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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. There a lots of options. It depends on whether you are willing to pay for a platform, which data/platform you already have if any, if you want to watch it real time. Give me some details then I'll suggest some options for you.
  2. Yeah it could pull back with people squaring up before they go to lunch/go home and still trade higher. Watch activity. Watch Volume POC and IB low. I think the low is still quite poor though. 7.50 points even with this movement is low for the day so I'd certainly expect either a break of the high or low. This time yesterday, range was 6.75 and finished 9.50.
  3. Bear in mind that it's going to be lunchtime soon and my guess is that some traders will either do something else or go home early given how slow the trading is currently. Doesn't mean that there won't be chances later on though when they've left
  4. Possibly although I was more referring to the chance of a neutral day. Correct.
  5. Btw, the mid is currently the VWAP and pretty much the overnight low. That should say something for the decisiveness of the market currently.
  6. The open is the caveat price on this idea though(after mid was taken).
  7. Just step back then. I would say that given we tested a decent profile low volume price then yesterday's low and couldn't get back into its range, we might have expected a bit more of a push, especially once 64's were taken out. Not a great deal of expansion of the IB range before a break back into it. Could mean sellers aren't that confident or just aren't there right now. Same could be said for buyers although they will try to move it higher until any opposition pressure comes in. I suspect this may end up being a neutral day already although time will tell.
  8. 27.2% ex on IB. Often means move hasn't really got legs and could show a decent move back. We did have an auction opening type in fairness although even though this action is fairly expected, it's still a bit lame so far.
  9. Yeah that worked well. As did the 64's. Which price do you have for the gap close though? I have 1253.00.
  10. Yesterday was pretty poor overall imo. There were some opportunities but the range was under 10 points. Volume has picked up a little overnight so we could see better trading today. Yesterday there was a poor high as well as a poor low yet the focus would probably be on failure to push up despite gap higher on open. On balance, given that Friday is NFPs I'd be leaning towards a further test of the gap at least before the release. Other than that, there are some well established levels below for the market to test. IF we were to move up, given the time of year and relative position, I'd think the market would be gunning for the psychological 1300 mark. I haven't really annotated the chart much just so you can get a feel without anything getting in the way!
  11. Bit of a move there but nothing to write home about. The defining action was when we moved up pretty well then traded sideways for just way too long. I think I'm happy to do other stuff for now though!
  12. Very very lame so far. Not unsurprising though. 2pm FOMC minutes looming.
  13. If you don't do things you know you should, you're less likely to succeed. Thinking about ways to improve your trading and creating a plan of action is something someone who wants to be successful should be doing anyway. Saying it's new year's resolution is just convenient from a timing point of view. So do and succeed.
  14. When you fade trends is it something you're doing consciously or is it more automatic? Is there something you feel you need to do to prevent yourself from doing it? Nice plan. How about have 1 running by end of each quarter with some wiggle room at the end of the year?
  15. Happy New Year! Opening up in low volume of recent activity and clearly above end of year trading. I feel it's important to not jump right back in until we see what the lie of the land really is. ISM at 10am est and FOMC minutes at 2pm could give us a better idea.
  16. Toilet seats aside, someone must have something they want to do differently/improve pertaining to trading?
  17. Lol. The routine idea is an interesting point though. I definitely find it difficult at times to stick to a routine as different things are always coming up which need attention. I am certainly better at it these days though. I think one idea that helps is setting aside time for doing non- daily stuff. That way, even if you have to mix the order up you still can get everything done.
  18. Haha! But will that help your trading dude? Quite possibly if it means you get it in the neck less frequently and as a result are less stressed!
  19. I RESOLVE TO DO MORE RESEARCH My resolution is to do more research into trading observations. Last year, I didn't necessarily manage my time in such a way that allowed me to do this well. I have a long list piled up which needs to be looked at and I need to set a period to do it at the very least, once per week. I may start off by doing this either for two 1 hour periods a week or one 2 hour period and see how I get through it.
  20. Firstly, Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and refreshing break. If not, think carefully before jumping back into the market! So what will be your resolutions for 2012? How do you expect to remain strong throughout the year and do you have any special tactics for doing so? Have you had any experience either in doing or not doing any of the things anyone else has listed as a resolution? Imho, if we can pull together at TL and support each other, we can stick to our new ideals and be all the stronger for it!
  21. Didn't quite get your 63+ overnight steve although we have pushed a little higher. Volume will likely be extremely light today. I won't likely trade much if at all. Not very forgiving as it is the sort of market that'll have 1 or 2 moves and then pretty much sit for the rest of the time. Here's a chart anyway:- Other than that, all that's left to do is wish you all a wonderful Christmas a profitable New Year!!
  22. There you go, very nice open! Tested high of yesterday and then moved straight to 1245 area.
  23. I won't be trading a whole lot today. However, if you do you should be careful. The low which pieced the 24-26 area yesterday did reject and although we didn't cloes on the high, the high was poor and it did close above the majority of the business which had taken place. This makes me think we are strong but perhaps might need to test before going up. Anyway, this is just one idea and we will have to listen to what the market tells us!
  24. Haha! Maybe your mind should be on trading rather than fantastical children's stories!(j/k)
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