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Everything posted by TheNegotiator

  1. Meh, out for 9's. Maybe it'll go but I don't wanna be short into what I consider good support. If it snaps it could be hard. If it carries on, I don't mind a re-entry.
  2. I'm really only looking for another test of the 7's as I feel it could well still hold up.
  3. Lower highs, lower lows. Hence I shorted just below the 13.25 at 12.50. Won't necessarily hold and hold unless it is really going some. Good that you took something mate and it could've gone higher in fairness.
  4. Yeah and actually, if it does make new lows, I have a feeling we will be gunning for a test of 1296.75.
  5. Or it could break to new lows. Or it could threaten either way and not go anywhere.
  6. 1/19 to today. Either way, I suspect if new lows aren't made soon and yesterday's close is taken out, we'll be looking for a test of 19.50 area. IF(lol)
  7. Yeah maybe. Not sure though as expanding rth balance from last thurs has us well within balance. we'll have to see i guess.
  8. No I mean that it didn't push further up and beyond yesterday's close.
  9. haha, no interest. that's useful in its own right though if we make new lows. missed the gap close by 3 ticks after a strong open...
  10. The open type was otd of the 7.00's. I would guess we could have a little further upward probing to go(imo).
  11. 14.50 is an interesting little price from just below yesterday's close.
  12. That's interesting. If you change the start date to 1/3/12, it happened on Tuesday. But I think 1/1/12 is probably the way forward!
  13. Can you post a chart of what you're looking at please? On the subject of time based profiles along with current lows, please refer back to post #1048. Just got to see if the move back up is sustained now! EDIT: Btw the expanded price scale shows the poc to be 1307.00 not 07.25.
  14. Tom, in general I would agree. However, if you are a fund trading opm, how do you report to them? Based on a balance area within the market or on a quarterly/yearly basis?
  15. I think that the idea of scaling into or out of a position and the merit of doing so will not only vary with live trading results, but with many different other factors too. I would say that discretionary vs automated would be the major one, then personality and then method type. With the latter for example, if you trade based off reference levels many times you will see a rebound of a number of prices depending on the market. If you are always wanting to take the entire position off at once, it is far more difficult to then exit the trade that then doubles back in the original direction. You then take a full sized loss on the position. The other thing I'd point out is that (certain products more than others) markets tend to have a back and forth "spiralling" within overall moves. If you are entering based on levels, you can be onside within the "spiral"(crap term-can't think of a better one right now!) before the market displays behaviour which can be considered as reversal type behaviour. If you are more bothered by bigger moves and therefore the change over specific price to gauge your entry, then your idea of this is going to be different. As the article points out in different terms, it's really "horses for courses"
  16. I've heard of them before but no experience as such. Just make sure you read reviews from somewhere you trust before you spend your money.
  17. Maybe, but if your goal as a automated trader is to trade opm, the drawdown is perhaps going to be a key factor.
  18. Well, if you don't like my MP...j/k lol! Fair enough. Did both on that occasion then - maybe market is trying to satisfy both kinds of profiler?! Who knows.
  19. Yeah I did. It certainly makes sense to me. I think looking at more developed balance areas like this for reaction is the path I'd tend to follow in this sort of market(less confidence/conviction). One note would be that the test in your chart didn't reject from the VPOC any time at all. Maybe it would be worth while looking at an MP version in these circumstances to see if there are any differences.
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