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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. Maybe if you want to take a look at Eurex, try Euro stoxx.
  2. This is what it's about. Anyone who wants to learn something should really understand what has just been said. If you don't now, you will later believe me. You should put this in the favourite sayings thread! Favorite Trading Sayings / Quotes
  3. If you are happy with your week, you are already starting to go into non-trading mode. Don't let it suck you back in unless you see something you really like. Otherwise, reward yourself with an early finish. Well played mate.
  4. The VPOC held as a nice base for that move there, but I was out already. As I mentioned before, I have no problem taking something here, something there today. Anyway, a breakdown of my last trade for Josh.
  5. There is a trade I just took. Wasn't absolutely confident given open test-drive(at this point anyway) but I thought it'd be useful to try at 1220.25 again. Shorted it on 2nd test(and 1 tick fail) with a point stop, but wanted to see a fairly quick reaction and trade thru 19.25. It just kinda sat there so I exited for a scratch. Would've been stopped already even though we've now turned around. Can't win them all, but if the reaction had been there we could have seen a fairly quick move to close the gap(and we may still do).:crap: Oh well though. I had my reasons for being cautious today and am happy I traded it in that way.
  6. Look where we opened again! Josh I think what that is, is trading based on price activity. As a suggestion, if you trade in unplanned places based on activity, make it a scalp. That trade, you'd have taken a point or so and been happy with it even though it went further. When you have a plan(and by that I mean objective and non-emotional planning pre-open), give it room to breath.
  7. Jasmine, you can be absolutely battered in the DAX unless you really know what you are doing and have a solid trade plan. It moves aggressively and the tick size is quite big compared to other products. Take a look at it by all means, but just be very careful. Also, I'd say that if you are in Europe it's going to be easier to trade it. If you're not, the latency issues with it could be a problem depending on how you trade. Good luck.
  8. A point I'd suggest you look at in your trade management Josh, is when you move your stop. For example(and I'll have to take another look at it later), when you sold 13.50 yesterday, it was against the move up. When you moved your stop, the move up hadn't for certain actually finished. So nothing having changed, is there any point in moving your stop? A point or two is simply the flow of a move and doesn't necessarily constitute a change.
  9. Well it's QUADRUPLE WITCHING today, meaning possible increased volatility due to multiple options expiries coinciding. Yesterday didn't really do much in the end as there wasn't any appetite to move beyond 2 useful reference points. Those were and still are 1220 and 1198 areas. It's important to note that while the econ releases are over with pretty much, there are a whole host of speakers today. Probably a day to nip in and out of the market taking what you can here and there. There's also a chance that something could happen to motivate a big move, but we'll just have to see what happens. Here's a chart:-
  10. Josh, I know that you and I'm sure others have interest in trade specifics and I will continue to post trades from time to time. What I'll try to do in future though is point out trade management to a greater extent. You have good understanding of the market but I think you need to work on your trade management. Anyway, you are definitely heading in the right direction. Keep it up!!
  11. I was concerned that may happen. If you are agressive with your stop moves, you'll protect your downside, but you'll have to be prepared for lots of moves that happen after they tick you out like just happened.
  12. 1214.50 is btw also high vol on the long term profile and there's the 13.75 of yesterday's open/swing high. Edit: and 14.00 is the session mid
  13. If you're still in, do you think the stop move might be a little over-aggressive?
  14. Good. 13.75 was important from yesterday and clearly 12.25 is useful today. Those would be my intial prices to monitor if I were in that trade.
  15. Josh, the gap is a session gap so it hasn't filled. 29th Nov high was 1197.25(back adjusted of course) and so this would be a profile/range gap not a close-open gap. It's also useful to look at. But nonetheless the test was still important as it attempted the low volume area on the profile. Either way it was useful for bulls and now we just have to "see what they've got".
  16. Short comment today but nice picture! Key prices for those of a bearish persuasion will be yesterday's open 1213.75 and 1219.75 areas. I would suggest that bulls out there will be unlikely to want to see price below 1202.50 and 1198.00 areas. Here's my chart:-
  17. Blogs and students aside steve, thanks for sharing that info with us. In fairness many people wouldn't know that this kind of behaviour can take place although I would hope that many would also be able to take a guess at reasons for it aswell. I'd also point out that while you mention "stop running" and "stop probe" as key phrases(!) there are other reasons for taking out an extreme by a tick or so. One for example is that it is a "failed auction"(!-sry). It is conceivable that short term activity is extremely directional and that a second test of the same area does slightly penetrate an area due to the sheer weight of orders going through. However, the area in question is an important technical level and longer term players are happy to absorb trade. The "new auction" thus fails and a move away from the area ensues. Anyway, gotta do my other post now
  18. Need to define swings properly I think. Hmm. Yeah I saw the reverse. They just stepped in and took it when it was pushing new lows. NQ btw wasn't at the same time.
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