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Posts posted by aaronxie

  1. Aaahh. The advantages of trading from within Japan.


    I would love for my OSE orders to hit the exchange directly, but there are trading regulations that restrict foreign clearers from connecting to OSE directly. But I do hear with memberships being granted by OSE by year end, foreign clearers will be able to connect directly.


    Do you reckon that I'll finally be able to match your round trip time with this new infrastructure set-up?


    I hate Frontiers, it's clunky and outdated. But every clearer in Singapore goes through Newedge, so it's a grit your teeth and bear with it issue over here.


    Haha, I can't believe you have an order entry platform faster than TT! I'm curious, which company managed to finally beat snobbish TT?

  2. Always great to meet a fellow Nikkei trader!


    I'm trading on a leased line and from an arcade. I can't recall if TT takes its OSE price feed straight off from OSE or from the Japan counter-party broker (NewEdge / Calyon). My orders take 25 milli-second to hit SGX and 50 milli-seconds to hit OSE.


    The reason I'm asking for how quick TT's connection is to SGX from Tokyo is because I want to trade from Tokyo (and explore exciting Japan!), wondering how feasible that would be.


    Have you traded on SGX using TT before?

  3. Hi,


    I am based in Singapore, and trade Nikkei both on OSE and SGX.


    I am wondering if there are any traders based in Tokyo who trade SGX Nikkei? I'm quite curious as to how fast the speed of connection is?


    My TT price feed can lag by as much as a second during frantic price moves. So I'm curious to know how the situation is over on the other side of the fence.

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