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Everything posted by chrisleonard

  1. Hi First yes i am kamakazy i forgot my password for this account and also had no work email for a week so i had to start a new username, soz for any confustion!!! I am entering text onto my charts but would like to know how to control the style of the text as its to small and too close to the candle to really see! I would like to make a little bigger and maybe a different colour and bold if poss? Thanks Chris
  2. Hi I have been developing a few indicators for Tradestation and now my boss wants me to get these working exactly the same in sharescope so we can use them in the UK markets, i know Multicharts does this but he wants sharescope! I have looked into Sharescript and its looks pretty much JS. Anyone here have any experience with this and have any hints/tips for converting ELD indicators to Sharescript? Thanks Chris
  3. ok so in the picture you have the bar the short signal is alerted on. Really i only want an alert if the candle closes below here and do not want an alert if i missed the first candle. So if i was to brin up this chart and the line was white for 2 candles already i dont want an alert! Inputs: price(Close), length(9), zeroLine(21), zeroVisible(false), upColour(Blue), downColour(White), colourDeltaBar(1); Value1 = hull(price, length); Plot1(Value1,"hull"); If ZeroVisible = true then Plot3(zeroLine, "Zero"); if (Value1 > Value1[1]) then Alert("Long"); if (Value1 < Value1[1]) then Alert("Short"); { Color criteria } if (Value1 > Value1[1]) then SetPlotColor[colourDeltaBar](1, upColour) else if (Value1 < Value1[1]) then SetPlotColor[colourDeltaBar](1, downColour); end; Thanks
  4. Hi Is it possible to set an alert to fire continuously but only on the first bar? So i have a list of variables like this if ADXValue > ADXValue[1] Then Alert ("ready"); this will fire continuoulsy but i only want this to happen on the first bar if they miss that i dont want an alert!! Thanks
  5. Hi is there any way to import my indicators i have for tradestation into metatrader?
  6. Hi Love this indicator its really fast. I have seen its similar to Paint Bar Factoies 3fastMA line Is there a way to modify this 2 inclue the 3 Fast averages? Cheers chris
  7. No Probs, I kind of bodged it but it did the job!! i added MLabel[1] = "Mid Point - "; then i changed the string from Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); To Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], MLabel[1] + NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " );
  8. Hi Is there a way to edit this code to change from weekly to monthly? I can change all the labels and values but what needs changing in the formula? [LegacyColorValue = true]; input: PivotType(0), BarsBack(60), ShowOpen(0), ShowClose(0), ShowHalfPivots(0), ShowLevel(0), WeeksAgo(1), NewDayTM(1510), RoundLevels(false), DecPlaces(2), SupResType(0); var: theday(0); var: cnt(0),Maxcnt(11); array: TL[12](-1),Val[12](-1), Color[12](6),Label[12]("L"),FTextID[12](-1), TLabel[12](" "); var: sdate(0),stime(0),fPivot(0),twOpen(0),theRange(0); if lastbaronchart then begin if dayofweek(date) >= 5 and time >= NewDayTM then theday = 0 else theday = 1; theday = theday + WeeksAgo-1; if theday <= 0 then begin theday = 0; twOpen = 0; end else twopen = theday-1; Val[10] = CloseW(theday); if PivotType >0 and PivotType <4 then Val[11] = OpenW(twopen) else Val[11] = OpenW(theday); if PivotType = 1 then fPivot = (HighW(theday) + LowW(theday) + Val[11]) /3 else if PivotType = 2 then fPivot = (HighW(theday) + LowW(theday) + Val[11] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 3 then fPivot = (HighW(theday) + LowW(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 4 then fPivot = (HighW(theday) + LowW(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else fPivot = (HighW(theday) + LowW(theday) + Val[10]) /3; if SupResType = 1 then begin theRange = (HighW(theday) - LowW(theday))/2; VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + theRange; {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot - theRange; {S1} VAl[4] = VAl[2] + theRange; {R2} VAl[5] = VAl[3] - theRange; {S2} VAl[6] = VAl[4] + theRange; {R3} VAl[7] = VAl[5] - theRange; {S3} VAl[8] = VAl[6] + theRange; {R4} VAl[9] = VAl[7] - theRange; {S4} end else begin VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + fPivot - LowW(theday); {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot + fPivot - HighW(theday); {S1} VAl[4] = fPivot + VAl[2] - VAl[3]; {R2} VAl[5] = fPivot - VAl[2] + VAl[3]; {S2} VAl[6] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[3]; {R3} VAl[7] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[3]; {S3} VAl[8] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[5]; {R4} VAl[9] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[5]; {S4} end; if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 11 begin val[cnt] = roundInst(val[cnt]); end; end; Color[1] = White; Color[2] = red; Color[3] = green; Color[4] = red; Color[5] = green; Color[6] = red; Color[7] = green; Color[8] = red; Color[9] = green; Color[10] = Yellow; Color[11] = DarkBrown; TLabel[1] = "Weekly Pivot - "; TLabel[2] = "Weekly R1 - "; TLabel[3] = "Weekly S1 - "; TLabel[4] = "Weekly R2 - "; TLabel[5] = "Weekly S2 - "; TLabel[6] = "Weekly R3 - "; TLabel[7] = "Weekly S3 - "; TLabel[8] = "Weekly R4 - "; TLabel[9] = "Weekly S4 - "; TLabel[10] = "Weekly Close - "; TLabel[11] = "Weekly Open - "; sdate = Date[barsBack]; stime = Time[barsBack]; for cnt= 1 to Maxcnt begin if cnt < 10 or (ShowClose <> 0 and cnt = 10) or (ShowOpen <> 0 and cnt = 11) then begin if TL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} TL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, Val[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetColor (TL[cnt], Color[cnt]); if cnt >= 10 then TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dotted) else TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dotted); end; if TL_Exist(TL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (TL[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (TL[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); {reset TL} TL_SetExtRight(TL[cnt],true); end; {do text stuff} if FTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} FTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, Val[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(FTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(FTextID[cnt], Color[cnt]); end; if FTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(FTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); Text_SetString(FTextID[cnt],TLabel[cnt] + NumToStr(Val[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {count < 6, etc.} end; {cnt} Array: HalfTL[9](-1),HalfVal[9](0),HTextID[9](-1); {could be off a hair if RoundLevels is used, cause these would be based on rounded numbers} if ShowHalfPivots <> 0 then begin HalfVal[1] = ((Val[4] - Val[2])/2) + Val[2]; HalfVal[2] = ((Val[2] - Val[1])/2) + Val[1]; HalfVal[3] = ((Val[1] - Val[3])/2) + Val[3]; HalfVal[4] = ((Val[3] - Val[5])/2) + Val[5]; {s1-s2} HalfVal[5] = ((Val[4] - Val[6])/2) + Val[6]; HalfVal[6] = ((Val[5] - Val[7])/2) + Val[7]; {s2-s3} HalfVal[7] = ((Val[6] - Val[8])/2) + Val[8]; HalfVal[8] = ((Val[7] - Val[9])/2) + Val[9]; {s3-s4} if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 8 begin HalfVal[cnt] = roundInst(HalfVal[cnt]); end; end; for cnt= 1 to 8 begin if HalfTL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} HalfTL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetColor (HalfTL[cnt], DarkGray); TL_SetStyle (HalfTL[cnt], Tool_Dotted); end; if TL_Exist(HalfTL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (HalfTL[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (HalfTL[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); {reset TL} TL_SetExtRight(HalfTL[cnt],true); end; {do text stuff} if HTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} HTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(HTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(HTextID[cnt], DarkGray); end; if HTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(HTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {cnt} end; {ShowHalfPivots} {think HalfTL resets to -1 is automatic, when inputs changed, so no need to do here} end; {last bar} {default color for 2,3 is black. Change in properties, if not using a black background} if ShowLevel > 0 and ShowLevel <= 4 then begin noplot(2); noplot(3); if ShowLevel = 1 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[2] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[3] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 2 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[4] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[5] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 3 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[6] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[7] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 4 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[8] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[9] - .5,"l"); end; end; Thanks Chris
  9. Hi, I have sorted this now. Thanks Anyway Chris
  10. Hi, Below are some floor pivs that i like, can someone help me add a label to the half piv points? At the moment it just shows the price nothing else, i would like to add mid piv before that! Thanks Chris [LegacyColorValue = true]; input: PivotType(0), BarsBack(60), ShowClose(1), ShowOpen(1), ShowHalfPivots(1), ShowLevel(0), DaysBack(1), NewDayTM(1510), RoundLevels(false), DecPlaces(2), SupResType(0); var: theday(0); var: Maxcnt(11); array: TL[12](-1),Val[12](-1), Color[12](6),Label[12]("L"),FTextID[12](-1), TLabel[12](" "); var: cnt(0),sdate(0),stime(0),fPivot(0),twOpen(0),theRange(0); if lastbaronchart then begin if time >= NewDayTM then theday = 0 else theday = 1; theday = theday + DaysBack-1; if theday <= 0 then begin theday = 0; twOpen = 0; end else twopen = theday-1; {make sure this weeks open isn't <0} {store weekly Open and Close that we care about} Val[10] = CloseD(theday); if PivotType >0 and PivotType <4 then Val[11] = OpenD(twopen) else Val[11] = OpenD(theday); {calculate central pivot based on pivot type}{not sure how usefull some of these might be} if PivotType = 1 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11]) /3 else if PivotType = 2 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 3 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else if PivotType = 4 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4 else fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10]) /3; {default standard Pivot} if SupResType = 1 then begin {seems like there is always a little different way to do these} theRange = (HighD(theday) - LowD(theday))/2; VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + theRange; {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot - theRange; {S1} VAl[4] = VAl[2] + theRange; {R2} VAl[5] = VAl[3] - theRange; {S2} VAl[6] = VAl[4] + theRange; {R3} VAl[7] = VAl[5] - theRange; {S3} VAl[8] = VAl[6] + theRange; {R4} VAl[9] = VAl[7] - theRange; {S4} end else begin VAl[1] = fPivot; VAl[2] = fPivot + fPivot - LowD(theday); {R1} VAl[3] = fPivot + fPivot - HighD(theday); {S1} VAl[4] = fPivot + VAl[2] - VAl[3]; {R2} VAl[5] = fPivot - VAl[2] + VAl[3]; {S2} VAl[6] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[3]; {R3} VAl[7] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[3]; {S3} VAl[8] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[5]; {R4} VAl[9] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[5]; {S4} end; if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 11 begin val[cnt] = roundInst(val[cnt]); end; end; Color[1] = LightGray; Color[2] = Darkred; Color[3] = Darkgreen; Color[4] = Darkred; Color[5] = Darkgreen; Color[6] = Darkred; Color[7] = Darkgreen; Color[8] = Darkred; Color[9] = Darkgreen; Color[10] = Yellow; Color[11] = DarkBrown; TLabel[1] = "Daily Pivot - "; TLabel[2] = "Daily R1 - "; TLabel[3] = "Daily S1 - "; TLabel[4] = "Daily R2 - "; TLabel[5] = "Daily S2 - "; TLabel[6] = "Daily R3 - "; TLabel[7] = "Daily S3 - "; TLabel[8] = "Daily R4 - "; TLabel[9] = "Daily S4 - "; TLabel[10] = "Prev Day Close - "; TLabel[11] = "Prev Day Open - "; sdate = Date[barsBack]; stime = Time[barsBack]; for cnt= 1 to Maxcnt begin if cnt < 10 or (ShowClose <> 0 and cnt = 10) or (ShowOpen <> 0 and cnt = 11) then begin if TL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} TL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, Val[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetColor (TL[cnt], Color[cnt]); if cnt >= 10 then TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed) else TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed); end; if TL_Exist(TL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (TL[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (TL[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); {reset TL} TL_SetExtRight(TL[cnt],true); end; {do text stuff} if FTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} FTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, Val[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(FTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(FTextID[cnt], Color[cnt]); end; if FTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(FTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); Text_SetString(FTextID[cnt],TLabel[cnt] + NumToStr(Val[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {count < 6, etc.} end; {cnt} Array: HalfTL[9](-1),HalfVal[9](0),HTextID[9](-1); if ShowHalfPivots <> 0 then begin HalfVal[1] = ((Val[4] - Val[2])/2) + Val[2]; HalfVal[2] = ((Val[2] - Val[1])/2) + Val[1]; HalfVal[3] = ((Val[1] - Val[3])/2) + Val[3]; HalfVal[4] = ((Val[3] - Val[5])/2) + Val[5]; {s1-s2} HalfVal[5] = ((Val[4] - Val[6])/2) + Val[6]; HalfVal[6] = ((Val[5] - Val[7])/2) + Val[7]; {s2-s3} HalfVal[7] = ((Val[6] - Val[8])/2) + Val[8]; HalfVal[8] = ((Val[7] - Val[9])/2) + Val[9]; {s3-s4} if RoundLevels then begin for cnt = 1 to 8 begin HalfVal[cnt] = roundInst(HalfVal[cnt]); end; end; for cnt= 1 to 8 begin if HalfTL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL} HalfTL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetColor (HalfTL[cnt], DarkGray); TL_SetStyle (HalfTL[cnt], Tool_Dashed); end; if TL_Exist(HalfTL[cnt]) then begin {exist} TL_SetEnd (HalfTL[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]); TL_SetBegin (HalfTL[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); {reset TL} TL_SetExtRight(HalfTL[cnt],true); end; {do text stuff} if HTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new} HTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], "zzz"); Text_SetStyle(HTextID[cnt], 1, 2); Text_SetColor(HTextID[cnt], DarkGray); end; if HTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists} Text_SetLocation(HTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " ); end; end; {cnt} end; {ShowHalfPivots} end; {last bar} if ShowLevel > 0 and ShowLevel <= 4 then begin noplot(2); noplot(3); if ShowLevel = 1 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[2] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[3] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 2 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[4] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[5] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 3 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[6] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[7] - .5,"l"); end else if ShowLevel = 4 then begin Plot2[-1](Val[8] + .5,"h"); Plot3[-1](Val[9] - .5,"l"); end; end;
  11. Hi i have now got a set of automated floor pivots and im still very new to all this! These pivots give me S1-5 R1-5 Prev - open, close, high, low. But i need daily, weekly and monthly now! Is this a big coding task or is it possible to change the code i have, i can post the code if need be?
  12. thanks that has sorted the problem!
  13. Hi I have got some pivot point code from someone, when i add the points to my chart the trend lines start at beggining of the day and extend right! what am i looking for in the code or can i add something so that they automatically extend left so i can back test. I know you can do this manually but its a pain for 12 lines every time i add them! Thanks
  14. probably deleted because it was a stupid comment. When i say friend i meant someone i know and he is secretive about everything! So its a no go!
  15. I just want floor pivots that i put on my chart and they draw the pivot line accross my screen Some you have to input yesterdays close, yesterday high yesterday low! I want it to find this itself.
  16. I have searched this place and found loads that say they do this but none play up to the part!
  17. hi im looking for some auto floor pivots with daily floor piv, weekly floor piv and monthly then s1 s2 s3 s4 , r1 r2 r3 r4 I also need it to be labeled and auto get the values? I know this seems like alot but my friend has it and its awsome! Anyone know where i can get one this good?
  18. hi im looking for some auto floor pivots with daily floor piv, weekly floor piv and monthly then s1 s2 s3 s4 , r1 r2 r3 r4 I also need it to be labeled and auto get the values? I know this seems like alot but my friend has it and its awsome! Anyone know where i can get one this good?
  19. i have brought already, what the line is i would like to know!
  20. hi, yep it does include the Heiken-Ashi but im trying to find what the coloured line is that runs with the cadles? Any Ideas?
  21. Hi, Thanks I have imported it into multicharts no problem!!! What do i need to export it as to make it import into esignal? Thanks Chris
  22. Hi is there an easy way to convert all my tradestation indicators to work in esignal? Thanks Chris
  23. I already have it! Its a locked token file! Its also 359 every 6 months So i would like to get something similar or find how this works!
  24. Hi im looking for a replica or something similar to this! http://www.clickthemarkets.com/gravity-colour-charts.html Its called the gravity line and basically just colours itself to the direction of the trend and is very good! Thanks Chris
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