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  1. Hi Ranger I downloaded your file and tried to import in MC but doesn't work , Power Language Editor shows anything when I try to import both protected that unprotected .ELD .files
  2. HI Frank I use Multicharts, with it you can easly make it . and much more . there are a lot of built in functions that allow to do all statistics and math studies. Ciao
  3. Hi play with this line of code Text_setstring(Text_ID1,"H : " + numtostr(PreviousBarHigh,decimal)+" "); Text_SetLocation( Text_ID1,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * percent)*-BelowFactor/2 ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID1, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID1, Text_Color); Text_setstring(Text_ID2,"C : " + numtostr(PreviousBarCLOSE,decimal)+" "); Text_SetLocation( Text_ID2,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * (percent)) ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID2, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID2, Text_Color); Text_setstring(Text_ID3,"L : " + numtostr(PreviousBarLow,dEcimal)+" "); Text_SetLocation( Text_ID3,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * (percent))*BelowFactor ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID3, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID3, Text_Color); I've put *-belowfactor in prev high so text is shifted up , and insert text H,C,L
  4. Hi try this Inputs: RangeAmount ( 1), Decimal ( 2), Text_Color (rgb(100,255,150)), UpColor (rgb(255,255,255)), // You pick the color DnColor (rgb(255,0,0)), Percent ( 5), // Top of screen = 0, Bottom of screen = 100. BelowFactor ( 2); // Percent amount for 2nd line to appear below first line. Var: PreviousBarCLOSE( 0 ), // this refers to prev. close PreviousBarHigh ( 0 ), PreviousBarLow ( 0 ), PlacementHolder ( 0 ), RangeAmountPrevious ( 0 ), Text_ID1 (-1 ), Text_ID2 (-1 ), Text_ID3 (-1 ), Text_ID4 (-1 ), Left_ID ( 0 ), Right_ID ( 0 ), High_ID ( 0 ), Low_ID ( 0 ), Offset ( 0 ); PreviousBarCLOSE = c[1]; // this refers to prev. close PreviousBarHigh = High[1]; PreviousBarLow = Low[1]; RangeAmountPrevious = High[1] - Low[1]; // This draws the text on the first bar once if currentbar = 1 then begin if Text_ID1 = -1 then begin Text_ID1 = Text_New( Date, Time, 0, " " ) ; end; if Text_ID2 = -1 then begin Text_ID2 = Text_New( Date, Time, 0, " " ) ; end; if Text_ID3 = -1 then begin Text_ID3 = Text_New( Date, Time, 0, " " ) ; end; if Text_ID4 = -1 then begin Text_ID4 = Text_New( Date, Time, 0, " " ) ; end; end; // This updates the text and places it in the upper right corner Left_ID = GetAppInfo( aiLeftDispDateTime ); Right_ID = GetAppInfo( aiRightDispDateTime ); High_ID = GetAppInfo( aiHighestDispValue ); Low_ID = GetAppInfo( aiLowestDispValue ); Offset = ((high_ID - Low_ID)*.01); { 1% of chart height. Then Pcnt (Input) becomes Percent height of chart} Text_setstring(Text_ID1,numtostr(PreviousBarHigh,decimal)+" "); Text_SetLocation( Text_ID1,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * percent) ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID1, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID1, Text_Color); Text_setstring(Text_ID2,numtostr(PreviousBarCLOSE,decimal)); // shows prev. close Text_SetLocation( Text_ID2,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * percent) ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID2, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID2, Text_Color); Text_setstring(Text_ID3,numtostr(PreviousBarLow,dEcimal)+" "); Text_SetLocation( Text_ID3,JulianToDate( IntPortion(Right_ID)),MinutesToTime( FracPortion(Right_ID)*60* 24 ),High_ID - (Offset * percent)*BelowFactor ) ; Text_SetStyle( Text_ID3, 1,0 ) ; Text_SetColor(Text_ID3, Text_Color); // This colors the previous bars range numbers If RangeAmountPrevious > RangeAmount then begin Text_SetColor(Text_ID1, DnColor); Text_SetColor(Text_ID3, DnColor); end; If RangeAmountPrevious < RangeAmount then begin Text_SetColor(Text_ID1, UpColor); Text_SetColor(Text_ID3, UpColor); end; If RangeAmountPrevious = RangeAmount then begin Text_SetColor(Text_ID1, Text_Color); Text_SetColor(Text_ID3, Text_Color); end;
  5. Hi Logic:) thanks for the reply,I see that you insert 2 different kinds of CVB on the same chart(2401 & 16807) after you insert your indicators,the first calculated on 2401 CVB, and the second is calculated on 16807 CVB .this ,I think ,is what you intend about the different speeds. I didn't believe was possible putting different formats of a symbol in the same graph whit MC without to have issues of rappresentation of the Symbols(e.g. different spaces between the symbols and indicators). Could you tell me how this is possible? Maybe this is possible using ADE or can be made with buying some third-party sw
  6. Hi Logic Sorry if I'm annoying ,but I really didn't understand if we have to set up 3 differents graphs or in the same graph you use three different kinds of indicators ? tanks Max
  7. Hi John I use it only as Datafeed , I feed 2 different sw at the same time , with Barchart this could not be possible , it must subscribe for each sw . now i'm just making trading from my bank , I tried OEC . I am going to open an account by them in order to trade Eminisp500. their fees are absolutely competitive than those at my bank and customer service is ok as well (IMHO).
  8. Hi I stay with Esignal, why^? 1)NO answer from Barchart , I called & mail them much time 2) Esigal support is ok(IMHO) 3)Esignal covers more Market than IQfeed 4)your account is very simple to manage I hoped on Barchart much,but no answer to my inquiries make me thinking very bad on their customer service hope it helps
  9. shrike

    Save Data

    Hi Tams ok I'll try to read again and make more test
  10. shrike

    Save Data

    Hi I'd write an indicator that store Bid/ask data into a file and reload saved data at new open of the software. I made some research on TL and if i don't understand bad I need ADE and GV . I'm reading Doc but don't find many example how can do it . could anyone give me some more links where can i find Doc and examples ,tutorials ecc.
  11. Hi I read entire thred and the rules posted by Tams , thanks for his effort to help TL. i have a doubt related to this : In the rules i read about three charts: Trading Decision Chart,Strength Chart,Entry Chart , they are 3 differents type of charts ? each with different setting? thanks to all
  12. Hi AgeKay I don't try their demo , is too short, only 7 days. I'm staying to Esignal waiting for an answer from Barchart.
  13. Hi AgeKay thanks for the reply, I also trade from Europe I'm waiting for an answer by BarChart , if there is a subscription with wich can connect two or more sw at the same time.
  14. Hi Tex thanks for the reply I've also contacted BarChart but ,if i understood well, it can't use it with two sw at the same time like with Esignal. Barchart seems less expensive then ES or IQ and has more data.(50 day tick). I sent them an email asking if there is some offers with multiple subscriptions , but no answer yet.
  15. Hi I have a subscription with Esignal,i checked IQfeed's prices for the same product ( CME e-mini) and i found that are less expensive plus there is more hystorical data. Before i change i'd like to know some experiences with IQfeed , their reliability, customer service Ecc. and if someone has tried Esignal and IQfeed together , could me show the big differences,if they are This because their free trial is too short ,only 7 days. thanks to all .
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