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Everything posted by SK0

  1. What is the definition of FTT? Fail to reach the left boundary of a channel after point 3. Right? Anything say about point 2 on FTT's definition? No. I feel that you get confused with range expansion in the morning trading hours.
  2. Please ignore my suggestion. I should not suggest something I don't agree fully. I maintain the position that context/OOE are SUFFICIENT enough to know that one knows in trading.
  3. I mean collect STATISTICAL samples of lateral formations for each distinct set of Context/OOE and then see how "the thing itself" look.
  4. Just a suggestion. Group samples of Lateral Formations according to the Context/OOE.
  5. Personal opinion. I feel that you are not going to reach any sound conclusion with your lateral-exit-direction study based on "cases" inside Lateral Formations. Only the CONTEXT can help to tell you the exit direction of a lateral formation. I mean where the Forming Lateral is located in both Traverse and Channel containers, dominant or non-dominant. There are limited places where Laterals form. If you are interested in "cases", may be you want to study deeper into the completion of fast fractal Pattern inside Lateral formations. However, the horizontal boundaries could serve to FAN or contain the faster fractal Pattern inside a Lateral.
  6. :dito In general, I treat lateral formations as non-dominant moves. I should be in good shape to know that trading fractal continues if the exit (BO) direction is the same as the entry direction and end if the exit direction is opposite of the entry direction. FBO is interesting.
  7. You are incorrect about the picture and indicators. Look harder in ET, you will find more of them, from Jack personally.
  8. I have some questions about the display of Jack's TradeNavigator platform in the attached picture. (1): What are +4.75 and +0.46%? (2): I understand red and green diamonds on ES price pane are bid wall and ask wall. But they are not a reflection of the walls displayed in yellow boxes in the DOM pane. May I know how the platform calculates the placement of "diamonds"? (3): Why part of the background of the OTR pane is colored yellow? Anyone knows?
  9. Hi ivob. You are correct. Strange that you don't take advantage on volume to confirm AND lead price moves. On EOB basis, I look at the slope of last volume bar to prior bar. I may split volume bar mentally if the open and close of last price bar are near to each other, eg Doji. I also look at the sequence of O, H, L, C to know whether gaussian shift has occurred intrabar-wise. The alternatives are finite. Sometimes, pace change and time of day can be so drastic or to get a headup that it is good to look at the micro change of volume direction inside a bar.
  10. In time of good pace, it means change is coming up very soon. In time of weak pace, it means revert to "value" and very soon too. In both situations, price change is unsustainable. Again, time to think of change.
  11. I am not an expert but I am curious. Is this a trick? The period is like a Friday lunch hour or pre-news time with VDU volume and narrow volatility. It started as a lateral, then failed break out, and then shifted slightly downward forming another lateral. If you like thrill, I guess you could read DOM to scalp near the top and bottom of first lateral. The second lateral is converging and shows centering with tiny pennants. It is better to sit and wait for break out with increasing volume and possibly with quick reverse, no matter whether trend will be up or down. :smoking: [edit:] include off-market trading hours
  12. Do you have prior day's chart? The Lime Green Long Traverse in Ezzy's annotated chart looks like a Long Channel and then fanned.
  13. There is a remote likelihood that cnms2's annotation could be wrong due to the lack of context from you. The above sentence in red in the quote is what I meant. RTLs of prior Tape, Traverse and Channel are important components to form X2X Analysis to know where you are in the fractals. To me, Pt 1 to Pt 2 BO of prior RTL is a religous experience. If you have not tried, ask yourself hard Traverse level questions below: What if my X2X Tape BO of prior Traverse RTL with Decreasing X Volume? What if I take three Tapes, X2X, 2Y and 2X, to BO of prior Traverse RTL? Ask the same at Channel and Tape levels?
  14. frenchfry, put in prior trend lines of Tape, Traverse and Channel in cnms2's chart. They are important.
  15. Breakeven, Don't create another naming conventions for your convenience but confuse everyone here. To my best understanding, there are two generally accepted naming conventions. One is Tape, Traverse and Channel where a Tape is built bar to bar. Another one is Fast Fractal, Trading Fractal and Slow Fractal where a Fast Fractal is built bar to bar. As I mentioned in post #2813 with comments on your Picture 2 in prior page, Jack created another one with sub-BBT being built bar to bar AND in a 5-min chart. I believe most readers here are not fond of using them. Lastly, your naming in Picture 2 is not correct.
  16. I am using your Picture 1 here. See the attached. This is my understanding. It does not matter your blue Tape ends below or above your Red Channel's RTL. For latter case, it does not imply a Break Out of Red Channel's RTL. The REAL Break Out occurs when we see Increasing Black Volume after Pt 3 of the B2B Traverse. HTH.
  17. Some nesting container terms in particular BBT used by Jack back in 2009 ~ 2010.
  18. The key points in this thread are volume leads price and the nesting relationship of price and volume. There is NO may-be-this-may-be-that or sometimes-this-sometimes-that in the picture.
  19. SK0

    Hi Ezzy. The linked site can not be accessed.

  20. My answer: Once increasing black volume starts to appear on 16:05 Bar right after the trough of B2B, the deep pink traverse is over. The reason is that once black dominance is established, price 'breaks' the RTL of deep pink traverse.
  21. I concur with David about the definition though ramora gave a very good try to help see the nuances. I believe and hope I am correct that Jack talked about money velocity as the slope of a trading channel and categorized market pace into regions of volume per trading fractal bar. Damn, we have too many jargons to deal with already. Fortunately, there is no test for them.:frustrated:
  22. I cannot follow what you mean here. Could you expand? Thanks.
  23. The attached chart shows my view of the faster fractal's gaussian moves during the channel overlap of a slower fractal which puzzled me for a long time. Comments?
  24. Hi. I have a couple of questions on your document. On page 6 at the bottom on the left, I think the 2b of the faster fractal b2b2r2b gaussian of the B2B looks strange. On page 3 the sine waves of P and V, I would move the volume sine wave a quarter to the left to reflect the volume peaks happening at the price peaks or middle point of two adjacent price peaks. That is how I see JH and others positioned the waves. Correct me if I am wrong. Merry Christmas! SK0
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