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jack hershey
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jack hershey started following ES Bid Vs. Ask Question
The thread Browns fan posted as a reference has one pair of charts that shows the minority control. It is the last chart at times :21 and :22. There are two salient factors for doing turns using the DOM. Minority control and the WALLs. At BBid and BAsk you see orders that are being taken by those who time the market. These types of timing the market orders are called "market" orders. Market timers do NOT show their orders. The type of trader who uses targets and maximum loss they will stand for are the kind of trader who show their hands to others. Also you have four games played where hands are shown. They are often done by a few people who work together to play the same game. An observer gets used to these players and front runs them with unseen orders. I am one of these people. This post provides a general framework for getting specific. the DOM that showed on :21 was a reference for :22. You can see how the Bid is getting closer to its vanishing point where the price, then will move to a new pair of BBid/BAsk. At the time of the move a new formerly unseen value of AAsk will show on the right side. The lower BBid will again reach a vanishing point. And price will follow the minority downward leaving all the Ask orders unfilled and futher away from price. This are ordes of traders who often lose money as the day goes by, i. e., most traders. When will this successive vanishing stop on the Bid side? It will happen when the WALL appears. What is a WALL? This is the collective limit ordes of a lot of traders who are the next group the price will move away from after a while. BBid/ BASk pair move to the WALL. And the WALL is too BIG for the timing type traders to breach. Some of us know that. We see the WALL as the limit of the trend movement of the profit segement we are currently taking. We the timers have to change side of the market at this point to collect all profits possible and begin out new profit taking segment on the way to the next WALL on the opposite side of the market. All the gams played on the DOM help the timing type traders. Timing type traders are front running the game players. Game players do two things but they do NOT take trades. they ADD limit orders and they PULL already placed limit orders. Naturally, a timing type trader can SEE ADDing going on. Values increase with adding. Adding is done "away" from BBid/BAsk.. Pullling is done ON BBid and BAsk or next to it if chicken sets in for these guys. FIFO is used to some extent for adding and pulling. To make it each to team up with others, the units digit is used for ID's As a timing trade I do not trade small numbers of contracts. I keep a 50 plus T&S running to keep the chicken feed out of eye sight. At a WALL it is easy to see timing traders doing partial fills of 50 contract trades over and over to get their accounts reversed on the WALL. the minority ALWAYS control the direction of the market. and those who pile up a WALL do not get filled and soon thereafter the market ismoving away from them. this is a tough post to follow. It contains many points. the points are interrelated. the comments in the post are not sensitive to beginners because it is hard to be a beginner if that happened long ago. I apologize for what will be assumed to be poor communicating.
The thread Browns fan posted as a reference has one pair of charts that shows the minority control. It is the last chart at times :21 and :22. There are two salient factors for doing turns using the DOM. Minority control and the WALLs. At BBid and BAsk you see orders that are being taken by those who time the market. These types of timing the market orders are called "market" orders. Market timers do NOT show their orders. The type of trader who uses targets and maximum loss they will stand for are the kind of trader who show their hands to others. Also you have four games played where hands are shown. They are often done by a few people who work together to play the same game. An observer gets used to these players and front runs them with unseen orders. I am one of these people. This post provides a general framework for getting specific. the DOM that showed on :21 was a reference for :22. You can see how the Bid is getting closer to its vanishing point where the price, then will move to a new pair of BBid/BAsk. At the time of the move a new formerly unseen value of AAsk will show on the right side. The lower BBid will again reach a vanishing point. And price will follow the minority downward leaving all the Ask orders unfilled and futher away from price. This are ordes of traders who often lose money as the day goes by, i. e., most traders. When will this successive vanishing stop on the Bid side? It will happen when the WALL appears. What is a WALL? This is the collective limit ordes of a lot of traders who are the next group the price will move away from after a while. BBid/ BASk pair move to the WALL. And the WALL is too BIG for the timing type traders to breach. Some of us know that. We see the WALL as the limit of the trend movement of the profit segement we are currently taking. We the timers have to change side of the market at this point to collect all profits possible and begin out new profit taking segment on the way to the next WALL on the opposite side of the market. All the gams played on the DOM help the timing type traders. Timing type traders are front running the game players. Game players do two things but they do NOT take trades. they ADD limit orders and they PULL already placed limit orders. Naturally, a timing type trader can SEE ADDing going on. Values increase with adding. Adding is done "away" from BBid/BAsk.. Pullling is done ON BBid and BAsk or next to it if chicken sets in for these guys. FIFO is used to some extent for adding and pulling. To make it each to team up with others, the units digit is used for ID's As a timing trade I do not trade small numbers of contracts. I keep a 50 plus T&S running to keep the chicken feed out of eye sight. At a WALL it is easy to see timing traders doing partial fills of 50 contract trades over and over to get their accounts reversed on the WALL. the minority ALWAYS control the direction of the market. and those who pile up a WALL do not get filled and soon thereafter the market ismoving away from them. this is a tough post to follow. It contains many points. the points are interrelated. the comments in the post are not sensitive to beginners because it is hard to be a beginner if that happened long ago. I apologize for what will be assumed to be poor communicating.