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Everything posted by AntaniTheBest™

  1. preciso meglio : il listato è *successfull** . E' quando vado a metterlo nel grafico che non mi dà errore.....





  2. Ciao ,

    scusa se ti disturbo in pvt.

    Purtroppo , dopo aver letto il post relativo al PVP/MP ,e visto il listato , non capisco perchè mi dia sempre errore :

    **the analysis attempted to reference data past the bounds of the array**.

    Io lo uso sul Fib , potresti aiutarmi ? Grazie e scusami dell'invasione .



  3. Ok . Tks .:-( i'll try to modified formula and variables. ;-) Roberto
  4. Hi Tams , in graph attached . This is an example , with polynomial predict . But it could be any other indicator . Tks Roberto
  5. Tks BlowFish , But if I wanted to move the point Z? I try to explain better: Y is the beginning, X is the end: Z in the middle there. That 's what I want to move, leaving intact the Y and Z points. Something like that, it can be done? Is there a way to codify? In addition, the drag and drop is not really possible? Tks Roberto
  6. Hi Brooky and tks for help. I'm sorry, but I forgot to mention that the language on which the code was applied to EasyLanguage. :-P Tks Roberto
  7. Hi , Would it be possible to move an indicator (such as moving average) in the middle of his career? I try to explaine : a trendline drawn , if I wanted to move the move by grabbing his extreme. Here, if I wanted to move a moving average, to my knowledge, you can not because the MovAvg is anchored to the chart. I would only move the moving average and not everything that concerns the bar prices. In addition, I would like to know if this movavg, it can not move from the extremes but in the middle or in a spot chosen by me. Tks for help Roberto
  8. Hi EasyTrader_I , tks for help but doesnt work like in Metastock . :-( Maybe i havent the right code. Hi Roberto
  9. Hi , there's someone that can *translate* this formula MS in Easylanguage ? ************************************************* D:=Input("Day",1,31,1); M:=Input("Month",1,12,1); Y:=Input("Year",1900,2100,2009); H1:=Input("Shift",-100,100,1); WA2:=Input("N Cycle",0,10,3); {TR:=Input("Trend",-1,4,1);} wavelength:=Input("LenghtCycle",1,9999,16); {bars} start:=Cum((DayOfMonth()>=D AND Month()=M AND Year()=Y) OR (Month()>M AND Year()=Y) OR Year()>Y)=1; start:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,start,Cum(1 ))); {x axis values} x:=360/wavelength * (Cum(1)-start); {sine waves} phase:=-90; w1:=Sin(8*x+phase); w2:=2*Sin(4*x+phase); w3:=wa2*Sin(2*x+phase); w4:=4*Sin(x+phase); ************************************** Tks ;-) Roberto
  10. Hi , it is possible to *translate* .eld code in .ela/els ? Tks in advance Antani
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