....I have never used it but I do have their auto pivot indicator and it is superb. Regards, Lg