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Everything posted by TradeSmart

  1. That impersonation was so accurate it's as if you wrote that sitting 20 feet away from me and acted it out at the same time. Seriously though, maybe I should spend more time on here (it's been a solid 6 months since I last posted) and if I read enough I may realize that trading for a living is possible with enough hard work and attention to detail.
  2. Wish I had the drive you do. I'd rather be spooning my wife and/or watching reruns of Golden Girls "late at night". All joking aside, if you become a consistently profitable trader then I will bust my butt to do the same. If I could spend 12 months studying charts, reading others' posts and studying on my own and be profitable, count me in!
  3. I'm currently in the cutting phase after bulking up on steroids so my diet mostly consists of small children and annoying mother-in-laws. Actually, I find that chewing gum keeps my snacking to a minimum. If I were to snack everytime I was sitting in front of a trade, I'd be a very big man.
  4. You would think that after all of the times I've seen Thales post a real-time chart and then watch his prediction come true, I would take a minute to open an account and then just trade based on his postings. I'd actually feel really bad making a trade that way considering how much focus, time and hard work he puts into each trade. Good chart, Thales.
  5. I am just getting into futures and I am wondering if there is a good place to find the following information for several types of futures contracts: · Cost to buy 1 contract · How much does 1 tick and 1 point translate to into dollars? · Average contracts traded per day The contracts I am interested in knowing about right now are: · ES · NQ · YM · TF · NG · ZB · GG · 6E I’ve been looking around the CME website and this info is still eluding me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Just a few additions that I thought should play into your analysis: Advantages More time for family, friends, and fun! (This alone should outweigh all disadvantages!!!) Disadvantages If you leave Corporate America then need to return a few years down the road, you've really limited your earnings potential (just imagine trying to explain why your resume is blank for a 2 year gap). When you meet people and tell them you're a "daytrader" and they see you're driving an M3 with a V12, they'll most likely assume you're a drug dealer on the side. Best of luck to you in finding what you want!
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