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Posts posted by talond

  1. LOL :rofl: :shocked: now why would you come to such a conclusion?? lucky for you the internet is working enough for me to post the answer but too slow to flip thru all the posts on this thread to verify talond discovery of a miscount??? are you sure there are no hanging chads?


    I think that was someone else not me. and speaking of chads, I actually went to Fla during all that and was the only non reporter, non lawyer in the courtroom.

    The funny moment came when the judge opened a ballot box and chads dumped out all over the place LOL



    oh wait a minute! I know what it is now! It's a position trade!

  2. in the meantime.....

    2 for fun...


    There is a potential liar - lets call him Lance.....he says he lied and cheated throughout his career and then denied it afterwards.

    Now he says he is coming clean, and revealing all with the revelations that no one could have done what he did in his career without lying and cheating.....

    Is he now lying about lying or is he coming clean


    The answer to this one is that you would have to be a real moron to agree to be interviewed by Opra



    Socialists claim the wealthy steal from the workers, the wealthy claim those that dont work steal from them, anarchists claim the government steals from everyone, criminals claim they steal because they either need to feed a habit or they were abused growing up - the leaders claim they are merely facilitating the stealing for everyone as the markets need regulated theft as they are too efficient at doing it themselves.

    The question is - when someone breaks into your home, are they socialist, the wealthy, anarchists, the government or just plain criminals?


    The answer to this one is that he would be a dead wealthy socialist anarchist government criminal, because if he is breaking into my home, while I am at home, I would shoot him. Survivors will be shot again.

  3. The bridge runs from East to West, and he takes a full 24 hours to cross it, by which time the earth will have completed a full revolution so that he will also have travelled around it.






    That reminds me of of this one. A dog is in a pen. A man (or woman) :) walks all the way around the pen. The dog continuously turns to face the person. So has this person walked around the dog since he has only seen the dogs snarling teeth and has not seen the dog's tail?

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