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Posts posted by chrisleonard

  1. lol - nice one tam, i think ill just start again on my own...


    Maybe ill release all the code open source accross the net and build another one.


    I appriciate all of your responces.

  2. Tam


    I started the indicator sales as a venture..


    He then crerated a company selling mentorship and started selling to these people..


    I didnt ask him too and he waqs making alot more money on the mentorship than the indicators..


    We were happy before and he got greedy, i didnt ask him to start a company he did it.


    The indicators were mine since day one, he got half for each sale.


    The other indicator was the same and i paid for a seperatwe site to sell that one and designed it myself.





  3. Hi


    Ill explain the story, I came to a trader and he said u need these indicators to trade. I could not afford them so i went home with a friend and coded what i though he used. Inmstead they were better and he asked to sell them with me and we split 50/50.


    This worked well and made some money.


    In the meantime we did code an indicator together he said how he trades and i wrote the code givin stops etc etc.


    He has then recently started blackmailing me to do other work.


    "if you want paying for your indicator sales then you need to fix my website" etc etc.


    In the end i had enough when he started sayin we now are going to take money out of your sales for expences of company. I said no thanks and he then went mental and asked for all the code. I said no and he is now threatening with law.


    I think he may have some rights to the indicator we made together but if i give him the code i have nio way to know how many he sells and i know he will scam money some how.



  4. Hi


    I have been a partner in a trading business for a while after i wrote some indicators...


    Me and my partner had a 50/50 profit share on the sales and all was well


    Then he got greedy and is trying to take the indicators from me and saying the invoices were for development not sale, even thought its been nearly 2 years of constant sales.


    I have the open ELD's and all the beta's I made. He is now thretending with p;loice and to sue me for the code i wrote.


    There are no contracts or anything, i have skype history of him saying we are 50/50 etc etc.


    I cant believe he is trying to claim rights to the code.


    Anyone been in this boat before or know where i stand and what to do.




  5. Hi Is there anyway to hide plots from the Candlestick info window?


    here is the plot




    but i have so many plots that the candle info windows looks untidy and only a few plots are relivant!





  6. Hi

    Is there anyway to use multiple customer id's in 1 eld file




    if customerid = 998976 or 887889 then begin???


    I code alot of eld's for 100 customers and individually it takes ages!!





  7. Hi im writing a strategy and one of the values will be to only buy above the 200ema among other things..


    I have tried this but it does not work what is the code please?



    AvgExp200 = XAverage( close, 200 ) ;


    if close > AvgExp200 then Buy 3 contracts next bar at market;



    but it still buying below AND above the 200 ema?



  8. Hi


    That worked great KIND OF


    basically i have done


    if Scanner = 1 and LASTBARONCHART then

    Plot27( 1, "Firing" )


    Plot27( 0, "Firing" );

    i have then said in the scanner


    To scan for all stocks with Firing = 1




    It just lists all stocks back!


    Though on the chart i can see a line pointing to the correct entry where plot27 is




    Any Ideas?



  9. Hi


    I have my indicator setup perfect but i would now like to use scanner in tradestation.


    I cant get it to work at all!


    Here is the code that gives me the signal


    (system = 0 and Value1 > Value1[1] and Value2 > Value2[1] and barColor <> barColor[1]) or
       (system = 0 and Value1 > Value1[1] and Value2 > Value2[1] and barColorpl <> barColorpl[1]) 
    then begin


    how can i mod this or get it to work in scanner to show me all stocks just fired this but no more than i candle past it?



  10. rather than have the decimals manual i changed it to



    Decimal( Log(PriceScale) / Log(10) ),


    which has now set the number of decimals according to the price!!


    This is good if you trade a bit of everyting and are lazy :)


    Thanks for the code!

  11. im sorry if you feel this way but as im new to all this i feel my contributions to others would not be appriciated!


    im always reading here and if i found something i can help with i would!


    The reason some of my threads go unanswered is because the answer is not there and im still searching.


    I dont know why people get the hump im trying to learn and put together some indicators which i would love to post here, the problem is i have about 4 unfinished ones that im about to give up on!


    I have taken your advice and read lots of the reference manuals and threads etc etc and as you can see from my numtostr thread im just stuck on a small thing and just hoped for some advice!!

  12. at the moment this will give a value of 0.53 for @cl.c but this needs to be multiplied by 100 to make the value correct..



    gbpusd will give 0.00175 if i multiply by 10000 then it gives 17.5 which is cool!!




    basically before the text is diplayed i need to multipy it by the value "decimal"!!

       Decimals( Log(PriceScale) / Log(10) ),
    Value1 = XAverage( close, 200 ) ;
    if decimals = 2 then decimal = 10;
    if decimals = 3 then decimal = 100;
    if decimals = 4 then decimal = 1000;
    if decimals = 5 then decimal = 10000;
    if Value1 > Value1[1] then begin
    ID = Text_New(D,T,L-Range, "movement: " + numtostr(ATR,decimals) ); 


    this will display the atr with the same number of decimals as the price!!


    I now need to multiply this by value "decimal" to give a number.


    Im just trying to achive the number of point movement in a number relivant to the price



  14. hmm i think im nearly there but now i need to multiply this value by 1000


    can someone plz help???


    ID = Text_New(D,T,L-Range, "ATR: " + numtostr(ATR,decimals) ); < ----- need to multiply by 1000 after the ATR has had its decimals corrected?????

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